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Exam Bite 3

1. Explain why we should focus on coaches in the first place

 Coaches have an impact on their athletes by setting the tone and how things
 Coaches are considered multipliers (whatever they do, it can be passed on to
athletes, colleagues, etc and can be good or bad) and bottlenecks (coaches have
a great amount of load coming from sport psychologists, athletic trainers,
parents, media, etc, must go through the coach)
2. List the 3+1 C’s of the coach-athlete relationship
 Closeness: affective bond including trust, respect, and appreciation
 Commitment: motivational dedication to maintaining the close relationship,
being invested
 Complementary: cooperative and collaborative behaviors, helping each other
 Co-Orientation: cognitive agreement and similarity, sharing knowledge and
goals, being on the same page
3. Describe the different peer leader roles
(Tommy Motivates Social Exits)
 Task Leader: a task leader is in charge on the field, helps team to focus on their
goals and tactical decision-making, and gives advice during the game, task
 Motivational Leader: motivator on the field, can encourage their teammates,
steer all the emotions on the field in the right direction
 Social Leader: promotes good relations within the team and cares about team
atmosphere mostly off the field, help with conflicts as well as trusted and a good
 External Leader: link between team and outside world, representing the
team/club through media and sponsors and communicating to outside sources
4. Describe transformational leadership and its four dimensions
Transformational leadership is focused on developing better followers, getting
people to want to change, improve, and be led to make an achievement
 Inspirational motivation: pre-game pump up, generates positive energy,
encourage team spirit to reach goals
 Intellectual stimulation: well thought explanations, encouraging to be the best
version of yourself and holding you to that high standard, use critical thinking
through and problem solving like using game film
 Individualized consideration: understand different individual needs can vary
from player to player, seeing them as a person and not just a number or a player
 Idealized influence: role model for the players, hold themselves to the same
standard, walk the walk with the players
5. Define what a “group” is.
 Two or more individuals who are connected by and within social relationships.
 Have common goals and varying degrees of task and outcome interdependence
6. Describe how a group develops (tuckman and jenson)
God Damn Florida State Never Punts Accurately
 Forming- orientation, getting to know each other
 Storming- conflict, disagreement over existing procedures and structures
 Norming- development of novel structures and cohesiveness
 Performing- goal orientation, task execution
 Adjourning- dissolution, increasing independence
7. Explain the main tenets of the conceptual framework for sport teams (carron and eys)
 Input- member attributes, group environment
 Throughputs- group structure, group cohesion and group processes
 Outputs- individual outcomes, team outcomes
8. List and describe three group structure phenomena
 Interdependence- task interdependence: degree to which the team task requires
reciprocal interaction of members, outcome interdependence: extent to which
members depend on one another in achieving personal and group goals.
 Norms- standard of behaviors that are expected out of group members
 Roles- pattern of behavior expected of an individual in a social situation.(degree
of formulization, fundamental focus
9. List and describe two group unity phenomena
 Identification- when an individual accepts the group as an extension of
themselves and therefor bases her self-definition on the group’s qualities and
 Cohesion- dynamic process that is reflected in tendency for a group to stick
together and remain united for the satisfaction of members affective needs,
10. List and describe two group processes
 Social motivation- humans need to interact with other humans and to be
accepted by them (social loafing, social compensation, social responsibility)
 Team cognition-an activity in which members coordinate cognitively with each
other integrating ideas and creating knowledge (group polarization and group
think). Example: situation assessment, planning, decision making. The two
phenomena are group polarization and group think
6 Roles
Please CC Skylar And Emma
Performance, clarity, conflict, satisfaction, acceptance, efficacy

Group Identity- based on social categorization, dimensions in group ties, cognitive centrality,
ingroup affect
In group bias- compared to outgroups, ingroup evaluated positively, like more, more influential,
target greater attachment, prosocial behavior

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