Crispr Piq Uc

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Around two years ago, I watched a Netflix documentary called Human Nature.

I instantly
became enthralled with the topic of using personal genetic profiles to make decisions in
prevention, diagnosis, and treatments and how it can bring up a hot debate: ethics of public
medical care. Personalized medicine, alongside the emerging technological breakthroughs and
discoveries, is a topic I am fortunate to witness in development and hopeful to engage in.

I have since dedicated hours to researching various projects and developments in CRISPR-Cas9,
one of the most impressive and momentous tools for editing genomes. I yearned to explore more
about the topic and applied for an intensive summer program with the University of Rochester,
where I was accepted and developed skills that further expanded my fascination. After learning
about topics such as genome editing, how to read variants, oncogenomics, how to administer
specific medical care, and ethics of modern medicine, I focused on producing a final project
using stem cell research and CRISPR to create and propose a personalized treatment for a patient
with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Through the work I completed over the summer, I’ve learned the importance of medical care for
patients of all backgrounds, and my work has led me to a new fascination with public and global
health, which I hope to continue through college. With expanding opportunities, I aspire to one
day be a part of the medical breakthroughs not only in research and disease prevention but also
in protecting populations' healthcare.

One documentary has led me on a journey to discover astonishing topics, and I am most excited
about what the future has in store for the world of personalized medicine and how I can pursue it
in college. I am deeply interested in research and disease prevention affecting global populations,
which will broaden my understanding of humanity’s development and cultural influences. I am
ambitious in this journey and opportunity, where I can integrate my morals and values of
preventive and personalized medicine at the forefront of scientific breakthroughs through the
globalization of discoveries and research.

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