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The Causes of Fingerprint Patterns

By: Jana Houdaifa Grade: 10GA Date: 19-1-2023

Learning Outcomes:
1. I can identify fingerprints in crime scenes.
2. I can explain different types of fingerprints.
Cause of fingerprints =
-Fingerprints are formed when the skin buckles while the fetus is developing in the womb.
They are unique because of the many variables that decide how each individual ridge is
formed. Fingerprints are used to identify unknown victims, witnesses or suspects, to verify
records, and most importantly, as links between a suspect and a crime.
Types of fingerprints =

 -Latent prints. Invisible fingerprints made from sweat and oil on the surface of the
human body.
 Patent prints. Prints formed when dirt, blood, ink, paint and other liquids come into
contact with fingertips, then transfer to a solid surface. Patent fingerprints can be
seen with the naked eye.
 Plastic fingerprints. Three-dimensional, easily seen prints on soft surfaces,
including wax and wet paint.

Fingerprints with identical twins =

Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints, even though their identical genes give them
very similar patterns. The fetus begins developing fingerprint patterns in the early weeks
of pregnancy.

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