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Goal: The 6th grade math team teachers will learn to upload students’ names into IXL from an

excel spreadsheet, so students may take practice skill assessments during the course of

1. Performance Objectives
a. First goal step
i. Log in to Skyward
ii. Performance objective(s)
Given a laptop or desktop (CN), the teacher must open a web browser,
navigate to the Skyward app, and sign in using the learners credentials (B)
within the allotted sign in time (CR)

b. Second goal step

i. Download student roster in an excel spreadsheet
ii. Performance objective(s)
While signed into Skyward (CN), the teacher must go to the gradebook,
click on reports, click on CLASS ROSTER, then click on EXPORT to excel (B).
The teacher must select the correct parameters for the spreadsheet. (CR)
c. Third goal step

i. Separate first and last names in excel from one column into two columns
ii. Performance objective(s)
In the excel spreadsheet (CN), highlight the column with students first and last
names and separate the names using delimiters. (B) The teacher must select the
correct delimiter to separate the names (CR)
d. Fourth goal step
i. Name the new columns first name and last name
ii. Performance objective(s)
In the excel spreadsheet (CN), rename the two columns created from
splitting the first and last names with the titles “ First Name” and “Last
Name”. (B) The teacher must make sure to save the roster. (CR)

e. Fifth goal step

i. Upload saved spreadsheet into IXL roster
ii. Performance objective(s)
While logged into the IXL app (CN), go to roster and upload excel the
spreadsheet with first and last names separated into 2 columns. (B) The
teacher must use prior knowledge to upload the document (CR)
2. Assessments

Roster Upload Checklist/Rubric

Name: ___________________
Observer: ________________
Date: ____________________

Instructions to the observer: Hand each teacher a handout while sitting in front of their
laptop and have them use the checklist to keep up with all the steps. As the observer, you
will rate them on the rubric to accumulate points towards their total.

1. Log in to Skyward 0 points 1 points 2 points

open a web browser The teacher is The teacher is The teacher is
able to open a able to open a able to open a
navigate to the Skyward app web browser web browser and web browser,
sign in using the learners navigate to the navigate to the
Skyward app Skyward app, and
credentials sign in

2. Download student roster in an excel 0 points 1 points 2 points

spreadsheet The teacher is The teacher is The teacher is
able to go the able to go the able to go the
go to the gradebook gradebook and gradebook, click gradebook, click
click on reports click on reports on reports, and on reports, click
click on class on class roster,
click on CLASS ROSTER roster and export the
click on EXPORT to excel roster into excel

3.Separate first and last names in excel 0 points 1 points 2 points

from one column into two columns The teacher did The teacher is The teacher is
not edit the excel able to highlight able to highlight
spreadsheet the column with the column with
highlight the column with students students first and students first and
last names last names and
first and last names separate the
separate the names using names using
delimiters delimters

4. Name the new columns first name and 0 points 1 points 2 points
last name The teacher did The teacher The teacher
not edit the excel renamed the two renamed the two
rename the two columns created spreadsheet columns columns and
from splitting the first and last saved the edited
names with the titles “ First Name”
and “Last Name
save the edited roster
5. Upload saved spreadsheet into IXL 0 points 1 points 2 points
roster The teacher did The teacher is The teacher is
not find the saved able to navigate able to navigate
roster to the saved to the saved
go to saved roster roster roster and upload
the edited
upload excel the spreadsheet with spreadsheet.
first and last names separated into
2 columns


0 – 3 points 4 – 7 points 8 – 10 points

a. Assessment measure for Objective 1: See roster upload checklist/rubric

b. Assessment measure for Objective 2: See roster upload checklist/rubric
c. Assessment measure for Objective 3: See roster upload checklist/rubric
d. Assessment measure for Objective 4: See roster upload checklist/rubric
e. Assessment measure for Objective 5: See roster upload checklist/rubric

f. Assessment organization chart

Goal Analysis Step Performance Objective Assessment

1.Log in to Skyward Objective 1: Given a laptop or desktop (CN), the See roster upload
teacher must open a web browser, navigate to checklist/rubric
the Skyward app, and sign in using the learners
credentials (B) within the allotted sign in time
2. Download student Objective 2: While signed into Skyward (CN), the See roster upload
roster in an excel teacher must go to the gradebook, click on checklist/rubric
spreadsheet reports, click on CLASS ROSTER, then click on
EXPORT to excel (B). The teacher must select the
correct parameters for the spreadsheet. (CR)

3. Separate first and Objective 3: In the excel spreadsheet (CN), See roster upload
last names from one highlight the column with students first and last checklist/rubric
column into two names and separate the names using delimiters.
columns (B) The teacher must select the correct delimiter
to separate the names (CR)

4.Name the new Objective 4: In the excel spreadsheet (CN), See roster upload
columns first name rename the two columns created from splitting checklist/rubric
and last name the first and last names with the titles “ First
Name” and “Last Name”. (B) The teacher make
sure to name the columns correctly. (CR)

5. Upload saved Objective 5: While logged into the IXL app (CN), See roster upload
spreadsheet into IXL go to roster and upload excel the spreadsheet checklist/rubric
roster with first and last names separated into 2
columns. (B) The teacher must use prior
knowledge to upload the document (CR)

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