Passive Voice

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Active Passive
Present Simple They make a cake. A cake is made (by them).
Present Continuous They are making a cake. A cake is being made (by them).
Past Simple They made a cake. A cake was made (by them).
Past Continuous They were making a cake. A cake was being made (by them).
Present Perfect They have made a cake. A cake has been made (by them).
‘WILL’ Future They will make a cake. A cake will be made (by them).
‘BE GOING TO’ Future They are going to make a cake. A cake is going to be made (by them).
Modal ‘CAN’ They can make a cake. A cake can be made (by them).
Modal ‘MUST’ They must make a cake. A cake must be made (by them).
Modal ‘SHOULD’ They should make a cake. A cake should be made (by them).
Modal ‘MAY’ They may make a cake. A cake may be made (by them).
Modal ‘HAVE TO’ They have to make a cake. A cake has to be made (by them).
Past Perfect They had made a cake. A cake had been made (by them).

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil. =>
2. The government is planning a new road. =>is being planned
3. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time. =>
4. My grandfather built this house in 1943. =>This house was built in 1943 by my
5. They have cleaned the office. =>The office has been cleaned.
6. He will tell you later. =>You will be told later.
7. Somebody must do the work. =>The work must be done.
8. Everybody loves Mr. Brown. =>Mr. Brown is loved by everybody.
9. The wolf ate the princess. => The princess was eaten by the wolf.
10. At six o’clock someone was telling a story. =>A story was being told at six o’clock.
11. Somebody has drunk all the milk. =>All the milk has been drunk.
12. James can cook the best spaghetti. => The best spaghetti can be cooked by James.
13. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow. =>The new computer will be repaired
14. He had written three books before 1687. =>
15. He has written five books so far. =>
16. I had cleaned all the Windows before the storm. =>
17. They locked all the doors. =>
18. Somebody has already revealed the secret. =>
19. They told me a lie. =>
20. They must tell you the truth. =>
21. They are going to choose you. =>
22. They have just offered Tim a job. =>
23. The government must plan new roads. =>
24. We must buy new books for the library. =>
25. We must cook these vegetables at once. =>
26. Somebody ate all the cookies. =>
27. We have just cleaned the house. =>
28. They are going to call him back. =>
29. They have just given him the bad news. =>
30. The secretary is typing the letters. =>
31. We have posted all the postcards. =>
32. They are giving him the directions. =>
33. They change the towels every day. =>
34. The leader tells us what to do. =>
35. They are watering the plants. =>
36. They will deliver the parcel in two days. =>
37. Even a child can do this. =>
38. He helped us with our homework. =>
39. The maid has washed all the sheets. =>
40. The maid folded the sheets and placed them in the drawers. =>
41. They opened the windows. =>
42. They left the windows open. =>
43. Our parents taught us to be polite. =>
44. Mr. Green owns this hotel. =>
45. The police had arrested the thief. =>
46. The court sentenced him to ten years in prison. =>
47. They might call out Jane any minute. =>
48. The teacher will give an exam to the students tomorrow. =>
49. The boys broke the window. =>
50. She is going to invite one hundred people to her birthday party. =>

51. They are serving the dinner at the moment. =>

52. They postponed the meeting. =>
53. We have to finish the project before June. =>
54. The teacher doesn’t allow the students to use their mobiles. =>

55. You mustn’t wash this jacket in hot water. =>

56. We must keep these documents in a safe place. =>
57. We have to keep this a secret. =>
58. Sue prepared the breakfast this morning. =>
59. They are hanging the paintings on the walls. =>
60. You must write your names and numbers at the top of the exam paper.

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