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Constitution and By-Laws of Akbayan Youth


We, young Filipinos, acting collectively as the youth wing of Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party,
united by our common desire to promote democracy, equity, humanism, internationalism,
socialist feminism and ecological socialism bound by our diverse and dynamic knowledge and
experiences and committed to seeking and traversing a socialist path in breaking traditional and
elite politics and ultimately catalyzing social change through progressive activism, do hereby
ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article I: Name and symbols

Section 1. The organization shall be known by the name Akbayan Youth and shall be known as the youth
wing of Akbayan Citizens' Action Party.

Section 2. Akbayan Youth shall be marked by the color fire-orange symbolizing militancy and its brand of
activism that will transform society.

Article II: Nature and Basic Principles

Section 1. Nature – Akbayan Youth is a Socialist youth organization espousing participatory socialism and
participatory democracy. Though it is the youth wing of Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party, it is an
independent and autonomous organization of young people with distinct organizational processes.

Section 2. Akbayan Youth’s Principles. The basic principles of the organization are as follows:

a) DEMOCRACY: which builds upon the right of every young Filipino to meaningful participation in
political processes; asserts pluralism, equality, democratic culture; and empowers the marginalized
majority of the people against elite democracy and oppression along socialist ideals.
b) EQUITY: which upholds the right of every Filipino to have accessible, quality and relevant education;
decent employment and adequate health services; asserts the autonomy and free association of young
people; takes a stand and relies on the strength of the people to end all forms of capitalist exploitation and
achieve full social protection.
c) HUMANISM: which genuinely underscores the fullest dignity due to all human beings across and within
generations, families, clans, ethnicity, gender, nations, attendant cultures, spirituality, as well as our
relationship to Mother Earth; asserts the autonomy and the free association of social movements in civil
society; and works towards full self-expression and self-realization towards resolving social alienation.
d) INTERNATIONALISM: which painstakingly works to end violent conflicts among nation-states all over
the globe; promotes various forms of international cooperation towards peace and development and
justice; underscores solidarity among the world’s peoples especially the young, social movements and
toilers’ parties; and actively partakes in broad actions to end all forms of colonialist and imperialist
adventures and unilateralism from the most powerful nation-states.
e) SOCIALIST FEMINISM: which acknowledges the systematic disadvantages of women and sexual
minorities in contexts of institutionalized patriarchy; asserts the centrality of gender issues in analyses of
capitalist exploitation and political praxis; works towards the elimination of the sexual division of labor; and
moves for the transformation of perspectives on gender relations, sexuality, reproduction, and the family
f) ECOLOGICAL SOCIALISM: which sees capitalism, patriarchy, and extractive industrialization as
sources of environmental degradation; works towards a national framework for the integration of
development and conservation by redefining needs, undertaking asset reforms, and promoting
alternatives to the industrial mode of production; rediscovers the feminist principle in nature and view of
the earth as sustainer and provider that promotes the nurturing value for Mother Earth; celebrates
indigenous knowledge and local participation in development; and enables communities to care for their
Section 3. Political Objectives. The basic political objectives of Akbayan Youth are as follows:

a) To directly engage in effective and progressive good governance, promote new politics in both the
national and local levels through the elected public officials from its ranks and within its spheres of
b) To work for the passage of bills in Congress and legislation in local legislative and special bodies that
shall benefit the peoples’ welfare particularly on the concerns of education, health, youth employment,
human rights, political participation, environment and peace.
c) To launch and maintain the closest possible cooperation, launch joint undertakings and engage in
solidarity work with the workers’, indigenous peoples', peasants’ and other toilers’ mass and other social
movements including those of overseas Filipinos. Espouse solidarity with various civil society
organizations on the local, intermediate and national levels for development, democratization and other
purposes for the betterment of the peoples’ welfare.
d) To build Alternative Centers versus traditional centers of Power in schools and communities through
capacitating young people's and student's organizations. Creation of alternative venues/organizations
among the students/youth themselves that are radically departing from traditional ways of organizing and
gaining collective power.

Section 4. Policies. The basic policies of the organization are as follows:

a) At least 30% of all leadership positions at every organizational level shall be reserved for women;
b) The selection of the Organization’s Candidates at local levels shall primarily be the domain of the
Organization Units concerned;
c) All Official Candidates of the Organization must be Members of, and duly accountable to, the
Organization; and
d) AUTONOMY AND SUBSIDIARITY: Local initiatives shall be encouraged and local decisions
safeguarded. However, higher Units and Organs may override such initiatives and decisions when higher
interests of the Organization so require.

