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This internship Project report entitled “An internship Report on Kumari Bank Limited”
Which is submitted by us in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of BBA
degree of Pokhara University comprises only our original work and due
acknowledgements have been made to material used in the report.

Signature……………… Signature ……………………

Manisha Rokaya Medina Albright Chand
It is certified that this internship project report entitled “An internship report On
Kumari Bank Limited “ is the Bonafide work of Manisha Rokaya & Medina Albright Chand
who carried out the project under my supervision. This report is forwarded for

……………………………………. ……………………………
Mr.Megh Raj Upadhyay HOD:Mr. Jitendra Bhatta
Supervisor Head of Department
This report has been Prepared as a part of curricular program for the fulfillment of Bachelor Of Business
Administration (BBA).This report is the result of continuous effort and co-operation extended by many people.
First of all,We would like to thanks the university for including such a wonderful task in the curriculum of BBA.We
would like to thankMr. Shivhari Sharma Mudhvari, Principal of Nast Prem Bahadur Chand Vice principal of Nast
and Mr. Jitendra Bhatta HOD, Of BBA and the team of Nast college for the guidance in the preparation of this
report. We would like to thanks Our Supervisor Mr. Megh Raj Updhayay for his entire guidance,Valuable
suggestions,encouragement and support throughout this report.
Our appreciation also goes to the Kumari bank limited for providing us such a opportunity of doing internship in this
renowned organization.The whole staff of Kumari bank limited has supported us in copying with the
surrounding.Helped us to learn various things during internship period and especially we would like to thank Mr.
Narayan Dat Bhandari the branch manager and operation Incharge Mr.Bhuwan Singh Lothyal for providing us
learning opportunity in KBL.
Kumari bank limited, for their immense support and hospitality during the entire internship program despite for the
rush of work, lastely, We wish to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those who makes this report
successful one.
Manisha Rokaya
Medina Albright Chand
ABBS Any Branch Banking Service
ATM Automated Teller Machine

BBA Bachelor of Business Administration

BAFIA Banking And Financial Institution Act

BS Bikram Sambat

CIB Credit Information Bureau Record

CSD Customer Services Department

ECC Electronic Cleaning Chequers

Fig Figure

GOVT Government

HMG His Majesty’s Government

ICT Information and Communication Technology

KYC Know Your Customer

LC Letter Of Credit

LTD Limited

M.Banking Mobile Banking

MICR Megnatic Ink Character Recognition Code

NGOs Non-Government Organizations

No. Numbers

NRB Nepal Rastra Bank

NTC Nepal Tele-Communication

P.A Per Annum

RBB Rastriya Banijya Bank

TIA Tribhuwan International Airport

Rs. Ruppes

% Percentage

PU Pokhara University
Titles Pages
Table Of Contents
Declaration ………………………………………………………………………. I
Bonafide certificate …………………………………………………………..ii
Tables of content……………………………………………………………….v
Chapter 1- Organizational Profile
1.1 Introduction of Kumari Bank Limited………………………………1
1.2 Vision, Mission, Objectives and Value…………………………….2
1.3 Major, markets and customers………………………………………..3
1.4 Products and services……………………………………………………..4
1.5 Organizational Design & structure……………………………………
1.6 Organzational performance ……………………………………………

Chapter 2-Job profile and Activities Performance

2.1 Activities performed in customer service department
2.2 Problems identified and solved
Chapter 3-Lesson Learnt and Feedback
3.1 key skills and Attitude learnt
3.3 Feedback to the college

