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Kelompok 2: Aji dan Advin

Topic: Task 3,how to introduce each city

Aji : Hello vin

Advin : hello ji
Aji :what topic do we want to take vin,for task 3?
Advi :how to introduce each city?
Aji :that's okey vin .bye the way,where do you come from ?
Advin : I come from lampung and you?
Aji : okey,i'm from here,palembang.
Advin : you were born in that city ji?
Aji : no, I was born in Banyuasin, another city in South Sumatra,what about you vin
was born in lampung??
Avin : No, I was born in the city of Tulang Bawang, one of the cities in Lampung. How
much distance does it take from Banyuasin to the city?
Aji : the distance from the city where I was born to the city of Palembang is 70
kilometers vin, how much is thats for you?
Advin : the distance from where I was born to the city is 190 km
Aji ; OK, that's far enough. If I may know, how long have you lived in Lampung?
Advin : I have lived in Lampung since I was born until now. what is a good place to visit
in palembang ?
Aji : there are many, one of them is the Ampera Bridge or kemarau Island,what about
Lampung Vin, do you think it's a tourist spot that must be visited if it's Lampung?
Advin : maybe a good place to visit in Lampung is Kiluan Beach. have you ever been to
that place?
Aji : yes, I've been to Kemaro Island, with my family on vacation yesterday, by the
way, have you also been to the place you recommended?
Advin : yes of course i have been there, there you can see dolphins. how about typical
food from you ?
Aji :Palembang's special food has a lot of vin, such as pempek, pindang catfish and
burgo. apart from the beaches, there are mountain tourist attractions in Lampung,
Advin : Yes, that's right, there are several mountain tourist attractions that can be enjoyed
in Lampung. By the way, is there already good transportation in your city?
Aji : Yes, in Palembang besides there are buses in the city there is also an electric train
LRT, what if your city is a city transportation vehicle there?
Advin : in Lampung there are only buses in the city. looks interesting your city has
electric train LRT. what are you doing in palembang, ji?

Aji : currently I'm still in college vin, what about you vin?
Advin : I am currently studying here. do you live alone or with family here?
Aji : no, I live with my college friends who are far from home too. How about you, do
you live alone with your family or with me?
Advin : I live here with my family. Do you live near the campus area where you study?
Aji : yes vin is quite close, it only takes 3 minutes to get there,what about you vin?
Advin : the distance from my family's house to campus is quite far, it takes about 15
minutes. how do you get to campus?
Aji : I have a motorbike, so I drive a motorbike everywhere in college, how do you go
to campus?
Advin : I usually go to campus using public transportation or online transportation
Aji : for education, what do you think is the best university where you are vin?
Advin : The best university in my city in my opinion is the University of Lampung. how
about your place Ji?
Aji : ohh yes I think so too, in my place the best university is Sriwijaya University.
You are also studying at Sriwijaya University,right. what do you think about
Sriwijaya University?
Advin : I think Sriwijaya University is a pretty good campus with qualified lecturers.
what do you think about Sriwijaya University?
Aji : I think so too vin, and also the largest campus in Southeast Asia!!
Advin : what is your reason for choosing Sriwijaya University to continue your study?
Aji : because UNSRI is still in my city area and the university's ranking is also good.
Advin : okey ji, nice to meet and get to know you more about you. I hope we can meet
and talk again.
Aji : ok vin, me too. see you later

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