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2 Which of the following BEST describes sociology asa discipline? w @ © o Experimental designs of human interaction “The systematic study of individual behaviour ‘The systematic study of human Social behaviour Anunderstanding ofthe way things ae in society Which of the following practical issues shoulda sociologist consider before doing research? 1 4, ut “w ®) © iD Cost of research ‘Access a information Time required to do research {and IL only {and 1 only Mand I only 1, Mand til AMAJOR difference betwoon the psitiviss, and interpretivst is tht postvists “ B) © © usecase sti while interpretiviss se experiments © microtheorists while interpretivists are macrotheorsts use-quantitative research methods while interpretivists use qualitative esearch methods study human behaviour using qualitative methods while interpretivists study human behaviour using quantitative methods Which ofthe following are characteristies ‘of empirical research? 1 ui un. “ @ © © ‘The hypothesis is testable Daa are interpreted and analysed, Dai are collected in a systematic way. 1 and tt only and only = Mand it only 1nd ‘Which of the folowing ean be described as a mioroperspective? way ® © ) Marxism Feminism Funetionalism Etimomethodology Rewards for positive behaviour and punish= ment for negative behaviour are called “ @ © © Professor X has demanded that his class take parti isresearch. Non-paticipaion will result in failure in the course, "What ethical issue was breached by Professor X? “ @ © © Risk ofharm Confidentaity Informed consent ‘Voluntary parcipation 10. un Which! of the following is strength of funetionalism? (A) It attempts to explain social relationships. (B) | Tt regards individuals as largely | ative in their socialite (©) | Itexplains therelationship between the individual and society (©) | Much emphasis is placed on socialization in. shaping behaviour, Janet was conducting research on gender based achievement in schoolsand obtained permission from the guard at a local primary school 10 interview some of the students. Ten students volunteered to speak with her. Which ofthe ethical rales ‘of research did Janet violate? |Privacy (B) Transparency (©) Contidentialty (D) Informed consent ‘Thesociological imagination refers to (A) the effect of group behaviour on | individuals (@) | person's ability to see beyond ‘what is apparent (C)__ understanding sociology's changes |, overthe years )_| inate vanizenhat iy | I Will bo like in the future ‘ne sefonet “Sov should be vale fe ms (A) research should offer moral |. judgement (B) [researchers should be ethical and ‘objective (©) ‘theories should be non-ethical and objective (©) ‘researchers? emotions: shoutd | influence only conclusions 12 1s, 16. Which group of sociologists argues that & person's class is determined by bis or her Position in the economic system? w @) © © Marxists Feminists Funetionaliss| Intoeprecivits Which of the following pairs of data collection methods ean be classified as MAINLY qua w @ © © ive? Questionnaires, structured imerviews Unstructured intérviews, case studies Oficiastatites, cover participant observation Overt participant observation, structured interviews ‘When a research method is repeatedly applied snd eonsstnly produces the same resus in study, iis said to be w ® © @ valid reliable relevant standardized Whieh of the following sociologists is associated withthe Labelling theory? a @) © © M. Smith A.Cohen 1H. Becker Merton According to Oscar Lewis, the growth of single parent households inthe Caibbsan is aresultof (A) choice (B) _ povery (©) education (©) migition GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 17. 18. 19. 20, Which of the following may BEST be deseribed asan example of ethnocentsism? L 1 , wy 8 © o Existence of religious diversity Evaluation of all religions from ‘one’s perspective Viewing of one’s religion as the only eorect belief system {and 1 only ‘and tl only Hand tl oaly L)Mand Rastafarianism is characterized a8 an indigenous religion because itis «w @ © © Which of the fotlowing ee monotheistic in nature practised by al classes f religion that was formed exclusively inthe Caribbean Aerived from ican, Europeanand East Indian religious practices 5 groups has been MOST instrumental in the formal ‘education of Caribbes peoples in the jmmediate post-emancipation period? « (@) © © Hindus Rastafari Muslims Christians Which of the following religions is polytheistie? Islam (@)—Vodun (©) Hinduism ) Rastafrinism 21. 2 23, 24, Which of the following theoretical perspectives suggest that abellings used {o explain how teacher expectations are linked to educational performance? (Marxist (B) —Subeultura (©) Imteraetionist (D)_Funetionatist Which ofthe following stements are TRUE ofthe Marxist perspective on religion? 