Final LP For Cohesive

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Agusan del Sur


School NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Date Quarter III
Section Division
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of
literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing an independent critique of a chosen selection
Standards and by delivering special speeches that observe the proper use and acknowledgment of
sources and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning At the end of the discussion, the learners are expected to:
Objectives a. Students will be able to identify and explain different types of cohesive
devices in a given text.
b. Students will be able to appreciate the importance of using cohesive devices in
writing to improve clarity and coherence.
c. Students will be able to apply their understanding of cohesive devices by
revising and improving their own writing, using appropriate cohesive devices to
create more effective communication.

D. LC Code EN11/12RWS-IIIij-5
I. CONTENT Cohesive Devices
A. References English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 Module 3: First Edition, 2021
B. Additional Materials Cartolina, Manila paper and other visual aid
for Learning Resource
C. Other Learning
Resources comprehension/
III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson (5 minutes)

A.1 Preliminaries
 Greetings
Good morning/Good afternoon, class.
Good morning/ Good afternoon,
 Prayer ma’am.
Let us all stand for a prayer. ____________,
please lead the prayer.
Let us put ourselves in God’s

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 Attendance
Class monitor, who is/are absent today?
 Reading of the None, ma’am!
House Rules
Before we proceed to our lesson, I have here the
house rules that you need to follow.

 Listen to the teacher when she speaks.

 Raise your hand before speaking or
leaving your seat.
 Treat others with respect at all times.
 Be kind and polite to others.

Can I expect that from you, class?

 Reviewing of the
previous lesson Who can give a short recap about our lesson last Yes, ma’am!
Last meeting, our lesson was about
Critique and Elements of Narrative
Who can give tell me what is Critique? text.

Ma’am, you are making a judgment,

How about the Elements of Narrative text, what comments or review.
are those?
Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict,
Okay, very good! Style, POV, Theme and Climax.
 Reading of the
Please read our objectives, Taylor.
(The students read the Objective)
Throughout the lesson, the learners are expected

a. Students will be able to identify and

explain different types of cohesive
devices in a given text.
b. Students will be able to appreciate the
importance of using cohesive devices in
writing to improve clarity and coherence.
c. Students will be able to apply their
understanding of cohesive devices by
revising and improving their own writing,
using appropriate cohesive devices to
create more effective communication.

Okay, those are the things that we need to achieve

after our discussion.

(2 minutes)
(MOTIVITION) To start the lesson, look and observe at the
given short essay entitled the “Ancient
Egyptian” you have 2 minutes to read the
paragraph silently.
The ancient Egyptian was masters of preserving
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dead people’s bodies by making mummies of
them. In short, mummification consisted of
removing the internal organs, applying natural
perspectives inside and out, and then wrapping
the body in layers of bandages. And the process
was remarkably effective. Indeed, mummies
several thousand years old have been
discovered nearly intact. Their skin, hair, teeth,
fingernails and toenails, and facial features are
still evident. Their diseases in life, such as
smallpox, arthritis, and nutritional deficiencies,
are still diagnosable. Even their fatal afflictions
are still apparent: a middle-age king died from a
blow on the head; a child kind died from polio.

Okay! Time’s up!

Guide Questions:
Now, what did you notice in the selection?

Very good! What do the bolded words function in

the selection?
There were bolded words and
underlined words.
Now, based from the given activity, what is our
lesson for today? The words help link two words

Very good, Joy! Indeed, your answer is correct.

Our topic for today is all about Cohesive Devices. I think ma’am our topic for today is
all about linking words.

Now, all together please read the sentences.

1. First, I tidied my room.

Second, I prepared the meal.
C. ESTABLISHING 2. In addition to giving up meat, I also
PURPOSE OF THE stopped eating dairy products.
LESSON 3. There are several ways to lose weight. For
example you can cut down on carbohydrates.
4. Because he neglected his homework, his
grades fell.
5. The economy has slumped. As a result
the share prices have fallen.

All of the underlined words are examples of

cohesive devices.
What are those cohesive devices?

Very good!

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These are the words first, second, in
addition, for examples, because and
as a result.
D. PRESENTATION This morning, we will know another lessons, bear
with me this morning because we are going to
talk about Cohesive Devices.

Cohesive devices
- sometimes called as linking words, linkers,
connectors, discourse markers or transitional
-are words or phrases that show the
relationship between or sections of a text or
- are words like “For example”, “In conclusion”,
“however” and “moreover”.

Let’s look at these two examples below;

1. Netflix has many movies
and it is only $9.

2. The Christmas tree is natural but it is


As we can observed in the sentences

above, and is used to add something to
the previous statement.

