JAzz Age Mini Project

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The Roaring 20’s Mini Project

After WWI the United States went

through a whole cultural renaissance,
or re-birth in music, literature, cinema,
transportation, and even fashion. The
norms of society changed and everyone
was living a “roaring 20’s” type of life.

This project will enable you to do research

on one topic of the 1920’s. Follow the
directions below as well as the attached
rubric. This project is also a way to find
out about multiple topics from the
Roaring 20’s.

Step 1: Pick out of a hat!

Your topic is chosen randomly and can include a person,
place, or thing.

Step 2: Research!
Use the following resources to find out the most you can.
The basic information you will need to provide includes
Person’s name, DOB, Brief Biography, their Contribution
to Society in the 20’s and Today.

Step 3: Ready, Set, Action!

Find or Create (this will give you bonus points) a brief, less
than 3 minute, video about the topic. Primary Sources will
earn you more points than secondary sources.

Step 4: 5 minute Presentation

You will get 5 minutes to present your whole topic and
information to the class. When not presenting, you will still
be held responsible for taking notes on other presenters.
Use different sources to do your research
The Roaring 20’s Mini Project
Factual Information 20
 There is an above average
level of factual and interesting
information provided, going
above facts and into new
information not previously
shared in class. 20
 A satisfactory description of
the topic is shown -
Who,What,When, Where
Why, How 15
 A below basic description of
the Topic is shown There is
no context and information is
not factual 10
 No facts presented and or the
facts are wrong. 0
Primary Source Documents 5
 Different Primary
Source Documents are
used 5pts
 1 PSD is used 3pts
 Inadequate number of
PSD’s are used 1pt
Presentation 10
 Clear, audible and
Articulate 10
 Adequate job, some
information was not
presented with
confidence 5
 Basic- you lacked the
presentation skills to
deliver a thoughtful
project 0
Grammar/Punctuation 5
 No grammar/spelling/
errors 5
 Some grammar errors
present 3
 Could not understand
the project as so many
grammar errors were
present 0
Research 10
 Wise use of time
Gained information from
various sources
 Nothing completed, used
class time unwisely 0

Total = ______________out of 50 pts

Criteria Points Received and Comments

The Roaring 20’s Mini Project

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