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Health Information System

Main Features:

 Patients.
 Inpatient follow up who is reserved in the hospital.
 Physicians
 Assistants (Nurse – Receptionist – staff – etc...)
 Pharmacy
 Lab Administration.
 Imaging (x-ray) Administration.
 Emergency Management (Ambulance) and its integration with call center.

Complementary Features:

 Financial Administration (Payment – invoicing).

 Hospital Parking Management.
 Human resource management
 Warehouse management.
 Management Dashboard
Patient Medical Record (this is the main feature over the different product scopes)

 Personal Information
 Medical History:
o Previous visits to the hospital
o Examination and diagnoses at each visit
o Medications and prescriptions
o Frequented Diseases
o Pharmacies, which he used to take the medicaments.
o Physicians
o Lab test
o X-ray Imaging
 Assigning patient to a specific family and put the medical information regarding family diseases
according to the following information:
o Genetic Disease
o Relative relation
o Order in the family

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