In the second sentence, we can see how

something positive and negative is said
about the Christmas tree. We know that
because the word but is used to construct

Different usage of Cohesive Devices:

1. COMPARISON- those are cohesive
devices that is use to compare.
(Examples: also, equally, similarly,
likewise, compared with)

a. Jane speaks French. Sam

also speaks French.
b. She is more attractive
compared with the small one.

What are the cohesive devices in the sentences?

The words also and compared

with are the cohesive devices used
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2. ADDITION - those are cohesive devices in the given sentences.
that is use to add information or idea
(Examples: and, also, too, what is more,

a. We love to party and eat foods from

expensive restaurants.
b. Eating well is important for good health.
Furthermore, it helps to make you more

3. EXEMPLIFICATION- those are cohesive

devices that is use to illustrating/showing
(Examples: for example, for
instance, to illustrate, such as, namely)

a. Adjective is a word that modifies noun

or a pronoun such as beautiful and ugly.
I can play quite a few musical instruments,
for example, the flute, the guitar, and the

4. SEQUENCING - those are cohesive

devices that is use to combine in a particular
order. (Examples: first, second, next, then,

a. I will clean my room then I will wash all my

b. I’ve saved you a seat next to me.

5. RESULT- those are cohesive devices that

are used to state what is the outcome or result.
(Examples: so, therefore, as a
result, thus, because)

a. They were angry because

their plans had been discovered.

b. The treasure is not mine, and therefore

I am unwilling to take it.

E. Discussing new Another types of cohesive devices are the

concepts and practicing following:
new skills
1. PREPOSITIONS-for time, direction,
place or method, put a preposition in
front of a noun or pronoun. This shows a
relationship between the noun and the rest
of the sentence.

a. The Williams got home from vacation
on Monday.
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b. My favorite show comes on at 6pm.

2. CONJUNCTIONS- these small

words like and, but, if, when and or are
used to join sentences and clauses.
a. Bert stopped by the store and
bought a gallon of milk.
b. A snake will probably bite you
if you step on it

3. ADVERBS - these words can be used to

show order, contrast and such. When
used at the front of a sentence with a
comma, they call attention to what is to

a. Frank talked about Maine for years;
surprisingly, he moved back to Texas after two
b. I fell off the picnic table. Fortunately,
the grass was thick.

Alright! Is our lesson for today all clear to

you class?

Excellent! Yes, Ma’am!

Now let’s proceed to our activity. Are you

E. Application/ ready?
Evaluate Learning
(15 mins) Yes we are!
I will group you into four (4). Group 1, 2, 3 and 4
will choose a representative to present their work.

Group 1: Make a sketch with conversations that

uses examples of Results cohesive devices.

Group 2: Construct instructions of a recipe of

food of your choice that uses examples of
Sequencing cohesive devices.

Group 3: Compose a short poem based on the

examples of Comparison cohesive devices.

Group 4: Make a role play with conversations that

uses examples of Exemplification cohesive

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You will be graded based on the criteria below.
Discipline 15 points
Cooperation 15 points
Delivery 35 points
Content 35 points
Total 100 points

Guide Question:
What is our topic for today?

Very Good!
Again, What is Cohesive Devices?
Our topic is all about Cohesive

What are examples of Cohesive Devices? Cohesive Devices are words or

phrases that show the relationship
between or sections of a text or

First, then, such as, and, but

As a student, is using cohesive words useful in our
daily conversation? Why?

F. Generalization In a ½ sheet of paper. Using the given words (Students answer may vary)
below inside the box. Fill in the blanks using the
appropriate cohesive devices in the given speech.

F. EVALUATION And because or

Developing Mastery Passage:
(Leads to Formative Mary if but
Assessment 3) could not
(5 mins) go out with me 1. I invited Anne instead.
Anne was very happy to accept my invitation 2.
the film was very popular. Anne
and I had a good time 3. next day Mary was
very angry.
“Do you love me 4. do you love Anne?”
she asked me. “I like both of you
5. Anne.” I answered. “Look!” said
Mary. “Either you go out with me
6. you go out with Anne. You can’t love both 2.because
me 7. Anne at the same time. “Why 3.but
not?” I answered. “8. it is not fair.” 4.or
I asked Mary she would go out with me tonight 5.and
9. she said that she had a new boyfriend 10. 6.or
didn’t want to see me again 11. 7.and
I didn’t really love her. I call 8.because
Anne 12. she said she was busy 9.but
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13. now I’m alone. 10.and

Advance study about Writing an

Independent Critique.


Observe by:
Mrs. Ellen A. Perez

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