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CEO / President: Doron Krakow

On 2017 Krakow joined the JCC Association after working with Jewish organizations for 30 years. He has
experience holding numerous leadership positions and is on the executive board for the Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. His education includes an economics degree from
Rutgers and an MBA from Cornell. His main goals have been increasing philanthropic relationships and
strengthening the Jewish community overall.
Executive VP: Jennifer Mamlet

Mamlet has been in her role since 2022 but has been working with the JCC Association since 2018. She
started as a chief development officer and now manages daily operations and leads strategic growth.
Her education includes earning a bachelor’s degree from Bucknell and a social work master’s degree
from Columbia.
VP of Programs and Talent: Samantha Cohen

Cohen works with programs and talent for the JCC Association. Along with this, she is also the head of a
program at JCC called JCC Maccabi and manages the online site Virtual J. Cohen’s education includes an
international relations / politics degree from the University of Manchester, as well as her human rights
master’s degree from the London School of Economics.

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