Tseg Prelims 2ND Sem

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Our Lady of Fatima University- Valenzuela Campus

College of Education
Second Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Teaching Science in Elementary Grade

Preliminary Exam

Name: __________________________________ Score: _____________

A. Course Outline
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word from inside the box. You CAN’T repeat an answer.

Chemistry strategies processes Structure application

learner-centered real-life instructional Function Evolution

1. Content topics in Chemistry include Properties and ______ of Matter and Changes that Matter
2. This course includes understanding of spiraling basic science concepts and ________ of science
inquiry in Chemistry and Biology.
3. After successful completion of TSEG211, students should be able to demonstrate understanding of
basic science concepts in Biology and __________ for elementary grades.
4. After successful completion of TSEG211, students should be able to apply __________ and inquiry-
based approaches in teaching science concepts with increasing levels of complexity.
5. After successful completion of TSEG211, students should be able to develop instructional materials
and assessment techniques for meaningful understanding of core concepts in Science and their
application to __________ situations.
6. This course includes understanding of the use of teaching strategies in elementary science,
development of __________ materials and assessment.
7-8. In Biology content topics include Parts and _________ of Animals and Plants, Heredity: Inheritance
and Variation, Biodiversity and __________ and Ecosystems.
9-10. After successful completion of TSEG211, students should be able to use different teaching
__________ that will allow the pupils to have understanding of scientific knowledge, perform
scientific __________ and skills, and develop scientific values and attitudes.

B. States of Matter
Directions: Write S if the given matter is in Solid state, L for liquid, and G for Gas.
______ 11. CO2 ______ 16. waterbed
______ 12. fresh milk ______ 17. silverware
______ 13. hydrogen ______ 18. sea water
______ 14. sand ______ 19. neon
______ 15. water vapour ______ 20. Ozone

C. Properties of Matter
Directions: Circle all properties of matter. (21-30)

density length hardness volume

colour malleability odor melting point
mass creativity beauty
importance temperature
D. Properties of Matter
Directions: Identify the property of matter being described. Pick the correct answer from inside the box.
You CAN repeat an answer.

reactivity flammability toxicity acidity density

_______________ 31. The tendency of matter to combine chemically with other substances is known as
_______________ 32. The impulse for which a chemical substance undergoes a chemical reaction, either
by itself or with other materials.
_______________ 33. A chemical property that refers to the ability of a substance to negatively destabilize
another chemical or biological environment.
_______________ 34. The tendency of matter to burn.
_______________ 35. A physical property of matter that expresses a relationship of mass to volume.
_______________ 36. The ratio of mass and volume of a substance
_______________ 37. A substance’s ability to react with an acid.
_______________ 38. A measure of how heavy something is compared to its size.
_______________ 39. The ability of a chemical to burn or ignite, causing fire or combustion.
_______________ 40. Refers to the extent to which a chemical element or a combination of chemicals
may harm an organism.

E. Changes in Matter
Directions: Write C if the change being described is chemical and P if physical.

_____ 41. Digestion of food.

_____ 42. Chemical battery usage.
_____ 43. The explosion of fireworks
_____ 44. Melting an ice cube
_____ 45. Boiling an egg.
_____ 46. Boiling of water.
_____ 47. Mixing sand and water.
_____ 48. Burning of paper and log of wood.
_____ 49. Rusting of iron.
_____ 50. Baking a cake.

F. Solute, Solvent, Solution

Directions: Label the given definition or example as solute, solvent, or solution.

___________ 51. salt

___________ 52. hot water
___________ 53. sugar
___________ 54. A homogeneous mixture of two or more components.
___________ 55. Can be formed with many different types and forms of solutes and solvents.
___________ 56. milk powder
___________ 57. The substance that is being dissolved.
___________ 58. alcohol
___________ 59. The dissolving medium.
___________ 60. cocoa powder

G. Characteristics of Living and Nonliving Things

Directions: On the blank before the number, write L if the given word is a living thing and N if it’s a
nonliving thing. On the space provided below the word, defend your answer by EXPLAINING WHY.

______ 61. dogs

______ 63. rocks
______ 65. human beings
______ 67. sea sponges
______ 69. river
H. Effective Science Teaching Methods
Directions: With three sentences (or more), define the given terms, give specific examples, and explain
why they are effective Science teaching methods. Your answer may be marked from 1-3, with 1 being the
lowest and 3 being the highest.

Example: Discussion

Answer: Discussion means sharing of ideas. We can do it in the classroom by giving a topic to students
and asking them to brainstorm with their group. Discussion is effective because it encourages application
of learning, active participation, and immediate feedback from teachers and students.

71-73. Inquiry Learning

74-76. Project Method

77-79. Situational Analysis

80-82. Group Dynamics

83-85. Reflection

I. Instructional Material
Directions: Create the required activity/instructional material for each of the given topics. Each work may
be marked from 1-5, with being the lowest and 5 being the highest.

86-90. Write an experiment that will teach 3rd graders about the characteristics of a plant as a living thing.
91-95. Draw a poster about the States of Matter.

96-100. Write a 5-item quiz for 4th graders, about properties of matter.

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