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Writing Practice tests – Past paper questions

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people feel that the cost of space exploration is far too high for the
benefits it brings while others argue that space programs should continue
no matter what the cost.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

Leading space exploring countries, like the US and Russia, have allocated trillions of dollars to space research.
While some argue against this extravagant spending, I believe governments should continue to publicly fund
manned spaceflight efforts.

There is no denying that the Earth is suffering numerous problems that require government spending, from food
scarcity to substandard education. If the money that has been, and will be, pooled in space exploration was
redirected to agriculture and education, the living condition of the underprivileged would improve significantly.
More people would not have to endure starvation due to diminishing agricultural output in the last few decades if
drought-resistant crop varieties were successfully researched. Or, more students could access general, or even
tertiary, education if the astronomical investment in space exploration was withdrawn or halted.

However, the public has been misguided when dismissing space research as not beneficial. Without the satellite
orbits around the Earth, satellite navigation and the global transmission of voice messages, pictures and data
would malfunction, as the devices we have depended on for these services all rely on access to the satellites in
the outer space. Not just telecommunications that space exploration has revolutionised, every imaginable aspect
of life benefits, from the implantable heart monitors to lightweight commercial aircrafts. In fact, these
breakthroughs are the byproduct of successful investments into making space travel possible. It could therefore
be logically deduced that more space research would likely allow more patents and inventions to materialise,
which in turn benefit humans on Earth.

In conclusion, what the ignorant public perceive as a misuse of money has actually lifted their own living
standards. Although space research is a prohibitively expensive and long-term investment, it should receive
continuous funding.

(283 words)
Writing Practice tests – Past paper questions

Leading space exploring countries, like the US and Russia, have allocated trillions of dollars EXPLORE
to space research. While some argue against this extravagant spending, I believe A
governments should continue to publicly fund manned spaceflight efforts. SPACE

There is no denying that the Earth is suffering numerous problems that require DENY
government spending, from food scarcity to substandard education. If the money that has STANDARD
been, and will be, pooled in space exploration was redirected to agriculture and education, A
the living condition of the underprivileged would improve significantly. More people would PRIVILEGE
not have to endure starvation due to diminishing agricultural output in the last few DROUGHT
decades if drought-resistant crop varieties were successfully researched. Or, more A
students could access general, or even tertiary, education if the astronomical investment DRAW
in space exploration was withdrawn or halted. A

However, the public has been misguided when dismissing space research as not beneficial. GUIDE
Without the satellite orbits around the Earth, satellite navigation and the global A
transmission of voice messages, pictures and data would malfunction, as the devices we TRANSMIT
have depended on for these services all rely on access to the satellites in the outer space. FUNCTION
Not just telecommunications that space exploration has revolutionised, every imaginable COMMUNICATE
aspect of life benefits, from the implantable heart monitors to lightweight commercial
aircrafts. In fact, these breakthroughs are the byproduct of successful investments into
making space travel possible. It could therefore be logically deduced that more space
research would likely allow more patents and inventions to materialise, which in turn
benefit humans on Earth.

In conclusion, what the ignorant public perceive as a misuse of money has actually lifted
their own living standards. Although space research is a prohibitively expensive and long-
term investment, it should receive continuous funding.

(283 words)

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