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CPE (paper 4 – part 3) – Conflict and Cooperation

What are the most common causes of conflict?

 Greed/envy
 Personality clashes
 Desire for superiority

In what ways is cooperation essential?

 Problem-solving
 Between nations
 Team games

Before you attempt the task, group the lexical items below together under the
headings given. Then decide whether they are verbs, adjectives or nouns and
label them appropriately.

Accommodati Bad blood Defuse In concert Rivalry

ng Band together Enmity Incompatible See eye to eye
Acknowledge Bicker Fall out Intervene Set-to
Acquiesce Bone of Feud Join forces Showdown
Acrimonious contention Friction Mediate Squabble
Allow Camaraderie Give-and-take Mollify Strife
Altercation Collaborate Grant Pacify Take issue
Animosity Concede Harmony Placate with
Antagonise Concerted Hostility Pool Unanimous
Antipathy effort In accord Reconcile Win over
Appease Concilatory Wrangle

Conflict Cooperation Agree Try to create

CPE (paper 4 – part 3) – Conflict and Cooperation


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