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The War against Covid-19!

By Charle 9G
One day, Charle has awoke from his slumber. Bob also woke up and they both decided
to rob a bank, but they needed a plan. So Charle got a shotgun and a C4, Bob got an AK-
47. Now everyone was ready, turns out it was guarded by police. Charle knew what he
needed to do. BANG! The police have been blown up by Charle’s shotgun. Charle and
Bob went to the vault and was about to plant a C4 until Covid-19 came to infect them,
then the swat came out of nowhere and yelled “It’s Covid-19, Shoot at it!”. Everyone got
their guns, and they were shooting as fast as they can. Covid-19 did not feel one bullet.
Charle shouted “Get in your cars and go to the military for help!”.
Once everyone arrived, The Military was also fighting Covid-19 “About time you
arrived.” Yelled the military. Charle questioned “How about we use grenades to blow
them up?”. So, everyone got a grenade and threw it. BOOM! Covid-19 got damaged, but
there were no more grenades left. “Yo!” Charle roared “Let’s go to Antarctica for help!”.
So, then everyone flew to Antarctica. “Looks like there are penguins.” Bob observed, but
they were not any ordinary penguins because they are strong penguins with PURE
MUSCLE. Then we saw Covid-19 again, looks like it is immune to the cold. The Penguins
started punching Covid-19 instead the penguins got infected and within a few minutes
they died. Then we started throwing snowballs at Covid-19, It got so cold it did not even
move. The swat yelled “Quick get to the plane!”.
Everyone flew to heaven, then there was God. He asked, “What do you need?”, Charle
angrily “Yo God are you blind, There legit chaos and mayhem by Covid-19!”. Alright let
us kill Covid-19!” answered God. Soon Covid-19 came, but we were prepared with God
like powers. We used lightning on Covid-19 and then it got electrocuted. Then we all
breathed fire on Covid-19, and it was on fire. We created spears and threw it as hard as
we can, Covid-19 got speared with one end on the other side. Then Covid-19 coughed
and made some weird toxic gas, Charle immediately screamed “Quick run!”.
Unfortunately, the Swat did not make it out alive with their heavy gear. God then made
a wall to block the gas from coming in. Then we realized that we needed more help and
we dug down to hell.
When we arrived, we saw Satan with his devilish army. Satan asked, “Why are you
here?”. Charle answered “Covid-19 is coming to kill everything!”. Then there was Covid-
19, Everyone knew that it must end now. Charle fired his shotgun and made Covid-19
bleed. Then Bob fired as fast as possible with his AK-47, Covid-19 bled even more. The
military started exploding Covid-19 with their Bazookas and RPG’S. Then God used
lightning to zap Covid-19. Satan’s army threw flaming tridents to burn Covid-19. Satan
threw lava at Covid-19, to melt it. After countless hours of fighting, Covid-19 could not
die. Charle remembered that he was making a cure at his house to stop Covid-19.
Everyone went to Charle’s house.
Charle went to his desk and got the cure which was a blueish liquid. Then he threw it at
Covid-19. Poof! Covid-19 is no more. While everyone cheered, a bat got Covid-19. Then
everyone knew that they had to chase after that bat or else all is lost! Charle and Bob
went in their cars to chase after the bat. The swat and military went in a helicopter to
chase after the bat. God and Satan did not do anything and just chatted. The bat went in
a cave and then it was blocked up with rocks by some caveman.

The End!
The reason I decided to write this story was because I was trying to find the cure for
Covid-19 but in the end I failed. The websites that I used to help me find a cure did not
help at all. So, I decided to play God and Satan games. Then I called Bob to come over
and do a pretend rob the bank. I made the story fiction because it would be an exciting
and easier way to understand. It was like a war against Covid-19, but Covid-19 broke out
and infected millions and millions of people. Right now, Covid-19 still exists, and we
must wear masks to prevent any more infections happening. We should still Quarantine
because I will have more time to start again a cure. One day I will finally find the cure for
Covid-19! Once I found the cure, I will be famous, and everyone will praise me as a God!

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