Discussion 1 Post - Cultural and Multicultural Education

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Discussion 1- chapter 1

The course readings provide insight and an understanding of the role of multiculturalism in
education. The course YouTube videos further enhance that, which help illustrate the issues
learned in class. However, a significant gap still exists in determining the causes of multicultural
diversity and how to improve the outcomes of the involved students. According to one of the
videos, multiculturalism plays a considerable role beyond language and understanding. Manuel
Hernandez Carmona explains that the students must relate the course material to their cultural
context to understand. For example, he taught Latino grade 10 students about Shakespeare,
Romeo, and Juliet. However, he realized that they needed to pay more attention to his teaching
even after several weeks of learning. He appreciated the students' desire to learn, but he
attributed the indifference to the inability to relate the issues within the context of their
Hispanic culture.
The issue brought about by Carmona demonstrates the relationship between student needs
and cultural integration. In another video, Rebar Jaff affirms the role of cultural diversity in
education. In his country, Iraq, culture is considered a burden for stereotyping, but as a
Canadian immigrant, culture enhances his value and promotes his professional career.
Researchers should focus on integrating culture into learning based on individual student
needs. The curriculum and planning are based on what the culture and environment provide for
learning. Multiculturalism is likely to remain a major factor influencing education even with
technological advancements. That is because different students have varying beliefs and values,
which they are likely to uphold even when learning. Educators should be more sympathetic to
the role of culture and do their best to cater to student's learning desires. Education should be
made more interesting by integrating culture as a primary factor of curriculum development.

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