Chapter 1
Organization Profile
1.1 Introduction of Kumari Bank Limited
Kumari Bank Limited, came into existence as the 15 th commercial bank of Nepal by starting its banking operations from chaitra 21,2057 B.S. with a objective of providing
competitive modern banking services in the Nepalese financial market. The bank has paid up capital of NPR 13.87 billion.
Kumari Bank Limited, provides a wide range of mobile banking service through 246 point of representation located in various urban, semi-urban and rular parts of the country,
with 196 branches, 14 extension counters and 38 branchless banking units.
The bank has pioneered in providing modern banking services like internet banking and mobile banking . With implementation of Core Banking Software, the Bank is confident
that it will provide a roubust , ultra- modern banking platform for all customers throughout the customers.
The bank has been offering both Domestic and international visa Debit and Cerdit card , accessible in all visa linked ATMs in Nepal and India. It serves through 177 ATMs and –POS
terminals across the country. Along with this, the Bank offers latest digital banking services such as Mobile,Internet, and Viber Banking and QR Payment. The Bank is recognized as
an innovation and fast-growing institution that always strives towards customer satisfaction. It has transparent business pract ices, professional management, corporate
governance and Total Quality Management as the Organizational Mission.
The Bank acquired Kasthmandap Development Bank Ltd; Paschimanchal finance Co-Ltd; Mahakali Bikash
Bank Ltd. On Asadh 2074; with an objective to fulfill the directive forwarded by Nepal Rastra Bank to attain the aid –up capital of NPR 8 billion. Further to that, the Bank acquired
Deva Bikas Bank limited and joint operation was started from Asadh 28, 2077. Post this acquisition the bank of branch-network reached 203 branches 138 ATMs, Bank loan’s
investment to NPR 112 billion and deposit-base to NPR 124 billion.
The Bank focuses on meeting dynamic needs of its customers via modern technology-driven Banking products/ services, thereby solidifying its reputation as an organization
committed towards enhancing stakeholders experience.
1.2 Vision,Mission, Values and Objectives
Kumari bank vision is to be the preferred financial partner to our customers, a center
Of career growth to our employees,and to maximize our shareholders’ value, while
Contributing to our nation’s financial sector and to its economic welfare.

Kumari bank mission is to deliver innovative products and services to our customers
Use these innovative products to achieve financial inclusion, and do so by exemplif-
Ying good corporate governance, proactive risk management practices, and superior
Corporate social responsibility.
Objectives of the organization mainly are to meet customer satisfaction through easy
And quality services and others are mentioned below:
• Provide secured future for its internal employee
• Lower rates for loan clients
• Bringing innovation and customization to meet customer need and to hold quality of
• Provide easy and fast services
• Gives attractive returns to its incentive
• Provide modern banking services
• Provides E-banking facilities such as mobile banking, internet banking,etc.
1.3 Major markets and customers

Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) with a slogan of “SABAI KA LAGI SADHAI KA LAGI”
expands its services in Dhangadhi. It has been operating its business in many place
of Nepal since sixteen years. It’s major market is viewed to be every nook and

corner of the country so it is extending further more branches in the various cities
in the near future. The various branches is operation by the branch managers are:
provides customer – friendly services through. It’s Branch Network and all it’s the
branches are connected through Anywhere Branch Banking System(ABBS), which
enables customers for operational transaction from any branches

Table 1:3:1: Number of customer different a/c in the bank

S. Name of Accounts Total no of customers
1 Saving 9920

2 Current 1270

3 Others 64-call account

4 ATMs card holders 2100

5 Credit card holders 25

1.4 Products and Services
The Bank of offers a complete range of banking product in deposit, lending, trade finance and remittances. The bank’s deposit product protofolio encompasses customers tailored saving deposit, fixed deposits,
call and current deposit. The lending product portfolio includes commercial loan products such as demand loans, cash credits , overdraft, trust receipt and term loans, whereas a complete portfolio of personal and
retail credit products are also provided the bank. Non-fund based products such as bank guarantee and letters of credit are also available to the bank’s customers.

1.4.1 Products of KBL

Kumari Big Saving Khata

Kumari Big Saving Khata as the name suggests, providing higher rate of interest amongst the saving category product and additional banking benefits. It is the premium saving account which provides higher rate
of return and value added banking services to the saving accountholders.

