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A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile

and Lean Software Development

Jeanette Heidenberg1,2 , Max Weijola1,2 , Kirsi Mikkonen3 , and Ivan Porres1,2

Åbo Akademi University, Department of Information Technologies,
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 A, 20520 Turku, Finland
Turku Centre for Computer Science, Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 B, 20520 Turku, Finland
OY L M Ericsson Ab, Hirsalantie 11, 02420 Jorvas, Finland

Abstract. As agile and lean methods continue to increase in popularity

and move away from their home ground – small, co-located teams with
an actively involved customer – they are faced with new challenges. One
such challenge is the definition and communication of business value in
large settings, where multiple development teams interact with multiple
business stakeholders. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that the
term business value in agile contexts is not clearly defined, even though
the creation of business value is one of the central themes in agile and lean
development. In this paper, we propose a model for business value that
is intended to make explicit different factors that constitute the concept
of business value in agile and lean software development. This model has
been jointly developed with industrial partners in the Cloud Software
Finland research project. We aim to further evaluate and develop the
model in the future within this research project.

Keywords: Business Value, Agile, Lean, Feature Prioritization, Large-

Scale Agile.

1 Introduction

Agile and lean methods continue to increase in popularity in the field of software
development [2]. One of the key concepts in agile and lean development methods
is the creation of value for the customer. This value can be saved costs, increased
revenue or some other form of added value. This is how the term business value
is often used, both in literature and by the agile community. The definition of
the term business value can, however, be rather ambiguous [17].
Despite the lack of a clear definition of business value, it is still used as a key
factor in requirement prioritization in agile and lean contexts. Fundamental ag-
ile practices such as backlog prioritization and the planning game [4] depend on
selecting the features with the highest business value. In such practices the busi-
ness representative is expected to prioritize backlog features based on business
value. How the business representative arrives at a specific conclusion regarding

D. Winkler, R.V. O’Connor, and R. Messnarz (Eds.): EuroSPI 2012, CCIS 301, pp. 49–60, 2012.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
50 J. Heidenberg et al.

the business value of a certain feature is usually not explained, and he or she
is expected to estimate this value based on previous experience or an intuitive
The simple view of business value is to think of it as the revenue or other
monetary benefit expected from the features to be implemented. In reality, how-
ever, this is too narrow a definition, as exemplified by case studies performed
by Racheva et al. [18]. Practitioners ask themselves not only what the feature is
worth in dollars, but also questions like what the development organization will
gain from implementing the feature, how the customer relationship will benefit
from the feature, etc.
The use of business value in feature prioritization might be well manageable
in traditional agile settings with the support of a customer on site. In this article
we focus on large organizations that develop advanced software systems, often
in the embedded systems domain. In these large-scale settings, often with multi-
ple development teams and multiple product owners, the customer relationship
is complex with either multiple customers or no possibility of direct customer
The research question that we attempt to answer is how to represent business
value in a potentially large-scale agile context so as to support communication
and understanding between all stakeholders. Our research method stems from
design science [10] and the model proposed in this paper has been iteratively
developed in a series of workshops with industry experts. We have also benefited
from input from the academic world through literature research as well as the
Finnish software research community in the Cloud Software Finland project.
One of the goals of the Cloud project is to support Finnish software industry in
transforming their operations with the help of agile and lean methods.
The proposed model for business value is intended to make explicit the dif-
ferent factors that constitute the concept of business value. The intended use
of the model is two-fold: (i) To support the business representatives, such as
the product owners, in creating a partial order that constitutes the prioritized
list of features to be developed; and (ii) to communicate the business value of
the features under development with the software development teams. We also
outline a visualization aid that supports these usage areas.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we give a brief overview
of earlier work and discuss the role business value has in agile practices. We
continue by introducing our proposal for a model of business value in large-
scale agile contexts in Section 3. In Section 4 we outline the intended use of the
model. In Section 5 we discuss the model and our future work. Our conclusions
are presented in Section 6.

