Global Education Lesson

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Teacher’s Name: Rena Aleman

Unit: Quadratic Equations
Objectives: Students will identify the global contributions of mathematicians to the development of the
quadratic formula.

Time Teacher Procedures, Student Tasks, Responsibilities, Monitoring

Questions, etc. etc.

12:40- Daily Warm-Up Students will complete the warm- I will assess students’
12:55 Project the following on the up in their notebooks by copying baseline knowledge by
board: down the heading and question asking them to share their
and answering the question as best findings and ideas from
Where do you think algebra
as they can. They will then share the warm-up.
comes from and why do we
their ideas and compare their
care about it? What and where
thoughts with their peers’.
is algebra used in “real life”
(outside of school)?

Check homework as students

work on the warm-up. Ask
students to share their answers to
the prompt and compare thoughts
and ideas.

12:55- Assign partners and project the Students will work together to As students work with
1:05 following problem on the board: find the dimensions of the field. It their partners, I will
Find the dimensions of a is likely that some will draw a circulate throughout the
rectangular field whose room to listen to their
picture to help visualize the
perimeter is 300 meters and ideas and monitor their
problem, while a few may think to progress and
whose area is 4,400 square
create a system of equations. understanding.
Instruct students to work with Some may need some prompting
their partners to solve the to think through the problem and
problem using the given come up with various ways of
information. approaching the problem to find a

1:05- Discuss the history of algebra, Students will take notes on the I will monitor student
1:20 specifically with regard to the history of the quadratic formula understanding bty asking a
quadratic formula, beginning which will be used in a student to summarize the
with the Babylonian method of
subsequent lesson to prove the contribution of each
solving a similar problem to the
one above by creating a system formula. mathematician in the
of equations and solving it using development of the
substitution, followed by Al- quadratic formula.
Khwarizmi’s more general
method of solving equations in
the form a x 2 +bx=c , and lastly
the ideas from the Renaissance
that allowed for negative
solutions as well.

Point out that the quadratic

formula as we know it today was
not developed by one person or
even one nation, but rather is the
amalgamation of the work of
various mathematicians around
the world and throughout the
centuries, which highlights the
centrality of Algebra to the entire

1:20- Instruct students to return to the Students will reflect on the history As students share their
1:30 question from the warm-up and of algebra and why so many answers, I will monitor
reevaluate their answers based on civilizations may have worked so their understanding of the
the lesson. Did they learn hard to develop these concepts. history of algebra and its
anything that changed their ideas global impact throughout
about where algebra comes from the centuries.
and what/where it is used? Do Their completed
they have anything to add to their homework assignments
original thoughts. Ask students to will also serve as a means
share their new ideas to wrap up of assessing their
the lesson. understanding.
For homework, ask students to
compare and contrast the use of
algebra in the US and outside.

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