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Advertising and Public Relations

Dr. Radhika Kapur

Advertising and public relations is stated to be an imperative task or a
function for the survival, purpose and fulfilling of the aims and objectives of any
company, organization, educational institution, business setting, or a financial
institution and so forth. Without advertising and public relations, it is impossible
for the company to survive. In this research manuscript, emphasis has been laid
upon understanding advertising and public relations, functions of these two major
conceptions, the meaning and purpose of advertising and public relations, tools that
are used in the implementation of advertising and public relations, distinguishing
factors between advertising and public relations and the benefits of advertising and
public relations. These two concepts are stated to be vital for the internal as well as
the external functioning of the organization, whether the company is engaged in
manufacturing of products or production of services, or whether it is a marketing,
educational, financial, political or an industrial organization, they are required to
create an effective advertising and a public relations department so that they can
efficiently communicate with the public and disseminate the relevant information
regarding their image, policies, procedures, standards, products and services. The
conceptions of advertising and public relations have been mainly proved to be
advantageous and there have been very few limitations.

Keywords: Advertising, Public Relations, Organization, Information,


Understanding Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising is a prevailing communiqué power and a fundamental
promotion device serving to put on the market commodities, services, images, and
ideas through control of information and influence; it is an extremely noticeable
strength in the society. In the present world, every individual obtains or comes
across many advertising messages on a daily basis. Now it is indispensable to the
sensation of any type of production and engineering. Additionally, promotion
strategies are employed increasingly by non-business organizations such as
government, college and universities, public service groups and attributes. It is one
of the parts of the advertising and communiqué process. Advertising encourage
people to buy products. All kinds of advertising comprises of both information and
influence. It can be stated that advertising is a communication, marketing, public-
relation, information and a persuasion procedure. Advertising reaches the
individuals or the public through a channel of communication, referred to as a
medium. It is usually aimed at a particular segment of the population, the target
audience which can comprise of consumers as well as businesses. Principally, it is
an intermediate of dissemination of information and persuasion. It always creates a
fascinating and an exciting area. No doubt today advertising envelops almost every
area of the thought process and achievement of society. It is well thought-out to be
a highly sophisticated communication power and an influential marketing tool. In
other words one can say that it is an absolute psychological treatment of the
consumer and a very resourceful and a fascinating area also (Paper 1, n.d.).
It is only in the twentieth century that public relations came to be codified,
sanctified, and observed as a profession. Essentially, however it is as old as the
humankind. Every organization, institution, and individual has public relations
whether or not that fact is recognized. As long as there are people, living together
in communities, working together in organizations, and developing a society, there
will be a complicated network of relationships among them. The good will of the
public is the supreme asset that any organization can have. A public that is well
and accurately enlightened is not only important; but without this function, an
organization cannot survive for a long time. Therefore, the preliminary point for
good public relations in any organization is the growth of sound rules and policies
that are in the public interest. Public perceptive and endorsement must be worthy
of before they can be received (Paper 1, n.d.).
Functions of Advertising and Public Relations
The functions of advertising and public relations have been listed below:
(Advertising and Public Relations, 2011).
1. Produce and put into operation incorporated advertising and public relations
drives that are approachable to individual, organizational, and community
2. Inscribe, print and design memorandums for allocation through numerous
communication and media channels.
3. Recognize purposes of new media technology, online, and digital
4. Application of proper research methods to prepare, scrutinize, and appraise
advertising and public relations drives.
5. Investigate the approaches and subjects related to advertising and public
relations practices.
6. Augment and preserve credulous and trustworthy relationships with varied
7. Practice principled communiqué through specialized procedures that are
answerable and communally conscientious.
Public Relations and Advertising
Advertising is not just a message that is utilized for announcing a
circumstance to the public via mass media. Advertising is a constructive
presentation and adoption of a product, service, institution or an idea. It is
necessary to establish clearly defined goals of each advertisement and
advertisement campaign in order to acquire the outcomes of advertising
expenditures. These objectives are agreed upon in accordance with the
endorsement strategies. Public Relations make use of mass media, corporate
advertising, personal selling practices and declarations of corporate managers. In
public relations, it is endeavored to generate a public opinion in the outline of
organization, individual or scheme (karadeniz, 2009).
Advertising is a part of the promotion program so that the promoter is to
possess awareness of the marketing experience and to be able to determine the
predicaments that are encountered. An advertiser who could not realize the
perception of modern marketing will not be able to resolve the marketing setbacks
that he encountered and will give authenticity to people who are against
advertising. In marketing, public relations are straightforwardly related to selling
goods and services and supporting the brand name. As a part of marketing
communications, produce or brand managers are mostly accountable in this regard
(karadeniz, 2009).
Public relations make the most of mass media, communal advertising,
private selling practices and statements of corporate managers. In public relations,
it is aimed to create a public opinion within the outline and structure of
organization, individual or design; in advertising, endorsement and transaction of a
particular product or service are aimed. Generating sponsorship and public opinion
are considered to be objectives in both applications. Countries also use public
relations activities to catch the attention of more tourists and foreign investments;
in advertising a product or a service constructed is the occurrence that will affect
third party, while in public relations association or a society is seen as a whole
(karadeniz, 2009).
Public relations is related to subject matters concerning the prerequisite of
high-level requirements like ensuring the character of the institution, persuading
public environment; while advertising presents the product to the customer,
institutes a discussion with the customer, and provides distinguishing information
about the product. Public relations effort is stated to be everlasting, while
advertising progresses to impart utilization. Common features of public relations
and advertising are: they take benefit of the same mass media, research is an
extremely important factor in both techniques, planning and programming methods
are also eligible in both. It is also suggested by some individuals that public
relations is the skill of influencing those who are not satisfied with advertisements.
When individuals do not get convinced regarding the product or a service via
means of advertisements, then public relations is utilized for influencing people
regarding the dealing of a good or a service (karadeniz, 2009).
Advertising and Public Relations Tools

