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Desain Aset dan Karakter
pada Permainan Digital User Interface for Game

1. User Interface
• Like websites or mobile apps, • Seperti website atau aplikasi mobile,
video games have common UI video juga memerlukan UI komponen
components that help players untuk membantu pemain untuk
navigate, find information, menunjukkan, mendapatkan
and accomplish goals. From informasi dan menyelesaikan
start screens to coin counters, permainan. Dimulai dari permulaan,
video game UI components are UI game komponen menjadi aspek
a crucial aspect of playability krusial untuk dimainkan (harus
(a player’s experience of menyenangkan dan menghibur)
enjoyment and

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• To understand how these components impact
the gaming experience, we must quickly address
two concepts that are vital to video game
design: Narrative and The Fourth Wall.

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Fourth Wall
• Batas imajiner antara pemain game
dan ruang pada saat game

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Non diegetic
• Non-diegetic UI components reside outside of a the stat meter is non-diegetic because it exists
game’s story and space. None of the characters outside of the game world and story (characters
in the game, including a player’s avatar, are within the game don’t know it’s there).
aware that the components exist. The design,
placement, and context of non-diegetic
components are paramount.

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• Diegetic UI components inhabit both a game’s
story and space, and characters within the game
are aware of the components.

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• Spatial UI components are found in a game’s
space, but characters within the game don’t see
them. Spatial components often work as visual
aids, helping players select objects or pointing
out important landmarks.

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• Meta UI components exist in a game’s story, but
they don’t reside in the game’s space.

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Tips to improve game
1.Form follows function
2.Be consistent in UI design
3.The standard is enough
4.Accessibility is more important than
5.Take multiple resolutions into

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Form follows function
• An important rule when creating a
game UI is that the form of an object
follows its function and not the other
way around.

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Be consistent in UI design
• The UI of a game should be
consistent. Think about the way
players interact with the game. If a
frequently used button is first in the
top left corner, then in the next level
in the bottom left right corner and
then in the top right corner again,
this will confuse the player.

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The standard is enough
• Creativity is a good quality, but it can
also work against you in UI design. As
mentioned before, the design should
flow from the functionality, and it is
important to be consistent in the

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Accessibility is more important than
• One of the most important parts
when developing a game UI is
accessibility. Accessibility of a game
does not only mean that the game is
playable on different systems. It is
mainly about making the game
accessible to as many people as
possible. In the next paragraphs, we
look at readability and white space.

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Take multiple resolutions into account
• This is difficult nowadays with many
different devices and screen
resolutions on mobile, tablet and
desktop. If you have a different
resolution yourself, you will soon
notice that many developers
overlook this and the interface or
effects do not use the entire screen.

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Tugas Praktikum
• Berdasarkan diagram flow game pada GDD yang sudah dibuat, tuliskan
terdapat berapa UI .
• Buatlah 1 User interface lengkap dengan icon dan symbol.

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Tugas Mandiri
• Buatlah UI yang akan digunakan pada game kelompok anda.

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Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa
Indonesia (KMMI)


©2021 Tim Digital Media & Marketing Strategies

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