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Principle of Accounts

School-Based Assessment
On the National Commercial Bank (NCB)

Candidate’s Names: Toni-Ann

Spaulding 1006405787
Shamecca Bailey
Camaya Rumble

Name of School: Distinction College

School Registration Number:1006
Name of Teacher: Mr. Kurt Mathews
Territory: Jamaica
Year of Examination: 2023
Table of Contents
Headings Page #

Tittle Page………………………………………………………………. 3
Objectives ………………………………………………………………...4
Background Overview …………………………………………………… 5
Methodology………………………………………………………………. 6
Presentation of Analysis of Data………………………………………….. 7-11
Finding Statement ………………………………………………………… 12
Conclusion………………………………………………………………… 13-14
Recommendation ………………………………………………………….. 15
Bibliography……………………………………………………………….. 16
Appendix……………………………………………………………………. 17- 18

Title Page

An investigation into accounting procedures of

The National Commercial Bank

 To investigate the accounting procedures at NCB

 To Discuss the accounting procedures of NCB

 To report on the performance of national commercial bank


The area of study for this project is an investigation into accounting procedure of National
Commercial bank (NCB), According to google research the researchers found out a lot about
NCB and their history. Firstly in 1975 Barclays Bank DCO transfers its Jamaican Operation to
wholly owned subsidiary, Barclays Bank of Jamaica Ltd; Two years later in the year of 1977
government of Jamaica acquires all of Barclays Bank of Jamaica’s shares and changes the bank’s
name to National Commercial Bank Jama Ltd (NCB). The Bank specialize in giving loans,
issuing billings to customer, pay invoices suppliers and a lot more. National Commercial Bank
had its genesis over 175 years when in 1837 the Colonial Bank of London, England, opened its
doors on Harbour Street in Kingston. Most Jamaicans have been using NCB over the years to do
various activities such as: Saving Money, paying off debts, transferring money, getting loans and

This Bank is also important to study as it provide help for people seeking loans to start a better
life and also helping them save for the future, it’s also important to the researchers because in the
future the researchers will be using the bank to help them balance their pay between spending
and saving. NCB is mainly used for helping people save their money but recently their atm
machine have been robbed twice, if the bank ignore this issued the business may lose customers
because people will not think its save anymore to save with or use their services any longer as for
the employees they would not have any job to do, so they would have no choice but to close
down the bank. At the end of this sba the researchers could email a copy to the bank so that they
can solve this issue also it could help other researchers complete their projects/Sbas.


In doing the researchers used two methods to gather data to complete this sba, a questionnaire

and an interview. (10) Ten questions were on the instrument; the questionnaire was consisting of

(5) closed ended questions and (5) open ended questions. The reason why the researcher has

chosen these two methods is because questionnaire because it can gather a large amount of

information however the reason for choosing interview is that we will get lot of Reponses and

meeting different employees face to face and we could even learn more about their positions.

Our limitation experience was setting up an interview date with Melesia Brown; the Bank

Manager of NCB, the interview was done on March 9, 2023 and the questionnaire was issued out

on March 8, 2023 and was collected back on March 9, 2023, but due to the traffic on the road

and the researchers has to go to school; the researcher arrived late and had to reschedule the

meeting using via google meet. The researchers face no challenges with the questionnaire, the

researcher got back all questionnaire that was issued out on time, this information will be

presented by using graphs and charts and the data will be analyzed using percentage.

Presentation and Analysis of Data

Question 1: Which position do you work as at NCB?

Column Graph Showing The positions of the employee


Bank Teller Accountant Bank Manager Clerk


Figure 1

Figure 1 shows that 26.7% of the employees are Bank Tellers, 33.3% of the employees are

Accountant, 20% are Bank Manager while 20% are clerks.

Question 2: On a scale of 1-10 how hard it is to calculate pay rolls for employees?

Bar Graph Showing on a scale of 1-10 how hard it is to

calculate pay rolls for employees

8 to 10

5 to 8

0 to 5

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Series 3

Figure 2
Figure 2 highlights that 13.3% of the employees think that 0-5 on a scale of 1-10 is how hard it is

to calculate payrolls, 73.3% of the employees think that 5-8 on a scale of 1-10 is how hard it is to

calculate payrolls whereas 13.3% of the employess think 8-10 on a scale of 1-10 is how hard it is

to calculate pay rolls.

Question 3: Is its Important issue billings to customers?

Pie Chart Showing if its important to issue


not really
not at all

Figure 3

Figure 3 highlights that 73.3% of the employees states that it is absolutely important to issue

billings, 26.7 % of the employees states that it’s not really important to issue billings, however

6.7% of the employees states that it’s not at all important to issue billings.

Question 4: Does NCB puts their logo on invoices?

