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Mata Pelajaran : BHS. INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal : Jum’at / 3 Desember 2021

Jurusan : XI IPA/IPS Waktu : 120 Menit

Petunjuk Umum
1. Tuliskan nama dan nomor tes anda pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Kerjakan soal yang dianggap mudah terlebih dahulu.
3. Laporkan pada pengawas jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
4. Periksalah lembar jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Petunjuk Khusus
1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada salah satu huruf A, B, C, D atau E di lembar
jawaban .
2. Untuk membetulkan jawaban, hapuslah jawaban kemudian pilihlah jawaban yang benar.

Dialogue for question number 1

Dhea : We’re going to commemorate Earth Day next month.

Do you have any idea what will we do?
Sabilla : I have. What if we plant mangrove along a beach?
Dhea : That’s an excellent idea! It is beneficial to avoid sea erosion.

1. From the dialogue we can conclude that Dhea…

A. asks for an opinion to commemorate Earth Day.
B. needs Sabila’s idea about their program
C. asks for Sabila’s suggestion to commemorate Earth Day
D. invites Sabila to plant mangrove along the beach.
E. has an opinion to avoid sea erosion for the earth.

Dialogue for question number 2

Woman : I’d like to grow trees, but I have no enough space at home.
Man : Why don’t you try hydroponics?

Woman : I want to, but I don’t know how to do it?

Man : That’s easy. I’ll show you how to make it.

Woman : Thanks

2. Why does the man suggest the woman grow hydroponics plants?
A. They are easy to grow
B. He likes hydroponics plants.
C. He is skilled at hydroponics.
D. Hydroponics can be done in a small area
E. He will show her how to grow hydroponic plants.

Dialogue for question number 3

Yuliana : Have you decided what to order?

Mayla : No, I haven’t made up my mind. Can you suggest me?
Yuliana :…
Mayla : Good idea. I need something to quench my thirst.
3. Appropriate response to complete the dialogue is…
A. Can we have some orange juice.
B. Why don’t we have some soup.
C. What about having some fried chicken.
D. How about ordering some burger.
E. It’s better we order some appetizer.

Dialogue for question number 4

Miliana : Excuse me, ma’am. My spoken English is not good. What should I do?

Teacher : Well,…

4. The best response for the dialogue is…

A. take some writing test.
B. read some English newspapers.
C. buy an English dictionary.
D. remember as much as vocabularies
E. practice it a lot with your friends.

Dialogue for question number 5

Rheina : Mom, I feel tired and dizzy.

Mother : Well dear, I think …. don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

5. Appropriate response to complete the dialogue above is…

A. You must sleep right away
B. You should have some rest
C. I will take you to the hospital
D. I need some rest, too
E. You must take a medicine

Dialogue for question number 6 to 8

Andi : Sales have been off quite a bit this month. I think we need a big sale to get
: things moving.
Bob : I’m not sure that’s the best idea. In my opinion, people will get used to the
lower prices and not want to buy when the sale is over. The promo went on
for so long, people started thinking the lowered prices are the items actual
Andi : Maybe we could offer a short-term rebate?
Bob : I might go along with that.

6. What’s the problem discussed in the dialogue?

A. Sales have been decreased.
B. They will hold a big sale.
C. They need to get things moving.
D. People get used to the lower prices.
E. The promo couldn’t go on for so long.

7. Maybe we could offer a short-term rebate?

What does the underlined word mean?
A. A reduction in the usual price of something.
B. Available to be bought at a lower price than usual.
C. Refunding a portion of money that has already been paid.
D. An event at which things are sold to the person who offers the highest price.
E. An occasion when a lot of people sell different things to collect money for a good purpose.

8. Bob said, “I might go along with that.”

It means that Bob…
A. absolutely agree with the idea.
B. feel slightly positive with the idea.
C. was not sure with the idea.
D. strongly disagree with the idea.
E. didn’t care with any idea
Dialogue for question number 9.

Danish : So, what do you think of my singing?

Ichsan : It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Danish : Thanks, Ichsan.
Ichsan : No problem, Danish!
9. From the dialogue above, Danish is...
A. asking for help
B. giving an opinion
C. asking for an opinion
D. giving advice
E. giving suggestion

Dialogue is for question number 10

Situation: Nimas and Yuni are at a shop. Nimas wants to buy an umberella

Nimas : How about this umberella?

Yuni : I think it’s pretty good for you. It matches the colour of your clothes.

