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Choose two of the quotes below to explain. STARTER QUIZ

Explain the meaning of the quote, who says it in the play and how it relates Choose two of the quotes below to explain.
to one of the themes we’ve studied in class. Explain the meaning of the quote, who says it in the play and how it
Bonus points if you can also name the Act and Scene. relates to one of the themes we’ve studied in class.
“Now, Roderigo, Bonus points if you can also name the Act and Scene.
Where didst thou “Now, Roderigo,
see her?—Oh, Where didst thou
unhappy girl!— see her?—Oh,
/With the Moor, unhappy girl!—
say’st thou?” /With the Moor,
“Though in the trade say’st thou?”
of war I have slain “Though in the
men,/Yet do I hold it trade of war I have
very stuff o' th' slain men,/Yet do I
conscience/To do no hold it very stuff o'
contrived murder.” th' conscience/To do
“Not I, I must be no contrived
found./My parts, my murder.”
title, and my perfect “Not I, I must be
soul/Shall manifest found./My parts, my
me rightly. Is it title, and my perfect
they?” soul/Shall manifest
“The Duke does me rightly. Is it
greet you, they?”
general,/And he “The Duke does
requires your haste- greet you,
post-haste general,/And he
appearance,/Even on requires your haste-
the instant.” post-haste
“By Janus, I think appearance,/Even
no…” on the instant.”
“By Janus, I think

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