The tools that have been utilized in order to promote advertisements have
been classified as follows: (Public Relations, Publicity, and Corporate Advertising,

1. Advertisements through television and radio.

2. Newspapers, pamphlets, circulars.
3. In-store kiosks with brochures and in-store banners.
4. Direct mailing packages to the homes concerning the sample of a new
product or a service launched.
5. Advertisements by the stores in the market like offering free samples of the
product in order to promote it.
The tools of public relations have been classified as follows: (Public
Relations, Publicity, and Corporate Advertising, n.d.).

1. Press release.
2. Video News Release (VNR).
3. Press conference.
4. Exclusives.
5. Interviews.
6. Community involvement – sponsor events.
7. Company newsletter.
Distinguishing Factors between Advertising and Public Relations
Advertising and public relations are two different conceptions and there
have been differences between them on the basis of certain factors: (Meta-

issues in Public Relations and Advertising, n.d.).

Paid for or Publicity - Public relations does not regularly have to pay for the
positioning of messages in the media. Although a good amount of funds are spent
in public relations on such objects as corporate advertising which mainly means
promoting the representation of the company, not its products or services, the
immensity of its messages are publicity. Publicity is basically free exposure
provided usually by the media and activated by such message vehicles as press
conferences, press releases, and product publicity which consists of trade magazine
articles, etc. Of course, this turns over control of the message to the media in which
it will emerge. They may amend it as per their requirements, operate it where and
when in accordance with their goals and objectives, or not operate it at all. This is
called unrestrained information, and is both the good thing and the annoyance of
public relations. What this also means is that public relations practitioners must be
highly aware of how news is produced and what its requirements are. Advertising
almost always pays for publicizing its messages. The improvement is that the
promoter has absolute power over what the message will say and how, where, and
when a message will be positioned because they are paying for that opportunity.
That’s the positive aspect; the negative aspect is that advertising is very expensive.
A Different Primary Audience - Although public relations significances are
eventually aimed at a definite public, they must normally go through the media to
reach that audience. Thus, the primary audience for mainly all public relations
messages is generally the media itself. That’s why these messages are formed in
the style of the medium for which they are proposed. A press release written for a
local paper will imitate hard news style. A release for an entertainment industry
magazine will be more characteristic-oriented. Advertising is designed
straightforwardly at the prospective adopter of the product, service, or scheme.
Although the advertising message is shaped to fit the medium, it is actually devised
to plea and convince in a straightforward manner to the audience that uses that
standard. For example, most important network news programs attract older
viewers, so they tend to view commercials for health aids, insurance, travel, and
other interests specific to that target audience. Any kind of advertisements
concerning the products of infants mainly target young couples who have infants.
Repetition – In most cases, public relations messages have a short life span,
they do not last for very long. Press releases are about something that is happening
right now at present. After that, they become old news after a certain time period,
may be couple of months or little bit longer or shorter than that; and the
effectiveness of the good or a service depends so often on the news media, old
news is basically no news. In addition, there is commonly no reiteration aspect as
in advertising. A press release will only be put into operation once in the local
paper; that is the reason that public relations professionals attempt to enlarge
exposure by introduction of information in as many media as possible. This is
called using a media mix approach, individuals who are not accustomed to
newspapers, journals, magazines or other documents may get the message from
television, or from the radio, or on the internet. Advertising is based on repetition,
for example, any advertisement of any product or a service tends to get shown on
the television repeatedly in between movies or other shows, one advertisement
comes not just once but several times. It is even hard to think for an individual that
how many times he has watched the same ad on TV, or have read it in a magazine.
The theory is that the more an individual views the advertisement, the more he gets
familiar with the message; this is obvious that the advertiser pays for all the
Transparency - Public relations communications are not always as apparent
as they could or should be. One cannot become acquainted with, for instance,
whether that news story about a local organization was fabricated completely free
of charge of authority by the company or not. It could have been motivated by a
press release, extended by an interview with the company president set up by the
public relations person for that company, and fleshed out through a cautiously
organized surroundings on the company produced internal by the public relations
professionals. For the most part, advertising messages are distinguished by
