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1. Definition
Expository text is a form of writing that describes an
explanation of some information or knowledge.
2. Purposes
a. to explain information or ideas to add insight to the reader.
b. to gain detailed knowledge about a problem or topic.
c. to make the reader feel interested in continuing to read the
writing because of the knowledge that can be obtained in it.

3. Characteristics
a. The text contains an explanation of knowledge or
knowledge information
b. His writing style is inviting
c. This text usually answers questions in the form of what,
when, who, where, how and why.
d. .Trying to explain about something
e. The language is informative
f. Short, Compact, Accurate
g. The delivery is straightforward, and uses standard language
or language according to the EYD

4. Generic Structures:
Thesis (Introduction): Introducing the topic and indicating the
writer’s position
Arguments (Body): Explaining the arguments to support the
writer’s position.
Reiteration (Conclusion): Restating the writer’s position

5. Language features
1. Use simple present tense
2. Use conjuction
3. Use a lot of cause and effect word
4. Use connective words
5. Use vocabularies to express writer’s expression
6. Types
1.analytical exposition
Analytical exposition is a type of text that contains an
explanation of the author's argument about an issue that needs
attention. This type of text serves to influence the reader that
something needs attention.
2.hortatory exposition
Hortatory exposition is a text that contains the author's
opinion about something and functions to influence the reader
that something needs attention and persuades the reader to do
or not do something.

7. Difference between analytical text and hortatory text

the difference between analitycal exposition and hortatory
exposition lies at the end of the text. In the analytical
exposition, at the end of the text contains restatements or
restatements or conclusions from the description that has been
Whereas in the hortatory exposition, the final part is in the
form of recommendations or suggestions from the author to do
something as an effort to overcome the problems that have
been described.
8. Example
1. Analytical exposition
Smartphone Advantages
In the digital era like today, many people have smartphones, it
has even become a primary need.
Although there are those who think that smartphones have a
negative impact, there are many advantages.

First, as a medium to communicate with other people who are
far away. Through this device, you can communicate with
someone you love even if you are far apart.
Unlike the variants of the previous era, which can only be used
to send messages and make calls.
Mobile phones from time to time continue to experience
developments in services, such as its ability to show the other
person’s face.
Second, as a medium of entertainment. It is suitable for use by
someone who feels tired after undergoing a daily routine or
There are many types of entertainment that can be used, such
as social media, movies, music, games and others.

Indeed, smartphones will not be separated from the negative
impact. But, if you operate it effectively and correctly, you can
feel the benefits as described in the description.

2. Hortatory exposition
Bad Effects of Online Games
Online games are one of the games that have many fans from
various circles, ranging from children to adults.
Online games are usually used as a medium of entertainment,
but if they are excessive, they can be detrimental and cause
many bad effects.
One of them makes someone lazy. Other jobs that are more
important in nature are neglected, such as doing homework,
taking breaks, eating lunch and others.
Parents need to limit their children playing online games so
they don’t become lazy

Another bad impact, making the eyes become red and sore
when playing online games do not use glasses or protection.
So, in order to avoid eye pain, it’s best when playing online
games to wear glasses or contact lenses.
It feels good to play online games, especially after being tired of
activities. But, it’s best to play just to refresh your mind and still
be able to manage your time well.

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