1, Itisthe opium of the masses. TI. Ie acts as @ meghanism of social conte IIL, Ie distorts reality and helps to produce fale class conssiousness. (A) Land ILomly (®) Land Ittonly {C) Wand lt only (D)— blandit “Religion is a product of patiarhy.” This statement reflects the sociological theory of (A) Feminism (B)—_Woberianism (C)_Funetionalism (D) Interactions A meritocracy is asystem in which rewards ‘and social positions are based on (A) class and gender {B) ability and ethnicity (C) achievement and class (D) ability and achievement 28, n, 28, Which ofthe following concepts is defined asa diversity of religious belief systems in a society? (A) Pluralism (B) Extremism {C)—Syreretism (D) Fundamentalism Which of the following statements was expressed as a criticism of Davis and Moore's theory of social stratifiation? (A) is ditcutt to determine which positions are mare important to Society (B) Those with higher levels of ceducationshouldbegivenhigher income and power. (©) The education system ensures that the best qualified fill the most important positions in sie, (©) Schools assist society in allocating its human resources to positions for which they are best suited ‘Secularization may BEST be described as (A) an increase in religious practices (B) _anenrichmont of religious beliefs (©) areduction of religious influences (©) an increase in the number of religious sects ‘The Marxist view on edusaton stresses that (A) society wardsinaividualsforhard work (B) education allows the elite t0 dominate society (©) individuals acquire skills which allow themtomestsocietal goals (©) education facilitates the teaching ‘of norms and values to young people 2, 30, a 32, 33 Insociology, the tenn “w ® © cy ife chances refersto various sks individuals tae in fe the opportunity to live in a developed nation state opportunities to experience an acceptable quality oF life the number of years an individual Tives inthe Caribbean According tothe socal pathology thesis, the changing family structure inthe Caribbean was. response to w @) © o behavioural patents of ehilren ‘the increas in erime and violence the school not warkinglosey with the family the disorganizing effets of sosio- economic conditions Which of the following theoretical perspectives illustrates that stratification leads to class confit? (A) Funetionalism (8) Interactionism | (©) Feminism (D) Marxism Bennie has been accorded honour and prestige fois high academic achievement ‘This reflects a change in { (4) role i (8) caste 1 (©) staus ©) power | Which of the folowing factors is MOST likely to reduce the prevalence of male under w @ © vement inthe Caribbean? Gender socialization Increasing family income levels Greater employment opportinities M4 36, Which of the following reasons BEST accounts forthe ‘open’ sem ofstatification in Caribbean society? (A) The upper class has maintained its privilege over other social classes (B) Government policy has promoted ‘equal access to education and employment opportunites. (© Women sil advocate foe greater access to education and employment opportunites, {D) Education and employment ‘opportunities are inequitably sistributed across all classes, ‘The Marxist view of social straifistion states that it (A) represents inequality of opportunity (B) — sccurssthe interest arthe dominant groups in soeiaty (© provides the greatest rewards for the mos important jobs (D) is functional to society since it assists in the allocation of human Lloyd Braithwaite (1953) observed that ‘Trinidad and Tabego’s social structure was founded on an ascriptive-particularistic basis. Which of the following was an ‘example of this phenomenon atthe time of his research? (A) Life chances were determined at birt, (B) _Ditferentcaces had equal access to employment (©) East Indians and Chinese mixed freely with Blacks. (©) Any person could have been eligible to become a carnival queen, a, 38, 39, 40, “Educational attainment in modern industrial societies leads to upward social mbit.” “This view is shared MAINLY by (A) Weberians (B) — Funetionaisss \ (©) Neo-Marsists + ' {D) Symbote interationsts ‘A social class can be described asa socal ‘10UP Which shares (A) similar ethoiciy * (B) —thesame religious beliefs (©) thesame geographical area (D) similar economic interests and consumption patterns ‘ents 39-40 refer tthe fallowing scenario, ‘Angie and Davey were born to parents who were market vendors. Both children got scholarships to attend prestigious colleges, ‘Angie becamieateacherand Daveybscame chemical engineer. ‘Whattype of ocil mabjlty did Angie and Davey experience? (A) Horizontal mobility (B) Downward mobility (C) _Iatergenerational mobility (D) _Iotragenerational mobility Wat po sca fs in te cowbubme! (A) Open { (®) Caste | (©) Closed (D) Chaslese | 41. “Social stratification provides an effective 44 ‘mechanism for role allocation.” This view ‘Sasociated with (A) Davis and Moore (B)Tuminand Smith (©) Weber and Mars (©) Durkin and Beckford 45 42, Thotenn social stratiestion oats to the existence of social (A) control B) mobility (©) upheaval (D) —incquality 43. The Maraist tem forthe “working clas” (A) bourgeoisie (B) proletariat (©) peasant (O) set END OF TEST Ina closed saciety which determinant will LEAST affect a person's social postion? A) Race (B) Education ©) Skincotour (©) Family ancesty ‘Which ofthe following Caribbean thinkers {is MOSTLY associeted withthe Pintation Society model? () LBest (BK. Levie . (©) G. Beckford () CY. Thomas 1 YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST,

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