3 - Simple Past - Present Perfect - Bai Hoc

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S + started/ began + V-ing/ to + V S + have/ has + V3/ed

Chứa “started/ began”  + V-ing/ to + V Bỏ “started/ began”

in/ on/ at + Noun Since + Noun

When + Clause Since  +  Clause

Ago For

Last Haven’t/ hasn’t

When … ?/ How long ago … ? How long … ?

S + HTHT (phủ định) + for + thời gian

* TYPE 1:
It’s + thời gian ….+ since …+ last + QKĐ (khẳng định)

Example: I haven’t seen my father for one month.

– It is one month since I last saw my father.

Tom hasn’t had his hair cut for over three months.

– It is three months since Tom last had his hair cut.


** TYPE 2: S + HTHT (phủ định) + before

It’s + the first time + S + HTHT (khẳng định)

Example: I haven’t seen that man here before.

– It is the first time I have met that man here.

It is the first time I have read this book.

– I haven’t read this book before.

- S + HTHT (phủ định) + since / for + …..

*** TYPE 3:
- S + last + QKĐ (khẳng định) …+ when + mệnh đề

- The last time + S + QKĐ (khẳng định) + was + thời gian

Example: I haven’t heard him since August.

– The last time I heard him was in August.

I haven’t seen him since I left school.

– I last saw him when I left school.

S + HTHT (khẳng định) + for + thời gian

**** TYPE 4:
S + began / started + V-ing + thời gian + ago

Example: I have worked here for ten years.

– I began working here ten years ago.

It started raining two days ago.

– It has rained for two days.

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