10. The underlined utterance is used to express ....

A. Giving opinion
B. Giving suggestion
C. Asking opinion
D. Asking for help
E. Asking for service

Text is for question number 11 to 12

Mr. Robin Sanjaya
Jalan Elang Raya No. 101

Date: March 25th, 2021

Subject: Invitation letter for a seminar

Dear Mr. Robin Sanjaya

We would like to take this chance to inform you that Sakti Abadi, a non-profit company, has
organized a seminar on “Winning Scholarships to Study Abroad”. This program will be held
on April 2nd, 2021. We have invited a well-known speaker engaged in this field as the
keynote speaker. We have also invited students who have succeeded in getting the
scholarships. They will share their experiences to win the scholarships as the way they
manage it.

Therefore, we are confident that the knowledge of taking part in the seminar will be
enriching. We would like to invite you and all your students to attend the seminar.

We eagerly await you and your students’ participation in the seminar

Thanks and regards

Mrs. Farida

Director attend a seminar

11. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To encourage the students to attend the seminar.
B. To inform of a great valuable seminar.
C. To describe what scholarship is.
D. To invite people to attend the seminar.
E. To invite a person as a keynote speaker.

12. We can conclude from the text that…

A. The seminar is very useful for students.
B. The seminar is free for Mr. Robin Sanjaya.
C. Mr. Robin Sanjaya is a well-known speaker.
D. Sakti Abadi will grant scholarship to study abroad.
E. Potential students will get a door prize in the seminar.

Text is for question number 13 to 14

Dear Ms Acha

I’m writing to inform you that you have passed the first screening for our ABC
Scholarship. The second screening is the written test and interview that will be
held on:

Date : Monday, May 16th – Thursday, 20th

Place : ABC Tower, W.R Soepratman Street No.90 Jakarta

You shall bring a copy of your academic transcript, a copy of your diploma
certificate, and two copies of your recommendation letter. You will be notified
via email and phone.

Thank you,

Admission Officer
13. According to the text, Acha is probably…
A. Staff
B. Teacher
C. Student
D. Engineer
E. Employee

14. What can we infer from the text…

A. Acha will study abroad by scholarship.
B. Acha gets ABC scholarship to study abroad.
C. Acha will go abroad on Monday ,May 16th – Friday, 20th
D. Acha brings a recommendation letter from her lecture.
E. Acha will have a test and interview for the scholarship program.

Dialogue for question number 15

Ria : Faiz, I’d like to invite you to my gallery opening tomorrow night.
Faiz : I’d love to go, but I’ve got some works to do.

15. Faiz response is…

A. Stating agreement
B. Accepting an invitation
C. Declining an invitation
D. Asking for permission
E. Refusing an offer
Text is for number 16 to 19

To all senior year students

Our school will have an IELTS Simulation that will be held on,
Day/Date : Saturday, May 8th
Place : Cendrawasih Ballroom, Bidakara Hotel
Ahmad Yani Street No.101, Solo.

Time : 08.00 – 12.00

It is a compulsory event for the third grades. Submit your name and classes to class leader, and
submit it to Student Affairs.

On the day of the test, please bring your student ID and 2 copies of a recent photograph. Any
inquiry about the test is directed to Ms. Amalia Hardini (+62 811-2345-6789)

Thank you,

Student Affairs Dept

16. What is the writer’s objective of writing the text?

A. To inform students about an event held by a social media group.
B. To invite students for an English test simulation
C. To inform them about an online English test
D. To advertise an online English Course.
E. To invite students to join a social media group

17. “Any inquiry about the test is directed….”

The underlined word is opposite in meaning to…
A. Quiz
B. Answer
C. Question
D. Challenge
E. Questionnaire

18. It is a compulsory event for the third graders”.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to…
A. Unnecessary
B. Non-essential
C. Selected
D. Optional
E. Mandatory

19. How long does the test take?

A. 2 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 5 hours
E. 6 hours
Text for questions number 20 to 21
Reports of bullying in schools have risen. The victims often ended up with depression
and mental illness. The issue of bullying cannot be taken lightly.

Bullying has effects on both victims and perpetrators. The victims will often feel lonely,
sad, and empty. It can also be traumatic. Some children who experience bullying
develop severe anxiety and depression. They have also eating and sleeping difficulties
which cause them to have health problems. Furthermore, the bullying affects their
school life; some even drop out from school.

As for the perpetrators, they will develop violent behaviour toward people and have
tendency to be abusive. They will have a hard time in adjusting to life with other people
as they cannot interact well with them. Sadly, there is a chance that bullying
perpetrators will likely emerge as criminals.

