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MOOC Assignment

My Innovation project

Presented by
Samuel Utsu

Masters in Digital Project Management Student


University of Toulouse Jean Jaures

October 2022

1.1 Target Sector of the Innovation:


Bicycle, Tricycles and Scoters


A young lady riding her Bike A young Man on His Scoter A middle aged lady

1.3 Our main Target:

Young workers, students who are very busy with day to day work and have faulty bicycles they
want to repair but don’t have time to take them for repairs due to work, school or lack of a close
shop repair and pickup.
Alice is a 22 year old beautiful lady who lives in
Toulouse: She is single and not in a relationship.
Her financial budget is 400 € p/month. To travel to
work she spends about 25mins daily by Bicycle and
she doesn’t want to spend too much time and
money on Metro and Bus tickets due to her slim
budget. But she had to get to work early every day.
She prefers to use a bicycle which is more
convenient for her as it saves her cost of tickets and
keeps her body in shape for summer and Instagram
She loves sports, going to the gym, running, and is a
sport enthusiast.

Her goal is to always have her bicycle in good shape

anytime she needs it so she can always be on time
for work and never be late and probably get the
promotion at work.
It’s Monday morning and Alice gets up at 6:45am so
she can prepare and get ready for work. She have a
bit of hang out with her friends at the week end and
was a bit too tired and woke up slightly late.
7:25am she steps out from the 13th floor of her of her
apartment using the elevator to pick her Bicycle for
the velo room.
To her surprise, the two tires of bicycle are flat. She
must have punctured them on her way back from the
hang out on Sunday evening.
7:35am she is going to be late for work, as her only
option now is to walk to the bus station, use the bus
to the metro and ops she has to buys ticket too!!!
She has to be at work by 8am and has less than
25mins to get to work and using the Bus and metro
will take her about 45 minutes!!!
She is definitely going to be late and her crazy Boss is
not going like this at all.


Alice needs to get to work with ease and on time.
She is already worried about how she will get the
time to fix the bicycle for the next day Tuesday. She
will be so busy at work and will not have time to
come back home to pick the bicycle for repairs. She
has to fix it today at all cost otherwise she will have
to spend more on buying tickets for 5 days. Until
Saturday when she will be free to take the Bicycle to
the repair shop. And hey how is she going to take it
there? She cant ride it, she can take into the Bus or metro!!!!
1.6 Need:
I would like to get to work on time, get this bicycle
fixed today and brought to my office or back home so
I can worry less about how to get to work today or
tomorrow. And above all, if I can just call someone to
come pick the bicycle, drop me off at work and then
bring the bicycle back to me later at work once its
finished that will make my day. Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who do I call now???????????

1.7 Solution?
We need to develop a service called “aider
moi” it’s an app specially designed for Bicycle,
tricycle and scouter owners. The service is
ensures that business work executives like
Alice, who have a tight budget but depend on
their Bicycle for transportation and are too
busy to have them worked, we can picks up
your bicycle wherever you are faced with a
challenge, drop you at work so you’re not
late, get the bicycle fixed and returned to
your office or home. So she doesn’t have to
worry about leaving the office early to go
back home to fix the bike after a hard days

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