2 Background and Related Work

The definition of business value varies to a notable extent in literature. In Sec-

tion 2.1 we present some definitions of the term business value in the literature.
We also state our definition of business value to clarify the usage of the term in
A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile 51

this paper. In Section 2.2 we give an overview of how the term business value is
used in some of the more common agile planning practices.

2.1 Definitions of Business Value

Despite the fact that the term business value is a central concept in software
development, its definition is usually vague, ambiguous or non-existent. This is
maybe best illustrated by the literature study [17] and interviews with practi-
tioners [18] performed by Racheva et al. 2009-2010.
Racheva et al. note in their literature study [17] that of all the scientific
papers reviewed only five papers include a definition of the term business value;
in the rest of the papers the term is a “self-evident concept.” When interviewing
practitioners [18] they note that the definition of the term business value may
even vary within the same organization depending on the structural differences
between clients and projects
Business value is often used as a tool for determining whether a feature or
product is going to be profitable in comparison to the investment. Will the
organization profit from implementing the feature? Examples of this definition
can be found in Patton [13]: “Business Value is something that delivers profit
to the organization paying for the software . . . ” and Rawsthorne [19]: “business
value is what management is willing to pay for.” Another popular use of this
definition of business value is the Business Model Canvas [12]. While this is an
important aspect to business value, it is not the one we focus on in this paper.
Another, contrasting definition of business value is the one given by Pettit
[14], who states that business value should be used as a “communication vehicle,
a means by which the business-IT partnership can be strengthened.” Business
value as a means of communication is the definition we find important for the
agile development context.
In agile contexts, the business value of the individual features (or user stories,
requirements, product backlog items) is stated by the customer or a represen-
tative of the customer, such as the product owner in Scrum [20]. Different agile
methods have different practices for using this input in their prioritization prac-
tices (see Section 2.2), but as has been demonstrated by Racheva et al. [16] these
different practices can be abstracted into one overall process model of how the
prioritization is done.
What is not clearly defined, however, is how the customer or product owner
decides the business value of the feature. This is a challenge especially in con-
texts where there are multiple customers with different priorities or large prod-
ucts with multiple product owners. This problem is illustrated in Figure 1. The
product owner(s) will make a business decision on which features are eligible for
implementation. These features then need to be prioritized before negotiating
scope with the development team. This step is usually not described in the lit-
erature. This is the step we attempt to support with a more tangible method
than intuition or experience alone.
52 J. Heidenberg et al.

F2 F9
F1 F6 F5 F2 F7
Bu ision ted ed
e c cep ritiz
F5 F3 D F4 Ac tures F4 Prio duct
Fea Pro klog
F8 Ba
F8 F8 F9

Fig. 1. Prioritizing features for the product backlog

2.2 Business Value in Agile Planning Practices

Agile software development methodologies started growing popular in the late
1990’s and early 2000’s as lighter alternatives to traditional heavyweight plan-
driven development methodologies. Extreme Programming by Kent Beck [4]
is one of the earliest, and still today a popular agile development methodol-
ogy. Scrum [20] is a popular project management framework introduced by Jeff
Sutherland and Ken Schwaber in the early 2000’s. Scrum and Extreme Pro-
gramming are often used together, as Scrum in itself does not concern itself with
implementation practices.
Already from the start, the concept of business value has played an important
role in the agile movement. It is even present in the first of the twelve princi-
ples of the agile manifesto, stating that the “highest priority is to satisfy the
customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” However,
the manifesto does not define what constitutes “valuable software.” The knowl-
edge of what is valuable is assumed to be known to the business stakeholder and
communicated to the team in order to prioritize features and negotiate scope.
In the sections below we briefly describe how business value is used in Extreme
Programming and Scrum.

