Metal Pollution Treatment With

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Metal Pollution Treatment with “Hyperaccumulator”

Introducing to "hyperaccumulator"

"hyperaccumulators" are able to grow on natural metals and absorb metals with a specificity way from
their habitas incude the thousands of times high level of the substrate, they absorb these metals
through their roots and concentrate extremely high metal content in their tissues.

More than 700 species of hyperaccumulator, including many species in the family Brassicaceae and
tropical tree species in the family Phyllanthaceae, have been identified. They store a wide range of
metals, including arsenic (As); cadmium (Cd); copper; cobalt (Co); manganese; nickel (Ni); selenium;
thallium; zinc (Zn); and REEs lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), and neodymium (Nd)

The study proves the effect of Hyperraccumlator in metal treatment

(Efficacy of Ni phytomining was demonstrated with a 7-year field study in Pojska, Albania, where
hyperaccumulator Odontarrhena chalcidica growing on superfine (Ni-rich) soils is extracted ~100 kg Ni
ha–1 annually. Once harvested, the plant biomass can be ashed, generating heat as a by-product, then
the high purity Ni salts are recovered using acid-based chemical treatments. .

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