Account Opening:
Minimum balance of NPR 5000
Key benefits:
❖ providing services
❖ Account Statement-FREE
❖ Cheque book-FREE but upon request
❖ VISA Debit Card Valid in Nepal and India
❖ Mobile Banking facility
❖ Internet Banking facility
❖ NTC and NCELL postpaid, ADSL, PSTN bill payment services from KBL counters,Kumari Mobile Banking and Inter Banking
❖ Locker Facility
❖ Evening Counter , 365 Days Banking
❖ Telephone/Mobile Bill Payment service
❖ Home loan/ Auto loan / Education loan processing fees at a concessional rate
Kumari Savings Account
Kumari savings account is a special savings account that beholds the corporate
name after “Living Goddess Kumari.” The customer can avail various value added
banking services in this account.
A/C Openings :
Minimum balance of NPR 1000 or above
❖Internet Banking
❖Monthly statement
❖Special consideration in consumer loan processing fee
❖Visa Debit Card valid in Nepal and India
Kumari Swastha Jeevan Bachat Khata
Kumari Swastha Jeevan Bachat Khata (KSJBK) is a saving deposit product being introduced to promote 'saving habit’ and ‘good health’ amongst the
people. This product is being introduced with value addition of medical benefits along with modern banking services for a differentiation.
A/C Opening:
Minimum Balance of NPR 5000 only.
❖ Privileged co- branded card
❖ Medical Insurance coverage up to NPR 10000 to Swastha Jeevan Accountholders only
❖ Cheque Book- FREE
❖ Account Statement- FREE
❖ Free Internet Banking Services
❖ 50% discount in KBL Mobile Banking and SMS alert facility
❖ Anywhere Branch Banking Service- free
❖ Account Balance Certificate-FREE for 1 time
❖ 50% discount in Locker margin
❖ 25% discount in Locker annual charge
❖ No Account closer charges
❖ 365 Days Banking
❖ General service of the Bank
❖ Concessional rate of interest in consumer loan (personal/Auto/Home) as decided by the authority at the time of loan applicati on
Kumari Smart Bachat Khata
Kumari Smart Bachat Khata offers account opening facility at zero balance. We believe in providing banking to access to all hence, this is very suitabl e
account for everyone. Besides the facility to open account in zero balance, the accountholders are offered various banking facilities.

A/C Opening:
Minimum balance of NPR ZERO
❖ Unlimited withdrawal
❖ Account Statement-FREE
❖ Cheque Book-FREE but upon request
❖ Visa Debit Card valid in Nepal and India
❖ Mobile Banking facility
❖ Internet Banking facility
❖ Locker Facility
❖ Evening counter,365 Days Banking
❖ Telephone/Mobile Bill Payment service
❖ Home loan/Auto loan/ Education loan processing fees at a concessional rate.
NTC and NCELl postpaid,ADSL,PSTN bill payment service from KBL counters, Kumari Banking and Internet Banking
Twinkle Star Saving
Twinkle Star Saving is a Saving account targeted to the children 16 years and below. This is an ideal account for children to install
saving habit from a very young age. Accounts holder are offered interest on daily balance. Children receive special gifts at the
time of account opening with Kumari Bank and are eligible for special discounts on education loan as per the bank’s rule.
A/C Opening:
Minimum Balance of NPR 1000
❖ Quarterly Intrest payable
❖ Cheque Book and Account Statement –FREE
❖ VISA Debit Card valid in Nepal and India
❖ Mobile Banking facility
❖ Internet Banking facility
❖ Evening counters,365 Days Banking
❖ NTC and NCELL postpaid, ADSL, PSTN bill payment service from KBL counters, kumari Mobile Banking and Internet Banking
❖ Special consideration in Education loan processing fees after the age of 18
❖ No restrictions on deposit and withdrawal
Subha Laxmi Saving
This saving account is especially designed for the women of 16 years and above.
Attractive intrest rate on daily balance is provided to encourage saving habit.
Besides, Other feature like 50% discount in locker,ATM Debit Card, Accidental
death insurance and Internet/mobile banking facilities are also offered to the
A/C Opening:
Minimum balance of NPR 1000
❖Quarterly Interest Payble
❖Visa Debit Card valid in Nepal and India
❖50% discount on Locker
❖Free Accidental death insurance up to NPR 100,000 per year
Internet/Mobile Banking Facility
Pariwar Surakshya Bachat Khata(PSBK)
Kumari pariwar surakshay bachat Khata has the customer to avoid being stuck with large medical bills and
avoid debt. It alleviates the risk of having to face a drastic change in quality and standard of life in case of
critical illness or unexpected death. Through PSBK one can avoid, in advance, feelings of deep remorse and
regret on not financially protecting their family against premature disability or death.It provides the security
of knowing that through PSBK, they’re setting an example of responsibility and caring towards the entire
A/C Openings:
Minimum balance of NPR 10000/–
❖Internet Banking-FREE
❖Mobile Banking- FREE for 1st year. Charge from 2nd year onwards will be levied as per the STC.
❖Visa Debit Card (Domestic):FREE for 1 st year, Charges as per STC from 2nd year onwards.
❖Locker Facility-FREE for 1st year charges as per STC applicable from 2nd year onwards.
❖Free Cash withdrawal from any ATMs inside the Country.
❖Insurance coverage:
- Total insurance coverage of up to NPR 26 lakhs*
Nagarik Bachat Khata
It is a type of account which can be opened in a very minimum balance at can be
opened by the people of age above has minimum balance requirement, free
Internet banking, mobile banking, visa debit card, Locker facility, etc. it helps
people in saving habits for future and secures their from future bad happenings.
A/C Opening:
Minimum Balance of NPR 10 only
Key Benefits
❖Free Internet Banking
❖Free Mobile Banking( for 1st year )
❖Free Visa Debit Card(for 1st year)
Locker Facility- 50% discount on annual charge
Kumari Youth Saving Account
Kumari youth saving account includes benefits like free Internet and mobile banking, free cash
top facility, and others that make young lives better, easier and efficient. It’s rewarding
experience overall ;especially the FREE 100 rupee balance top up on first opening the kumari
youth saving account.

