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If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Most people when wanting an ability or quality would talk about time travel, light
speed, immortality, telekinesis, mind-reading, super strength, flying, teleportation,
superhuman regeneration. All of these abilities have disadvantages, some greater
than others. Shape-shifting surpassed all the other abilities in terms of complexity
and being full of precariousness because of its never-ending power.

Time travel is going into the unknown and knowing when you are uncertain about
its consequences. You can never tell whether someone else has this knowledge of
the future or not, and many confusions could occur. The light speed ability isn’t
great to use on earth, as you will reach an obstacle in a few milliseconds!
Immortality is one of the most popular but is the saddest of all; this is because
experiencing emotional pain for many years is too much while all of your family
and friends are sent down by time into the grave. Unfortunately, you will end up
finding ways to kill yourself.  Telekinesis and flying have the same problems,
which are that you’ll be lazy, stop using muscles, and affect your body. Super
strength is very hard to live through due to your sheer force. Mind reading will ruin
trust, friendships, and cause hostility towards everyone else.

Two scary abilities to choose from would be teleportation and superhuman

regeneration. Teleportation could leave you somewhere dangerous, and it would be
too late to teleport away as you are dead. Superhuman regeneration is incredibly
satisfying to watch. However, if you get caught, you will be used as a test subject
by scientists.

Shape-shifting is feared the most especially in fantasy novels. It basically is the

power to transition between any human, animal, monster, body part, or object you
want! Shape-shifting gives you the power to create. This is called a supreme
power; a power that takes on many forms, having many more different uses. There
are many things I could do with the power of shape-shifting. I will turn my legs
into wheels and not need a car. I could grow wings and fly and turn into a girl at
will. I could shape-shift holes in my body to keep stuff stored in and survive a fall
from any height by shape-shifting into a parachute. I grow muscles at will. I make
myself younger to protect myself from aging, change my cell structure into
something no virus or other disease could ever penetrate, never getting ill again. I
could pretend to be other people, so if I want to live a normal life, I can just
become someone else for a while, pretending to be normal.

Transmogrification into a famous and responsible person, and making major world
decisions will produce unknown results so it should be done with care. The secret
behind shapeshifting ability also holds the key to immortality without its
disadvantages. Those with the ability usually do it at the cellular level. This means
little or no degradation of the cells when they replicate and take on new forms and
functions. So, once I learn how to become a Young man, as long as I remember
how, I won’t be aging.

Body-shifting is boundless and neither ability will ever come close to it; it is full of
uncertainty. It is mainly be used for strategic deception, escape, punishment,
liberation, and immortalization. I would love to wake up next morning to the surge
of the infinite flow of power. What a great tomorrow that would be.

hose with the ability often do it at the cellular level. This means little or no
degradation of the cells when they replicate and take on new forms and
functions. So, once I learn how to become a Young man, as long as I remember
how to, I will not be aging. Other known abilities are strong, however, it is
important in arriving at such a conclusion to recognize that this is the real deal. I
would love to wake up to the surge of the infinite flow of power given by shape-

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