The effects of bullying are dreadful, and I believe that parents do not want to let
bullying happen to their children. We need to come with solutions to solve the issue of
school bullying.

20. What’s the topic of the second paragraph?

A. The effects of bullying on the perpetrators.
B. The effects of bullying on the victims.
C. The way bullies bully their victims.
D. The reason why bullying happens
E. The way to stop bullying practice at school

21. “…they will develop violent behaviour toward people and have tendency to be abusive”. What does
the underlined word mean?
A. Kind
B. Happy
C. Cruel
D. Defensive
E. Easy going

Text for question number 22 to 23

Energy gone? Finding yourself irritated by the people around you? Feeling
bored by the repetitive tasks that occupy you day after day? Well, you might just be in
need of a vacation.
Researchers have suggested that people who too frequently skip leisure
activities – such as taking vacation, going to the gym, or socializing with friends – will
more strongly feel the negative health effects associated with high levels of stress.
So, whether you hop on a plane for a tropical location or go for a walk down an
unfamiliar street, taking a break from the routine can increase levels of creativity and
productivity at work. It will also improve your overall health.
While most people clearly need to work in order to live, they must not fall into
the rut of living in order to work. Routinely taking a break – be it a short hike down a
favourite trail or a longer retreat to a favourite island – can preserve your health,
improve your attitude, and reinvigorate your creativity.

Adopted from: Sajitha Sivers, The Write Model, Johor, Fairfield Book Publisher PTE Ltd, 2016

22. What’s the text about?

A. What leisure activities are
B. When leisure activities are needed
C. Why leisure activities are important
D. How people can do leisure activities
E. Where people can do leisure activities

23. Why can leisure activities preserve our health?

A. They make us feel proud.
B. They prevent us from stress.
C. They make us think positively.
D. They are nutrients for our bodies.
E. They can improve our immunity.
Text for questions number 24 to 25
The Benefit of Online Shopping

Smartphones are not only used as entertainment, but also function tools for a variety of tasks.
Many people nowadays have smartphones to sustain their daily lives, and one of them is to
shop. The term is commonly known as online shopping, meaning that they can buy what they
need online. There are three main benefits to online shopping. The first benefit is to save time
and energy. By online shopping, people do not need to waste their time and energy on the
road to shop at malls or physical stores. Instead they can just use their phone to browse the
stuff they need, add them to the cart and proceed to buy online. This can save much time and
energy for other activities. The second benefit is to have more options. As we know,
conventional stores have limited stocks and supplies. When we go to one shop and cannot
find what we need, we need to go to another place and so on. This can be solved by online
shopping, for we can just browse what we need by typing and scrolling. Last but not least, we
can also save money. Many online stores and websites offer us plenty of cashbacks that we
cannot find at offline stores. To summarize, online shopping has better advantages as not only
does it save our time and energy, it also saves money and provides us with numerous choices

24. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe what online shopping is.
B. To explain the roots of online shopping.
C. The explain the advantages of online shopping.
D. To argue that online shopping offers us more choices.
E. To say that online shopping can save much time and energy.

25. Why can online shopping save much time and energy? Because…
A. We just can stay at home while shopping.
B. Online shopping offers us many choices.
C. People only need to go to the store.
D. Physical stores have limited options.
E. Online shopping is cheaper.

Text for questions number 26 to 28

Nature VS Nurture

People wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed. Two
distinct schools of thought on the matter have develop. The two approaches are very different
from each other. The controversy is often referred to as nature and nurture.

Those who support the nature side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior
patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors. That our environment has
little to do with our abilities, characteristics, and behavior is central to this theory.

Proponents of the nurture theory claim that our environment is more important than our
biologically based instinct in determining how we will act. They see humans as beings whose
behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings.

Neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. In fact, it is quite likely that
the key to our behavior lies somewhere between these two extremes. That the controversy
will continue for a long time is certain.

26. What do the nurture supporters think about human personality?

A. Human personalities are developed for a long time.
B. Genetic factors play big roles in a person behavior.
C. Our abilities are determined by our biological parents.
D. Our environment plays important role in our personalities.
E. Our behavior isn’t determined by our surrounding.

