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1. What are the three components of the internal 13. How is The IIA's leadership organization
audit value proposition set forth by The IIA? structured?

2. How does The IIA deine internal auditing? 14. What are the two categories of guidance included
in theIPPF?
3. What are the four categories of business
objectives discussed in this chapter? 15. What are the three parts of the CIA exam?

4. What are the deinitions of governance, risk 16. What is the major objective of the Internal Audit
management, and control provided in this Foundation?
17. What are the character traits, known as the 5 Cs,
5. What is the difference between internal that are required for success in the internal audit
assurance services and internal consulting profession?
18. What are the seven inherent personal qualities
6. What is the difference between independence and listed in the chapter that are common among
objectivity as they pertain to internal auditors? successful internal auditors?

7. What are the three fundamental phases in the 19. Why is it imperative that internal auditors have
intenal liuiuit engagement, piut-caa: iin.cgin.j':

8. What is the relationship between auditing and 20. How many core competencies are included in
accounting? The IIA's Global Internal Auditor Competency
Framework and for what general job levels are
9. What is the primary difference between internal they recommended?
and external inancial reporting assurance
services? 21. What are the three common ways individuals
enter the internal audit profession?
10. What are some of the factors that have fueled the
dramatic increase in demand for internal audit 22. Do most people who work in internal auditing
services over the past 30 years? spend their entire careers there? Explain.

11. What types of procedures might an internal 23. What options does an individual have if he or she
auditor use to test the design adequacy and chooses to be a career internal auditor?
operating effectiveness of governance, risk
management, and control processes?

12. What is co-sourcing? Why might an organization

choose to co-source its internal audit function?



Select the best answer for each of the following 5. Which of the following statements is not true about
questions. business objectives?

1. Which of the following are components of the a. Business objectives represent targets of
deinition of internal auditing? performance.
b. Establishing meaningful business objectives is a
a. Independence and objectivity.
prerequisite to effective internal control.
b. A systematic and disciplined approach.
c. Establishing meaningful business objectives is a
c. Helping the organization accomplish its key component of the management process.
d. Business objectives are management's
d. All of the above. means of employing resources and assigning
2. Assurance, Insight, and Objectivity comprise:
a. The mission of internal auditing. 6. Within the context of internal auditing, assurance
services are best deined as:
b. The three lines of defense model.
c. The objectives of internal auditing. a. Objective examinations of evidence for the
purpose of providing independent assessments.
d. The value proposition.
b. Advisory services intended to add value and
3. Independent outside auditors provide inancial improve an organization's operations.
reporting assurance services primarily for: c. Professional activities that measure and
a. The beneit of third parties. communicate inancial and business data.
b. Management. d. Objective evaluations of compliance with policies,
plans, procedures, laws, and regulations.
c. Board of directors.
d. The CEO. 7- Which of the following is mandatory guidance
within the IPPF?
4. AVF Company's new CFO has asked the company's
CAE to meet with him to discuss the role of the a. Implementation guidance.
internal audit function. The CAE should inform the b. Supplemental guidance.
CFO that the overall responsibility of internal audit c. The value proposition.
is to:
d. The core principles.
a. Serve as an independent assurance and consulting
activity designed to add value and improve the 8. Which of the following is recommended guidance
company's operations. within the IPPF?
b. Assess the company's methods for safeguarding a. The Deinition of Internal Auditing.
its assets and, as appropiate, veify the existence b. The Standards.
of the assets.
c. Supplemental guidance.
c. Review the integity of inancial and operating
d. None of the above.
information and the methods used to accumulate
and report information.
d. Determine whetner tiie company's system of
internal controls provides reasonable assurance
that information is effectively and eficiently
communicated to management.



9. The Internal Audit Foundation exists to help audit 13. While planning an internal audit, the internal
leaders, practitioners, students, and academics auditor obtains knowledge about the auditee to,
experience continuous growth in their careers to among other things:
propel them to become:
a. Develop an attitude of professional skepticism
a. Strong assurance providers. about management's assertions.
b. Trusted advisors. b. Develop an understanding of the auditee's
c. Independent outside auditors. objectives and isks.
d. CAEs. c. Make constructive suggestions to management
concerning internal control improvements.
10. Which of the following is one of the 5 Cs essential to d. Evaluate whether misstatements in the auditee's
success as an internal auditor? penormance reports snouia De commumcateu to
a. Courage. senior management and the audit committee.
b. Consistency. 14. Which of the following is the premier certiication
c. Collaboration. sponsored by The IIA?
d. Candidness. a. Certiication in Control Self-Assessment.
11. Which of the following is a framework that can b. Certiied Internal Auditor.
help individual internal auditors and internal audit c. Certiication in Risk Management Assessment.
functions assess their current competency levels and d. Certiied Information Systems Auditor.
identify areas for improvement?
15. Which of the following is the ultimate position of a
a. Internal Control - Integrated Framework.
career internal auditor?
b. International Professional Practices Framework.
a. CEO.
c. The Global Internal Auditor Competency
Framework. b. CFO.
d. Enterpise Risk Management Framework. c. CRO.
d. CAE.
12. Internal auditors must have competent
interpersonal skills. Which of the following does not
represent an attribute of interpersonal skills?
a. Communication.
b. Leadership.
c. Project management.
d. Team capabilities.



