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Discussion 6- chapter 6

The course provides an illuminating insight into the value of activism in the current age of social
media and technology. Activism has shed light on some of the most troubling and worrying
issues humans face daily. Were it not for activism, most of the challenges experienced due to
climate change would remain unknown. Technology plays a huge role in facilitating social media
activism which promotes the spread of information globally. It provides a broad avenue for
information that people consume on a daily basis. Through that, it creates personal awareness
and consciousness, which generates ideas and illuminates some of the challenges faced daily.
Social media and activism promote a better understanding of the environment we live in.
Through the internet, people get to learn about their community and their cultural history.
However, further research is required to provide a better understanding of social media
activism that is peaceful and non-violent. Additionally, people need to be educated on the
importance of activism through community awareness and the internet.
Many people associate activism with chaos and activism, which is not valid. However, that is
not actually the case. Activism eradicates the numbness to pain that people have experienced
for years. It alienates the injustices and inequalities experienced in society, particularly those
facilitated by the government. Social media activism promotes the growth of culture and
heritage through open communication and awareness. Through awareness, it refocuses the
goals and objectives of a particular society. It alters the thoughts and actions of different people
to align with their vision for change. Most advocates use activism as their primary way of
communicating as it reaches more people quickly. Activism combines art and culture to create a
trend and movement for promoting introspective conversations within different communities.

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