Extreme Programming: The Planning Game. Extreme programming con-

sists of values, principles and basic activities [4]. One of the twelve practices
included in the first version of Extreme Programming is the planning game [4].
A popular version of this is planning poker [9]. The planning game is a practice
that aims to facilitate the communication and collaboration between business
stakeholders and development staff, which according to Beck, often might have
contradictory goals.
The planning game is executed [4] with story cards (containing features) as
game pieces and game moves in three phases. There is a variation of planning
poker for agreeing on business value, called the Business Value Game [1]. The
game is played in the same way, but with cards representing business value
instead of time.

Scrum: Sprint Planning Meeting. Scrum is a popular project management

framework introduced by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber [20]. At the core of
A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile 53

the Scrum framework is the Scrum team responsible for delivering the features in
the backlog supported by a product owner responsible for maximizing the value
of the product and maintaining the product backlog.
Potentially shippable increments of the developed product are created every
sprint, a time-boxed unit of work no longer than one month. Before each sprint
the features to be implemented are selected from the prioritized backlog by the
Scrum team in the sprint planning meeting.
An extension to Scrum in large-scale contexts proposed by, e.g., de-Ste-Croix
is the introduction of product owner teams [21] when the setting is too great
for one person to handle. De-Ste-Croix proposes that the product owner team
consists of experts from relevant fields and serves to jointly gather requirements
and prioritize features.
As we can see from the two examples presented here – Extreme Programming
and Scrum – different agile and lean methods have different planning practices.
The common denominator is that they all have some means of using the business
stakeholders’ knowledge about business value for creating a concrete plan for im-
plementation [16]. They do not, however, discuss how the business stakeholders
obtain this knowledge. This is probably due to the fact that the typical context
for agile methods is small companies with one development team and one ac-
tively involved customer. As agile and lean methods are gaining popularity also
in other contexts, the need for a more explicit way of obtaining knowledge about
business value arises. In the following section we present our proposed model for
feature business value in large-scale agile settings.

3 A Proposal for a Model for Business Value

Based on the needs of the industrial partners of the Cloud Software Finland
research project, we propose a model for representing business value. This model
takes into account more than just monetary value. Even though monetary value
is an important factor when prioritizing features of a software product, we find
that there are other factors that also have an impact on the feature prioritization
process. We believe that many software professionals already take these into
account implicitly. With our model, we make these factors explicit and visible.
The model consists of six attributes, each graded from one to four, four being
the highest value. Each of the attributes contribute to the notion of business
value and were chosen to make the term more unambiguous to discuss between
stakeholders, such as product owners.
We have selected a set of attributes that: (i) supports agile values by promot-
ing communication and interaction between customer representatives and de-
velopers; (ii) supports both the customer’s and the development organization’s
goals; (iii) supports long-term growth and development instead of solely aim-
ing for short-term economic revenue; (iv) helps developers understand business
goals; and (v) helps business stakeholders understand development goals.
54 J. Heidenberg et al.

3.1 Detailed Model Description

Our proposal for a model consists of six attributes that jointly contribute to
the term business value. The six attributes are: 1) Monetary Value, 2) Market
Enabler, 3) Technical Enabler,4) Competence Growth, 5) Employee Satisfaction,
6) Customer Satisfaction.
The attributes are given classifications on an ordinal scale, (described by
Fenton & Pfleeger in [8]). The scale is graded from one to four, one being of
least rank and four being of highest rank. This grading was chosen to avoid a
possible extensive misuse of a middle value, instead aiming to require a decision
from users to decide on a slightly lower or higher value. The total business value
can then be expressed as a aggregation of the attributes, enhanced by a graphical
representation depicting the relative impact of each of the attributes.
In the following sections we describe the different attributes together with
example categories to illustrate the practical meaning of the attributes. The
graphical representation is introduced in Section 4.