1. Deine "value proposition." Explain why it is 4. Prim Rose owns ive flower shops in the suburbs of
important for internal auditors to have a value a large Midwestern city. Each shop is managed by
proposition. Describe the three components of the a different person. One of the tests Prim performs
internal audit value proposition set forth by The IIA. to monitor the performance of his shops is a simple
trend analysis of month-to-month sales for each
2. Describe the relationship between objectives and shop. Assume that Prim's analysis of the reported
strategies. What is your foremost objective as a sales performance for his flower shop on Iris Street
student in this course? Explain your strategy for shows that monthly sales remained relatively
achieving this objective. consistent from January through June. Should Prim
be pleased or concerned about the sales performance
3. Ina Icandoit has an 8:00 a.m. class each day. report for the shop on Iris Street over this six-month
The professor has instilled in the students the [ ' » I 1WV I . 1 , .A j IS I I

importance of getting to class on time, so Ina has

made this one of her objectives for the semester. 5. Discuss:
What risks threaten the achievement of Ina's
a. The inherent personal qualities common among
objective? What controls can Ina implement to
successful internal auditors.
mitigate these risks?
b. The knowledge, skills, and credentials entry-level
internal auditors are expected to possess.
c. Additional knowledge, skills, and credentials
in-charge internal auditors might be expected to
d. Additional knowledge, skills, and credentials
CAEs might be expected to possess.



CASE1 Issue tracking of outstanding internal audit engage¬

ment work.
Visit The IIA's website ( Locate, read,
and prepare to discuss the following items: Reporting and trending of audit plans, engagements,
issues, and other areas of internal audit data necessary
A. Frequently asked questions about to monitor the performance of the engagement team
and the organization, and provide insights into future
internal auditing:
1. How do internal and external auditors differ and
how should they relate?
Readers ofInternalAuditing: Assurance £2 Advisory Ser¬
2. How does internal audit maintain its independence
vices will be provided opportunities to learn about Team-
and objectivity?
Mate+ via a series of four case exercises. The exercises
3. Is it mandatory to have an internal audit activity?
and the chapters to which they pertain are listed below:
4. What are the critical skills and attributes of a CAE?
5. What are the skillsets and stafing needs of an inter¬ Exercise 1: Assessmentchapter 5, "Business Pro¬
nal audit activity? cesses and Risks."
6. What is internal audit's role in preventing, detecting, Exercise 2: Project and Internal Controlschapter
and investigating fraud? 6, "Internal Control."
7. What services can the internal auditors provide for
the audit committee? Exercise 3: Project and the Audit Engagement Pro¬
8. What should be the reporting lines for the CAE? cesschapter 12, "Introduction to the Engagement
9. What standards guide the work of internal audit Process."
professionals? Exercise 4: Issue Trackingchapter 14, "Communi¬
10. Why should an organization have an audit committee? cating Assurance Engagement Outcomes and Per¬
forming Follow-Up Procedures."
B. The content outlines for the three
parts of the CIA exam. Each case exercise will be introduced in the Cases section
of the pertinent chapters and will be dependent upon the
work performed in the previous exercise.
TeamMate Practice Case: Introduction Read the Introduction in the TeamMate Practice Case -
Introduction and familiarize yourself with the organiza¬
TeamMate1 Audit Management System, the world's pre¬
miere audit management system, is used by more than
100,000 auditors and 2,500 organizations worldwide.
TeamMate offers an ecosystem of audit management CASE 3
tools, of which TeamMate+ offers a complete end-to-end
solution coveing: KnowledgeLeader Practice Case:
A risk assessment tool that enables internal auditors
to assess strategic risks across their organization and Each case exercise will be introduced in the Cases section
develop a risk-based audit plan. of the pertinent chapter(s) in the textbook. The related
KnowledgeLeader resources for each case can be found
A complete internal audit documentation approach on KnowledgeLeader's University Center at https://www.
that integrates with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe
PDF for extensive workpaper coverage.
Time recording and repoting that accounts for inter¬ KnowledgeLeader is a subscription-based website that
nal auditors' full day related internal audit tasks as provides audit programs, checklists, tools, resources, and
well as time spent on other activities. best practices to help busy professionals save time and
stay on top of business and technology risks.



Protiviti offers professors and their students the opportu¬

nity to use the resources available on KnowledgeLeader to
broaden their curriculum and help students further their
studies in internal auditing, IT auditing, and accounting.

Student Instructions
For this course, students will receive a link and conir¬
mation number from their professors to activate their
accounts on KnowledgeLeader. Please note: username
and password information must be kept conidential; the
user may not republish, license, sell, copy, or display any
potion of the service elsewhere, except within the con¬
text of appropriately attributed academic coursework.

Please contact the course instructor with any questions.


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