purchasers are being what they are sales arenas. That permits the user to
understand these messages with a slight understanding and these in turn also lead
to the creation of the indispensable justifications; this does not always work well
with the advertisers, who are already criticizing and protesting that television
watchers can now setup their businesses under the influence of digital recording
devices. The ultimate consequence is an augmented dependence on the transparent
methods which are not very apparent, obvious and clear for the purpose of
publicizing the product.
Benefits of Advertising and Public Relations
There are some economic role and benefits of advertising: (Paper 1, n.d.).
1. Advertising encourages economic development.
2. Makes provision of information utilization.
3. Advertising and Brand name.
4. Media support.
5. Distribution costs.
6. Effects on the business cycles.
7. Providing product effectiveness.
8. Advertising and control.
9. Encouragement of the promotion of new product or a service.
10.Maintenance of competition with regards to market concentration,
concentration and prices, profitability, advertising, and stabilization of
the brand.
The benefits of public relations have been classified as follows: (Paper 1,
1. Building positive and stable relationships between the company and the
2. Leading to an increase in the goodwill and profitability of the
3. Enhancing communication between the public and the organization.
4. Maintenance of the satisfactory reputation of the organization.
5. Public relations are formulated in such a manner to promote the overall
awareness of the organization.
6. The main benefit is that it enhances the image of the organization
amongst the target audiences as well as the entire community.
7. Public relations assist in implementation of those policies, procedures,
programs, rules and functions that are designed to secure goodwill.
8. Mutual understanding, acceptance and cooperation between the
organization and the public are maintained through public relations.
9. The functions and responsibilities of the management get emphasized
through the means of public relations.
10.Quality of products and services, innovation, sound financial practical,
social responsibility, good corporate citizenship and wise marketing are
the few factors that contribute towards the overall reputation of the
company by having effective public relations system.
It does not matter what kind of production or service or business an
enterprise is engaged in, whether it is manufacturing, banking, finance,
industry, and so forth. In every kind of an organization, it is extremely crucial to
create effective public relations, publicize and advertise its products, services,
plans, schemes and ideas; when a company is launching a new product for example,
an automobile, then in newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, television, media,
etc, in all these kinds of sources, it advertizes its product in order to generate
awareness within the mindsets of the consumers. It is through the means of
advertizing and public relations that an organization develops mutual relationships
with the public, enhances its productivity and profitability, generates goodwill and
above all is able to survive. On the other hand, if the functions of advertising and
public relations are not well developed, then the company will find it difficult to
get access to customers and would not able to sell its products and services and
therefore incur losses. One major limitation is that these are expensive areas and
costs a lot of money, but if the company generates goodwill and profitability
through advertising and public relations then it is considered to be judicious to
spend money on these two major conceptions.
Advertising and public relations are two distinct areas; they differ in terms
of publicity, primary audience, repetition and transparency of functions. Whether it
is a large enterprise or a small enterprise, whether it is public or private, the
enterprise has to establish advertising and a public relations department so that
they can display their advertisements through different means and cause awareness
amongst the public. Internet has been a vital source of advertising and public
relations in the present world. It is essential to utilize innovative techniques, good
quality material and appropriate benefits along with the services offered in order to
attract the customers. One important area of advertising and public relations is that
they should be done in a decent form and with proper ethics; vulgar and offensive
means should be avoided, for example, certain television advertisements have not
pleased many customers and they objected to some of the content; therefore,
relevant and ethical communication and presentation means should be adopted in
order to promote effective advertising and public relations. Finally, it can be stated
that organizations make use of public relations and advertisement activities in the
context of brand management, corporate reputation enhancement and increase in
sales; in the globalized world, because of lessening market rates, increase in goods
and services; it is required for companies to produce qualified and inexpensive
products, besides, to follow the path that introduce its products to customers in a
successful and economic manner. In this framework, companies should decide to
use either public relations or advertisements which are components of the
promotional mix, and verify its endeavor pertaining to needs and requirements of
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