Monetary Value (MV). Estimated monetary value of the business case for
a given feature can be expressed in monetary value or in points. This value is
usually the result of the initial business analysis of the feature. The range of
possible values is split into four categories from smallest (I) to largest (IV). The
actual value ranges and categories will have to be decided based on the typical
monetary value of features in the company in question. The numbers below are
purely hypothetical and do not reflect the actual sizes in any of the companies
in the Cloud Software Finland project.

I 0-50Ke
II 50-100Ke
III 100-200Ke
IV 200Ke+

Market Enabler (ME). If a feature is considered a market enabler it facilitates

introduction to or retaining a market possible. For example, adding support for
special characters in a software program can act as a market enabler for countries
demanding native character support. When it comes to introduction to a new
market or retaining an existing one, both the customer paying for the software
and the developer aiming to sell the software can be seen as stakeholders. We
suggest the following example categories:

I No enabler, can be added at any time without missing a marketing window.

II Feature can potentially work as a market enabler, alternatively, delays might
affect marketing or sales aspects.
III Feature is to a significant degree a market enabler, alternatively, delays will
to a significant extent harm or counteract marketing and sales efforts.
IV Feature is critical to complete before any other features are considered.
A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile 55

Technical Enabler (TE). A feature or other unit might work as a foundation

for future functionality. These features are called technical enablers since they are
inevitably needed to achieve the goal of the system under development. However,
these enabling features do not necessarily provide any revenue or added value,
which might lead to their omission in business value discussion. Examples of
technical enablers include the introduction of support for new hardware types,
the implementation of common functionality such as libraries or frameworks
to be used by later features, or refactoring or other quality improvements that
reduce the cost of maintenance. By including technical enablers in our model
we want to take into account their importance, although they may not directly
create revenue. We suggest the following example categories:
I No enabler, separate from all other features.
II Feature contains some foundation for further functionality.
III Feature contains significant foundation for further functionality.
IV Feature is critical to complete before any other features are undertaken.

Competence Growth (CG). Competence is an important key to success in

software engineering. As argued by, e.g., Armour [3], knowledge is one of the cen-
tral products of software development. In contrast to this, developing features
requiring new knowledge with a steep learning curve might be less profitable in
the short term, than developing software at high capacity using familiar meth-
ods. Learning new tools or techniques can however be important for the future
and new competence may be of value to the development organization. We in-
clude this into the notion of business value since features not creating immediate
revenue but providing competence growth can still be valuable. We suggest the
following example categories:
I Maintaining knowledge in some fields.
II More complex feature, maintain knowledge in multiple fields, using tech-
nologies or techniques not used on a daily basis.
III Feature where some new tools and/or technologies needs to be used. Some
delays due to learning are expected, teams competence grows into new fields.
IV Complex feature where a significant amount of new tools and/or new tech-
nologies are needed for progress. Delays are expected and the team’s com-
petence grows significantly.

Employee Satisfaction (ES). Since programming and software development

can be regarded as creative work activities, the satisfaction and well-being of
employees can be seen as an important factor in success. Many big companies
such as Google employ programs allowing employees to work an amount of their
official work time on projects of personal interest [11]. Even in day-to-day devel-
opment work when electing and prioritizing features employee satisfaction could
be an important factor in contributing to the business value and cost savings [22].
When not taking employee satisfaction into account, higher employee turnover
might occur, resulting in more frequent training of new staff and reduced pro-
ductivity. We suggest the following example categories:
56 J. Heidenberg et al.

I Work consists of routine tasks. Team members either do not understand

why the feature is important or how it connects to the product. Neutral or
even possibly some slight negative satisfaction.
II Work consists of a combination of routine and varying tasks. Team mem-
bers have some understanding of why the feature is important and how it
connects to the product. Positive or neutral satisfaction.
III Work consists of tasks not normally carried out, exploring new possibilities
and viewpoints. Team members understand why the feature is important
and how it connects to the product. Positive satisfaction.
IV Work consists of self-fulfilling tasks, which are novel and creative. Strong
positive satisfaction by all team members.

