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Miralpes, Fiona P

Bsa 1-C

1. Give at least five (5) proposal policies or plans that will help in the development of science and
technology in the country.
Encourage collaboration between public and private research institutions, industry, and
government agencies to encourage innovation and develop new technologies.
Invest in infrastructure to support research and development, such as advanced
computing, communications, and laboratory facilities.
Having an scholarship as well, specially to STEM by providing more support and
incentives for students to pursue STEM degrees.
Support Entrepreneurship of new technologies by providing resources and mentorship
programs to help entrepreneurships to grow their businesses.
Promoting International Partnership between scientists and businesses to promote
exchange of knowledge, technology as well as ideas.
2. Explain the rationale and possible effects of each policy or plans that you proposed if
Encouraging collaboration between public and private research institutions, industries,
and government agencies can lead to the development of more innovative technologies,
which can have a positive impact on the economy and society.
Investing in infrastructure to support research and development can help create more
opportunities for development of new technologies, as well as for the creation of jobs.
Providing more support and incentives for students to pursue STEM degrees through
scholarships would encourage more students to pursue STEM degrees, which would
result in a larger pool of talented professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary
for developing new technologies.
Providing resources and mentorship programs to help entrepreneurships to grow their
businesses can help foster the development of new technologies and create more
economic opportunities more efficient and effective.
Promoting international partnerships between scientists and businesses to promote the
exchange of knowledge, technology, and ideas would lead to greater collaboration
between different countries. This would result in the development of more advanced.
3. Describe the condition of science and technology in the Philippines during the period before the
arrival of Spaniards.
Before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Philippines were primarily an agricultural society,
with basic tools and technology used for farming, fishing, and other everyday activities.
4. Explain why the government needs to set laws, policies and plans which related to S&T.
The government needs to set laws, policies and plans which are related to Science and
technology in order to protect the public interest and safety, promote economic growth
and development, as well as ensure fair and safe use of technology.
5. As a citizen, what should you do to help the country’s S&T.
Staying informed with the latest developments in science, technology, and innovation.
Supporting S&T initiatives through volunteering, and other activities, as well as
educating oneself about the importance of S&T in our lives.

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