Empowered Women Beyond Pandemic - Marianne PDF

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Empowered Women Beyond Pandemic

Woman, How Far Can You Journey in Life?

By Mariane Christine T. Bucay

What can others do that a woman cannot?

Women, their voices were not heard. They stayed home to do house chores.
They were taught to sew, knit, cook, clean the house and all about works at home.
They were not able to vote. They cannot run for political positions because they are
just women. Women are weak, powerless, poor decision makers, and many other
words that describe women as seemed the least of mankind on earth.

But that was in the past. That was a myth. Women already had a lot to prove.
They remained silent because the belief had been passed down through generations.
They didn't demonstrate their abilities, so who will believe a woman? They were meek
in a nook because when they speak, nobody listens.

They need not to learn a lot of lessons in life, besides they will just stay home
and take care of their kids. They were not taught well anyway they don’t need to be
intelligent enough because their men were there to support the family.

People were not able to see the strength of women. They did all at home while
taking good care of their children. Their courage to protect their families was not
recognized. Women’s might to sustain the good relationship between her and her
husband, the relationship between her children was not seen. Because they are just
women. Sad reality in the old days.

Until such time when women stood tall and told the world, we have the abilities
that men can do, we have the power to choose and stand for our country. We are
women, we strong, powerful, unique, and amazing. We can be leaders. We can be what
we want for ourselves, for our family, and for other people. We have talents to share
because we are women.
These days women continue to prove their worth in different aspects of life.
Women continue to show the world their skills and abilities in different field of
endeavors. Don’t challenge a woman, for she will prove to you she is worthy of your
respect as a human being.

Even in the family, a woman, or should we say a wife keep up with what she
promised to God to love her family. She supports her husband by working well. A
mother can do everything for the love of family. She is courageous enough to try ways
to earn a living. A woman sacrifices a lot of things in her life. Yet, somehow, she finds
happiness in those things.

My sister, Ate Glenda, is a prime example of all these qualities. a powerful, committed,
and loving woman.

Beauty salons have been among the industry’s most severely impacted by the
coronavirus outbreak. And because she made her living in the mentions industry, it
has been very difficult for her. She takes care of all of his family's needs, including her
husband's medical requirements and his children's educational needs, thus the
situation has not been simple for her.

She tried various jobs just to make ends meet. Cooked food that was sold to
neighbors, make pots out of cement, gardening and so on.

When her beloved father became ill, everything became even more difficult. She is
unsure how to balance her roles as a wife, mother, and child.

Through all the trials that came in her life, loving, brave and strong woman can be
reflected. Women may be seen as weak and less important in society, but for
everything my sister has shown, she has surpassed other who have just sit and wait
for something to happen.

She can go the farthest even with the challenges of life. She is not afraid of any
sword to ensure a good future for her family. She has strong shield to pain and
sufferings just to make sure good food is on the table. She might be teary eyed
sometimes but after crying, she will stand take up her weapons and travel the road of
life again. Women can go wherever she want and do her mission without hesitations!
Woman, how far can you journey in life?

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