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If you’re carrying out this project for your own business, then choosing a sector should be easy.

If this isn’t the case, then you should choose a sector or product where you are already familiar
1-1 Identify the target sector for your innovation with the market and the customers.
Once you’ve chosen your sector, write it here and illustrate it to bring it to life!


apps Equipment for
Pick 2-3 types of user from your chosen sector. Don’t try to be exhaustive, and don’t try to be too specific. For
example, choose types by frequency of usage - occasional, regular, or intensive. At work, you should try to talk to
your colleagues in marketing or sales: you should think of these people as your most valuable resources! If you’re
1-2 Identify the types of user within this sector not doing this within a work context, you can research online, or simply use your observation skills and
Write the different client types in the space below and draw something to illustrate it.

Professional Experienced hobbyist Inexperienced plant

gardeners lovers

Aim to choose a client type who you already know

Inexperienced plant lovers something of, especially if you know members of that group
1-3 Choose your main target: personally.
Write the target group you have chosen to think
about for your innovation in the box.
Alisia Bougie,
28, senior marketing manager
Address: Financial situation:
Family situation: Single

Values : Values independence. Spends a lot of time with friends. He likes to spend time outdoors
with his dog. Pays great attention to ecology and the environment

Media: She doesn't watch TV. Spends a lot of time online and in apps

Digital : She spends a lot of time on social media. The main network is Instagram. Subscribed to
many celebrities and bloggers. Actively uses the Internet and social networks for his work

Hobbies :

Their goals:
1-4 Create a Persona which represents your target She wants to equip her apartment, keeping in touch with nature and ecology, but at the same time not
spending a lot of effort on it
Imagine a moment in the life of your Persona. Concentrate on the moment where they are most
likely to need to use the product or service which you’d like to develop.Observe the people
2-1 Describe a moment in the life of your Persona around you for inspiration. The boxes on the right are for words, and the left hand side is for

Alicia has moved into a new apartment and wants to equip it

She wants to add nature to the apartment, so she wants to buy house plants

She surfs the internet to find information about plant care. But she discovers that taking care of plants
requires a lot of effort and a lot of equipment

She gets upset because she doesn't have the skills and equipment to care for plants. That's why she doesn't
buy a houseplant
2-2 Identify a problem for your Persona
Using the moment you described earlier, identify a time when they were discontented.
Describe this point by writing a sentence and choosing an image.

I would like to have a home plant, but not pay much attention
to caring for it

I can't have a house plant because I don't know

how to take care of it and this requires a lot of
2-3 Translate the problem into a need.
Turn the problem into your Persona’s need in the form of a declaration. Start with the phrase “I would like…”
The need you identify here will be your point of departure to develop a new product or service. Next week we
will begin the creative phase of the development.

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