Customer Satisfaction (CS). Customer satisfaction is often considered im-

portant in business as satisfied customers often return and continue collabora-
tion. One proposed measurement of customer satisfaction is net promoter score
[15] by Mary and Tom Poppendieck. Keeping customers satisfied might be expen-
sive, making the decision to include or exclude certain desired features difficult.
Obliging to all customer demands can be unprofitable or negatively impact other
attributes. Caring too little about customer satisfaction can also have negative
impact on future collaboration. We suggest the following example categories:

I A low risk feature or enabler that does not deliver high value but is de-
manded by the customer and is easy to verify as correct. Neutral satisfac-
II A feature that delivers business value to the customer and helps other fea-
tures by reducing risks, enabling or solves a problem in the customer’s en-
vironment. Neutral satisfaction.
III A feature with higher risk that delivers substantial business value to the cus-
tomer or is otherwise important to the project. Successful implementation
always gives the customer positive satisfaction.
IV A critical feature that delivers a lot of value to the customer or is otherwise
very important to the project. Successful implementation is crucial to the
project and is much appreciated. Always gives strong positive satisfaction.

In the beginning of this section (Section 3 ), we listed five needs that we claim
to fulfill with the six attributes presented above. We now argue for why we think
they are fulfilled. The first need listed is to support agile values by promoting
communication between the customer and the developers. This is achieved by
the attribute set acting as a communication tool, making explicit the differ-
ent aspects of business value. The second need: that both the customer’s and
the development organization’s goals are met, is fulfilled since both viewpoints
are present in the list of attributes. Attributes MV, ME, and CS are customer
oriented, while attributes TE, CG, and ES are more geared towards the develop-
ment organization’s needs. The third need is concerned with long-term growth.
This is met by taking into account long-term benefits from a market (ME, CS),
technical (TE) and people (CG, ES) perspective. The fourth and fifth needs
A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile 57

listed above (developers and business stakeholders understanding each other’s

goals) are supported by the model making explicit that the other party’s goal is
multifaceted. The business goals are not only about money (MV), but also about
enabling new markets (ME) and satisfying the customer (CS). Similarly the de-
velopment goals consist of enabling future technical growth using both technical
(TE) and competence related (CG) means, as well as keeping the creative staff
motivated (ES).
The purpose of the model proposed in this section is to serve as a tool for
both business and technical stakeholders. We now proceed to illustrate how this
tool could be used in software organizations.

4 Intended Use and Visualization

The business value model we propose is intended to support both business stake-
holders and technical staff in software development projects. We see three main
usage scenarios: product backlog prioritization, sprint planning, and business
information radiator.
The business stakeholders can use the model when they prioritize the features
in the product backlog. This is especially helpful in large settings, where mul-
tiple business stakeholders, such as a product owner team, have to agree on a
prioritization. We suggest that our approach is combined with an agile planning
practice, such as Agile 42’s business value game [1].
When the business stakeholders and development team plan the upcoming
sprint, our model can be used as a means of communication to clarify the different
aspects of business value. This communication can be further enhanced if used
in combination with a visualization format such as the one suggested in Figure 2.
In this suggestion, each attribute is represented by a piece of the pie chart, where
the relative size reflects the relative rank of the attribute in question. The order
of the attributes is the same as in Section 3.1, starting from the topmost position
and continuing clockwise (i.e., monetary value, market enabler, technical enabler,
competence growth, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction.)




Fig. 2. Proposal for visualization of business value attributes

58 J. Heidenberg et al.

The final usage scenario is to add information about business value in the infor-
mation radiators [6] used by the project, such as the sprint burndown chart. Even a
simple list of features with a pie chart representing each of their business value can
help the team understand what kind of value their work is adding to the product.

