2021-2022 Q2ST2math8

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San Isidro National High School

Quarter 2 Summative Test 2
1. relation which no two ordered pairs have the same first element.
A. Function B. Relation C. Domain D. Range
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a function?
A. Each element in the domain X must be matched with exactly one element in range Y
B. Some elements in Y may not be matched with any element in X
C. Two or more elements in X may be matched with the same element in Y
D. One element in X may be matched with two or more elements in Y
3. set of first elements of a relation.
A. Function B. Relation C. Domain D. Range
4. set of second elements of a relation
A. Function B. Relation C. Domain D. Range
5. Which of the following correspondence illustrate function?
A. one-to-many correspondence C. many-to-one correspondence
B. one-to-one correspondence D. B and C
6. Which of the following does not represent a function?

A. B. C. D.

7. The Arts Club will be having an exhibit to raise funds for the flood victims. The number of tickets sold will determine the
proceeds of the fundraising campaign. Which variable is the independent variable in the said scenario?
A. The number of Arts Club Members C. the amount of proceeds
B. The number of tickets sold D. the number of Art Works in the exhibit
8. It costs 4 pesos for a song download. The more songs I download, the more money I spend. Which of the following is
true regarding the money spent for the download and the cost per download?
A. The amount I spend depends on the number of songs I download.
B. The number of songs to download depends on the speed of the network.
C. The amount I spend is not related to the number of songs I download.
D. The more songs I download, the lesser amount I will spend.

For questions 9 to 12, refer to the given: f(x) = 3x + 4

9. The slope of the graph of the function f(x) = 3x + 4 is ________
A. 1/3 B. 3 C. ¼ D. 4
10. The graph of the function f(x) = 3x + 4 will pass the y-axis at ________
A. (0,3) B (0,4) C. (0,5) D. (0,6)
11. The value of the function f(x) = 3x + 4, when x = 2 is ________
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
12. The domain of the function f(x) = 3x + 4 is _______
A. (−∞ , ∞ ¿ B. (−∞ , 0 ¿ C. ( 0, ∞ ¿ D. none of these
13. Romulus repairs refrigerators. He charges a base fee of 200 pesos for each visit and 120 pesos per hour of his labor.
Write a linear function that will represent the total cost c(x) for a visit with x hours of labor.
A. C(x) = 120x + 200 B. C(x) = 200x + 120 C. C(x) = x + 120 D. C(x) = x + 200
14. Phoemela went to a park and wants to rent a bicycle. The rental shop charges an initial fee of 120 pesos for the first 2
hours and 30 pesos per hour in excess thereof. If she paid 200 pesos, for how many hours was the bike rented?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
15. A cellular network company charges 300 pesos for a particular mobile plan, inclusive of 100 free text messages. Each
message in excess of the free 100 will be charged 1 peso each. How much will be charged to a subscriber for sending
275 text messages?
A. 175 pesos B. 275 C. 375 D. 475

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