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Qualifications – the following are the basic qualifications for membership in the  organization:

a) Any Filipino citizen from fifteen (15) to thirty (30) years of age is eligible to join the organization;
b) Completion of the organization’s orientation seminar;
c) Endorsement of concurrence of the majority of the members of the units or Executive Committee;

Section 2. Disqualification – the following shall be the grounds for disqualification from the organization:

a) Commission of any action contrary to the principles and interests of the organization;
b) Membership in any organization or group whose principles are in conflict with the organization’s

Section 3. Rights – Every member in good standing shall have the following rights:

a. To be fully informed about the organization;

b. To vote for and be voted as an officer of the organization;
c. To participate in all activities of the organization; and
d. To initiate arbitration proceedings against any officer and/or member of the organization.  

Section 4. Duties – Every member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a) To abide by this constitution;

b) To keep himself or herself informed about official matters related to the organization;
c) To comply with all duly-promulgated organizational regulations, procedures, and decisions;
d) To pay, in full and on time, all organizational fees and dues;
e) To actively recruit new members for the organization;
f) To be active in organizational activities; and
g) To be a member of the Party and, if 18 (15) years old and above, to be a registered voter

Article IV. Organizational Structure. The organization’s structure has two levels: the basic
organizational units and the national organs. The basic units are the Barangay or School Chapters, City
or Municipal Clusters, and Provincial or District Assemblies. The national organs are comprised of the
National Congress, National Council, National Executive Committee, and the National Secretariat.

Article V. The Basic Organizational Units

Section 1. Chapters – The Chapter shall be the basic unit of the organization, given that:

a. A member must belong to a chapter.

b. Each chapter shall have a minimum of fifteen (15) members wherein majority of members are of the
age of majority.
c. A Chapter can be formed in barangays, inside schools, in similar educational institutions and in the
workplace. There shall be not more than one chapter in a barangay or a school unless otherwise
approved by NC based on the guidelines they have set.
d. Chapters shall be the primary vehicle for recruitment and for the education programs of the

Section 2. Clusters and Assemblies – A Municipal Cluster shall be comprised of at least three (3)
Chapters while an Assembly shall be comprised of at least three (3) Clusters. For organizational
purposes, a component city may form its own Cluster, while an assembly may be form in large legislative
districts and highly urbanized cities may form their own.

Section 3. Unit Officers – Every unit shall elect among themselves a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and
Treasurer, which shall comprise the unit’s Executive Committee. The units may create other positions that
they deem necessary. The unit’s Executive Committee officers shall have the following basic tasks:

a) The Unit Chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the unit, prepare the agenda for the same,
represent the unit and ensure the expansion of the chapter, cluster and assembly.
b) The Unit Vice-Chairperson shall assume the roles and responsibilities of the Chairperson in the event
of the latter’s incapacity, resignation or removal from her/his position; perform such other functions as
may be assigned her/him by the Executive Committee; and ensure the implementation of the education
c) The Unit Secretary General shall administer the Unit’s records, documentation and communication
needs; initiate campaigns; and perform such other functions as may be assigned him/her by the Unit
d) The Unit Treasurer shall safe-keep and administer the Unit’s funds and other resources; ensure the
prompt and effective collection of all dues, fees and special assessments from Unit Members concerned;
and coordinate with the Treasurer of the next higher Unit regarding the remittance of such collections.

Section 4. Unit Meetings. Chapters shall meet regularly at least twice every month; Clusters at least
twice every quarter (3 months); Assemblies at least once every year.

Article VI. The National Organs

Section 1. The National Congress – The National Congress is the highest policy-making and governing
body of the organization.

a. Powers. It shall have the following powers:

1. Elect the members of the National Executive Committee; namely: National Chairperson, National Vice-
Chairperson, three Vice- Chairpersons per island group, National Secretary General, National Treasurer,
and three “Members-at-large”
2. Amend or revise the organization’s Constitution and By-laws;
3. Act on all recommendations submitted by the National Council and National Executive Committee.

b. Delegation. The principle of proportional representation shall be the basis of the composition of the
National Congress. The right to vote during the National Congress shall be exclusively given to:

1. Representatives from Assemblies

2. Members of the National Council
3. Members of the National Executive Committee

c. Regular Congress. The National Congress shall convene once every three years.

d. Special Congress. A Special Congress may be convened through a 2/3-majority vote in the National

Section 2. The National Council - The National Council shall be the highest policy-making and governing
body in between National Congresses.  

a. Powers
1. Formulate the General Plan of Action and the organization’s position on crucial political issues;
2. Establish special bodies within the organization;
3. Develop arbitration mechanisms for the organization;
4. Act on any proposal from the National Executive Committee.

b. Composition

1. All the members of the National Executive Committee

2. 4 representatives each from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, and 3 from the NCRR, elected during the
National Congress by island groups.
3. The representatives from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and NCRR shall come from Regions or Province
Cluster of different island groups.

c. Meetings. The National Council shall meet at least once a year.