5 Discussion and Future Work

In this paper we propose a model of business value that is intended to support

feature prioritization in the development of software using agile and lean methods
on a large scale. Racheva et al. has done comprehensive work in analyzing the
state of the art and practice [17,18] regarding the definition of business value in
agile organizations. They arrive at the same conclusion as we do: the definition
of business value is unclear and varied. Racheva et al. deduce a process model for
how requirements are prioritized and reprioritized during an agile project [16].
Our work is complementary to theirs. Where Racheva et al. model a process for
prioritization, we model the business value itself.
The Poppendiecks suggest a solution for defining and communicating business
value to the team through the practice of providing each team with an accountant
[15]. We find this to be a good suggestion, well in line with our proposal. The
support an accountant can bring corresponds to the monetary value and market
enabler attributes of our model. We do, however, suggest attributes that are not
included in the Poppendiecks’ solution, such as employee satisfaction, technical
enabler and competence growth. Furthermore, we believe that one accountant
per team can grow too expensive in larger settings. If an accountant is available,
we instead suggest that the accountant support the product owner team in the
process of defining business value for the features.
The most extensive set of agile prioritization factors is suggested by Cohn [7].
His definition of business value is the traditional one, based on financial re-
turn and cost. But he also lists other factors to be taken into account when
planning an agile project. These are learning, risk and desirability. Learning
corresponds somewhat to our competence growth attribute, although Cohn’s
definition focuses more on learning about the product and the progress of the
project, whereas we also factor in the general competence growth of the project
staff. Desirability corresponds to our customer satisfaction attribute.
There are attributes which we choose not to include explicitly. Managing
technical debt through refactoring and restructuring is a crucial part of software
development. This need is exacerbated when using agile methods, since they
usually expect the architecture of the software to emerge. We consider this to
be a part of the technical enabler attribute.
Implementing a certain feature may involve risks. This is not explicitly taken
into account and a future improvement of our model could include this as a sep-
arate aspect. Now it is indirectly included in the customer satisfaction attribute.
Another aspect which we have chosen to exclude for now is the notion of an
expiration date. Some features may have really high value if they are imple-
mented rather quickly, for instance before the competition, but after a certain
A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile 59

deadline, the value decreases dramatically. The market enabler attribute of our
model is a first step towards supporting the notion of an expiration date, but
it could be developed further to better include this aspect. At this point, we
consider this concept to be too complicated to include in an easy-to-use model.
Our business value model is as of yet just a concept proposed as an aid in a
challenge faced by the industrial partners of the Cloud software research project.
Future work includes an evaluation and incremental improvement of the model
when it is applied.

6 Conclusions
In this paper we have proposed a model for business value for use in software
companies that apply agile and lean methods. The purpose of this model is to
make explicit the factors that may be taken into account when the business
stakeholder prioritizes the backlog for the development team(s). Our intention
is for this to benefit the business stakeholder(s) when prioritizing the backlog,
as well as the communication on the topic of business value between business
stakeholders and software development teams. We also suggest a simple means
of visualizing the resulting business value.
The concept of business value is central to the field of agile and lean methods,
where one of the central tenets is to create value for the customer. However, as
Racheva et al. have demonstrated, the definition of the term business value is
vague and ambiguous, both among practitioners [18] and in the literature [17].
While Racheva et al. seek to remedy this by creating a process model for the
requirement prioritization process in agile and lean teams [16], our proposal is a
model of the concept of business value in itself.
Our proposal for a model consists of six separate attributes, which each model
a different aspect of business value. The purpose of this model is not only to
support the business representatives in their prioritization work, but also to serve
as a communication aid between the business stakeholders and the development
team. This can be especially helpful in large and complex settings, where the
potentially contradicting needs of multiple customers need to be communicated
to multiple development teams.
The business value model we have proposed in this paper is still early work
that needs evaluation through implementation and incremental improvement to
reach maturity.

Acknowledgements. This work was funded by the CLOUD Software Finland

project [5]. From Ericsson Oy we would like to thank Kaisa Kettunen, Outi
Väättänen and Leena Pitkäranta for their help and support.

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