27. The main idea of the first paragraph is . . .

A. there are two opinions about what determines our personalities
B. personalities and behavior are formed by nature and environment
C. the nature and nurture are two matters that determine our personalities
D. the environment has no influence on the formation of our personalities
E. there is a conflict between nature supporters and environment supporters
28. What does the writer think about the controversy above?
A. It is over now
B. It has really ended
C. It will not end soon
D. It is easily solved now
E. It will be confusing.

Text for question number 29 to 32

Plastic trash is everywhere. As we know, a lot of things come in a plastic package or a plastic
bag. They will eventually pile up and end up in the landfill. However, plastic harms our
environment, as it takes a long time for it to break down. The use of plastic should be reduced
for the following environmental reasons.

Plastic trash, such as plastic straws, plastic bottle caps, or plastic bags harms our ocean and
its inhabitants. There are a lot of cases where fish mistake plastic for food. Then they will end
up hurting themselves by getting near the trash and even consuming it.

Plastic waste that floats away in the ocean will end up at the bottom of the ocean and among
the coral reefs. The coral reefs can also be damaged from the trash that keeps pilling up.
Plastic can contaminate and eventually destroy coral reefs.

In conclusion, we are responsible for reducing the use of plastic in our lives. Our every effort
counts towards saving the environment. For example, we can replace plastic straw with metal
straw, plastic bottles with tumblers, and plastic bag with eco-friendly bags.

29. What does the text tell us about?

A. The benefit of reducing plastic.
B. The impacts of plastic on human life.
C. The dangers of plastic to marine animals.
D. The problems of plastic waste in the landfill.
E. The reasons why we should reduce plastic usage.

30. The main idea of the second paragraph is that…

A. Plastic harms our marine life.
B. Plastic straw kill the animals.
C. Animals consume plastic waste
D. Plastic pollutes our clean water.
E. The ocean is full of plastic waste.

31. Which of the following statement is not clearly stated in the text?
A. Marine animals mistake plastic trash as food.
B. It takes a long time for plastic trash to break down.
C. Plastic waste contaminates and destroys coral reefs.
D. Plastic trash keeps piling up at the bottom of the ocean.
E. The number of dead animals increases because of plastic waste.

32. Based on the text above, the writer recommends that…

A. We should replace plastic with other eco-friendly products.
B. We should stop throwing away our plastic in the ocean.
C. We should stop using plastic altogether.
D. We should recycle our plastic trash.
E. We should ban plastic everywhere.
Text for questions number 33 to 36

Nowadays, the way people think is influenced by social media. People can get
different benefits. Social media is very beneficial for business. Salespersons tend to
advertise their products through social networks. They don’t have to spend a lot of
money to promote their products on printed ads and radio or television commercials.
On social media, it is free to advertise. The only cost is energy and time and a little
money to buy mobile data. Through Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, online shopping
media or any other social site. You can lower your marketing costs by significant
For society, social media has also brought about important effects. Social
campaigns, such as sanitation, and healthcare, are effectively transformed for the
whole society. Pictures, detailed information and videos might be enclosed, as part of
the campaign, so people can easily follow the ideas.
In conclusion, social media is not something that people should neglect. In fact,
it has a lot of benefits for society.

33. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The positive effects of social media.
B. Good and bad effects of social media.
C. Importance of social media for students.
D. The use of social media for businessmen.
E. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and online shopping.

34. According to the text we can infer that…

A. Advertising through Twitter is cheaper than in TV commercials.
B. Salespersons must use social media to advertise their products.
C. There are some negative effects stated in the text.
D. Social networking sites separate people.
E. The only cost is energy and time.

35. What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To advise readers of the effects of social media
B. To persuade readers not to avoid social media.
C. To explain the readers how to use social media.
D. To tell an experience of using social media.
E. To describe social media in detail.

36. Social media is beneficial for business because…

A. It is cool
B. It is cheap
C. It has good effects
D. It is more expensive
E. It links people in town.

37. A week after the interview, my sister got a call from the personnel manager saying that she……….as a
A. accept
B. accepts
C. accepted
D. will be accepted
E. was accepted

38. The writer and her brother’s phone…by their parents because of poor connection during the storm.
A. had not been contacted
B. were not contacted
C. could not be contacted
D. will not being contacted
E. were not being contacted
39. “We need to modify our learning activity”
The passive form of the sentence above is
“Our learning activity …”
A. needed to modified
B. needs being modified
C. is needed to modified
D. needs to be modified
E. needing to be modified

40. Windy has stayed with us since her father…

A. was sent abroad by his company.
B. sent abroad by his company
C. sends abroad by his company
D. is sent abroad by his company
E. to be sent abroad by his company

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