Section 3. The National Executive Committee

a. Powers

1. Ensure the implementation of the organization’s policies

2. Ensure the provision of the organization’s operational needs
3. Approve the Program and Agenda of all meetings of the National Congress and National Council
4. Approve all fees and dues to be imposed on members.

b. Composition. The National Executive Committee shall be comprised of the National Chairperson,
National Vice-Chairperson, the three island-wide Vice Chairpersons, Secretary General, Treasurer, and
the three (3) Members-at-Large.

Section 4. Secretariat – the organization shall have a Secretariat that will serve as the organization’s
administrative arm. It shall:

a. Be composed of Akbayan Youth members;

b. Attend to the organization’s day-to-day affairs;
c. Manage and maintain the organization’s office;
d. Provide logistical and administrative support for the organization, especially in its activities and
e. Ensure the prompt and efficient exchange and dissemination of information;
f. Provide for documentation needs of the organization; and
g. Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Executive Committee.

Article VII. The National Officers

Section 1. National Chairperson – The National Chairperson shall be the over-all head of the
organization. S/he shall preside over the meetings of the National Congress and the National Council.
S/he shall be the chief spokesperson of the organization and shall be the main representative of the
organization to the mother party. Together with the National Vice-Chairperson, Secretary General and the
International Secretary, S/he shall represent the organization in local and international assemblies and
other fora.

Section 2. The National Vice-Chairperson – S/he shall assume the roles and responsibilities of the
National Chairperson in the event of the latter’s incapacity, resignation or removal from her/his position
and shall perform such other functions as may be assigned her/him by the National Executive Committee.
The National Vice-Chairperson will be the head of the Education Committee of the organization and
manage its education programs.

Section 3. The Vice-Chairperson per island group (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) – S/he shall oversee
the implementation of the organization's programs and activities in her/his respective island group and
shall perform such other functions as may be assigned her/him by the National Executive Committee.

Section 4. The National Secretary General – S/he shall manage and oversee the organization’s
operations, including resource-generation and allocation, membership and recruitment, communications
and publications. S/he shall prepare the agenda, minutes and programs of the meetings of all national
organs. S/he shall also establish, manage and maintain the National Secretariat and preside over all
meetings of the same.

Section 5. The National Treasurer – S/he shall administer and safe-keep the organization’s funds and
other resources; ensure the prompt and proper collection of dues and other receivables; and prepare and
submit the Financial Report regularly to the National Chairperson, National Executive Committee,
National Council and National Congress. S/he shall also perform such other functions as may be
assigned her/him by the National Executive Committee.

Section 6. The Three Members–at–Large – they shall serve as political officers who will aid in the
operationalization of the organization’s program of action. They may also perform such other functions as
assigned by the National Executive Committee.

Article VIII. Election

Section 1. Election of Officers. All Officers of the organization shall be elected by a simple majority vote
unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution.

Section 2. Terms of Office. All elected Officers shall hold office for three (3) years, unless otherwise
provided for in this Constitution. Terms of Chapter Officers shall not exceed more than one (1) year and
Chapter Officers shall not be allowed to serve for more than three (3) consecutive terms for the same

Section 3. Limitation on Elective Posts. No Member may hold more than one (1) elective post within the
organization. Thus, as soon as an Officer of a lower Unit is elected as an Officer of a higher Unit, the
lower Unit shall elect a replacement for the Officer concerned. Furthermore, only members between 18-
27 years of age may be elected as National Officers.

Article IX. Meetings

Section 1. Quorums. A simple majority of all its members shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of any
Unit, Organ or Formation.

Section 2. Binding Decisions. No decision of any Unit, Organ or Formation shall be valid and binding if
arrived at without a quorum.

Section 3. Approval of Motions. Unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution, a simple majority vote
of the Members present shall suffice to approve any motion during a meeting.

Section 4. Special Meetings. Special Meetings may be held only after giving proper notice to all
members concerned within a minimum period of seven (7) days in the case of Party Units, Committees
and Formations, and fourteen (14) days in the case of National Organs.

Article X. Amendments

Section 1. Initiation – Any member in good standing may propose an amendment to or revision of the
constitution through a formal letter addressed to her/his Unit, to the Executive Committee or to the
National Congress.

Section 2. Approval – A proposed amendment or revision shall be approved by the National Congress
through a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

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