Column Graph shows if NCB put their logo on invoices


Not all the time Yes Depends


Figure 4

Figure 4 shows that 6.7% of the employees state that not all the time NCB puts their logo on

invoices, 53.3% of the employees states that NCB do put their logo on invoices, whereas 40% of

the employees choose depends.

Question 5: Does the bank get good reviews about their Customer Service?

Bar Graph Show if the bank gets good reviews about their
Customer Service

All the time



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Figure 5
Figure 5 highlights that 5.3% of the employees states that the bank rarely get good reviews about
their Customer Service, 0% of the employees state that the bank did not get good reviews about
their Customer Service, however 46.7% of the employees state that the bank gets good reveiws
all the time.

Finding Statement

In figure 1, It was stated that 33.3% of the employees are accountants with 20% of the
employees are Bank managers and Clerks

Figure 2 highlights that the highest percentage of employees that stated 5-8 on a scale 1-10 is
how hard it is to calculate payroll was 73.3% as for the lowest percentage of employees they
stated 8-10 on a scale of 1-10 is how hard it is to calculate payroll was 13.3%

In figure 3, shows that 73.3% of the employees stated that it is absolutely important to issue
billings while 26.7% of the employees stated that it is not really important to issue billings.

In figure 4, it was stated that 6.7% of the employees stated that not all the time NCB puts their
logo on invoices however 53.3% of the employees stated that NCB do pus their logo on invoices.

Figure 5 highlights that 0% of the employees state that the bank did not get any good reviews
therefore 46.7% of the employees state that the bank gets good review all the time.


Objective 1

To investigate the accounting procedures of National Commercial Bank

In the aim of this research in the accounting procedures that have been made. It concluded that
when dealing with these issues you have to arrive at the bank early enough to get through; But
instead of going into the bank, National Commercial bank should have an option for customers
to choose to sort out their issue online or face to face. Figure 3, the researchers asked the
employees “Is it important to issue billings to customer?”.73.3% of the employees say absolutely
however 16.7 % of the employees say not at all

Objective 2

To discuss the accounting procedures of National Commercial Bank

To discuss the accounting procedures of National Commercial Bank

According to the study/research, it has been concluded that they need an employee who’s going
to always be available for customer care for the bankers who are only asking questions about
billings, invoices, credit card etc. Instead of them joining a long line and waiting for hours to get
through they can just call and get their responses over the phone. In figure 5 the researchers were
asked “Does the bank get good review about their customer Services?”, 53.3% of the employees
stated rarely while 46.7% of the employees stated all the time.

Objective 3

To report the accounting procedures of National Commercial Bank

In relation to the aim, it is concluded that their system needs to be more up to date especially
customers who cannot offer more than 1500 to join their bank. In the researchers Appendix
number 10 the researchers asked the employees “How much money does the bank charge for a
customer to join their bank?” the employees all stated that the bank charges 2500 for their fee.


In the aim of this research in investigating the accounting procedures, it has been concluded that

when dealing with these kinds of issue you have to arrive at the bank early enough to get

through. One recommendation is that ncb needs to increase a faster system for both employees

and customers so in the future the bank can be more successful.

According to the study/research about the discussion of the accounting procedures, it has been

concluded that they need an employee who’s going to always be available for customer care. The

data shows that the percentage increased and sometimes decreased about the bank getting good

reviews. One recommendation shows that the researchers has pointed out that the National

Commercial Bank can add more accounting procedures to their accounting cycle since they are

getting a lot of feedbacks

In relation to the aim about reporting the accounting procedures of ncb, it has been concluded

that their system needs to be up to date for bankers who cannot afford the bank fee to join their

bank. The data shows the percentage was deceased due to the money issued about joining the

bank. The recommendation suggests that they need to decrease the price down for bankers who

wants to join the bank to save their pay wisely but cannot afford the bank fee because of the

minimum wage that they are getting monthly or weekly.


Online Article

History. National Commercial bank- NCB Jamaica Ltd.


1. Which position do you work as at NCB?

( ) Bank Teller

( ) Accountant

( ) Bank Manager

( ) Clerk

2. On a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to calculate payroll?

( ) 0-5

( ) 5-8

( ) 8-10

3. Is it important to issue billings to customers?

( ) absolutely

( ) not really

( ) not at tall

4. Do you put logo on invoices?

( ) Not all the time

( ) Yes

( ) Depends

5. Does the bank get good reviews about their Customer Services?

( ) Rarely

( ) No

( ) All the time

6. Is it important to give out pay rolls to employees? State Why.

7. Do customers need a lot of requirements for a loan? State one of the requirements an
employee need.

8. Give a percentage of how easy is it to transfer money in and out of your account?

9. When is the best day to visit the bank?

10. How much money does the bank charge a customer to join their bank?


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