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 Irreguler Verb

No V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. bite bit bitten menggigit
2. dig dug dug menggali
3. freeze froze Frozen membekukan
4. rise Rose risen membangkitkan
5. wear wore worn memakai
6. sink sinks Sunk tenggelam
7. hear heard heard mendengar
8. hurt Hurt hurt menyakiti
9. lie lay lying berbohong
10. Ride rode ridden mengendarai
 5 sentence
1. She will wear a uniform when she go to school.
2. My arm hurt because I fell down the stairs yesterday.
3. I ride a motorcycle everyday.
4. My cat bit a mouse last month.
5. Did I lie yesterday?

 Sentence Analysis
1. False. It supposed to use does not instead do not.
2. False. It supposed to use V1 because the tenses is simple present future.
3. True.
4. False. It supposed to us V-s/es instead V-ing because the tenses is simple present.
5. False. It supposed to use V-ing because the tenses is present continuous.
6. True.
7. True.
8. False. It supposed to use are instead is because the subject the people.
9. False. It supposed to use V-1 instead V-ing because the tenses is present future.
10. False. It supposed to use V-1 isntead V-ing because the tenses is simple present.
11. False. It supposed to use V-1 instead V-2 because negative simple past.
12. True.
13. False. It supposed to use to be is instead does because the tenses is present future.
14. False.It supposed to use V-2 instead V-1 because the tenses is simple past.
15. False. It supposed to use V-1 instead V-ing.
16. False. It supposed to use did instead do.
17. True.
18. True.
19. True.
20. False. It supposed to use did instead do because the tenses is simple past.


1. false

2. true.

3. true.

4. true

5. false.

 Writing.
Do you know Covid-19?. Covid-19 is a disease on the pandemic era. So many impacts
because covid-19. One of them is system education in the word become obstructed. So
all of education in the world depend by a network.

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