A/C Opening
Minimum Balance of NPR 20.00
Age criteria:18-35years of age

❖Free Internet Banking
❖Free Mobile Banking
❖Cash Top up facility-NPR 100 will be deposited in the customers account after the registration
of mobile banking facility.
❖Visa Debit Card FREE for 1st year charges as per STC from 2nd Year onwards
❖DEMAT and Mero Share facility, FREE for 1st year, Charges as per STC from 2nd year onwards
Table1.4.1 Types of account and their interest rates:
Accounts. Minimum balance Interest rate
Kumari Big Saving Khata 5000. 6.03
Kumari Saving Account 1000. 5.0
Kumari Swastha Jeevan Bachat Khata 5000 . 6.03
Kumari Youth Saving Account 20. 6.03
Nagarik Bachat Khata. 10. 6.03
Pariwar Surakshya Bachat Khata. 10000. 6.03
Twinkle Star Saving. 1000. 6.03
Kumari Smart Bachat Khata. 0. 6.03
Subha Laxmi Bachat Khata. 1000. 6.03
Table 1.4.2: Fixed Deposits interest rate
1. Individual Fixed Deposit Interest rate (%)

▪ Fixed Deposit Normal 11.03

(3 months and above)

Kumari Remit Fixed Deposit 12.03

(3 months and above)

Kumari Dhanabriddhi Fixed Deposit 11.03

(3 months and above)

Fixed Deposit plus 11.03

(1 year and above)

Requiring Fixed Deposit 11.03

(1Year and above)
Table 1.4.3 Institutional Fixed Deposits Interest rates
2.Institutional Fixed Deposit Interest rate (%)

Fixed Deposit Normal 10.03

(3 month and above)

Kumari Dhanabirddhi Fixed Deposit 10.03

(3 month and above)

Institutional Fixed Deposit For Bidding Purpose Upto 10.03

(3 month and above)
• Loan Products
❖ Kumari Home LoansA decent and affordable place to live helps families by safeguarding them from physical and mental hardships and placing them on the path of new opportunity and increased
confidence and self reliance. Housing instability including frequent moves and the threats of eviction or foreclosure creates stress, depression and hopelessness for far too many families.In the
response to the ever growing need of shelter in our communities throughout Nepal, Kumari Bank works in many ways via funding for new construction, repairs to existing homes, small loans for
incremental building and home improvements and help establishing title and ownership to land via its Home Loan schemes to help secure peoples fundamental human right to housing. It ensures
access to a safe, secure, habitable, and affordable home with freedom and stress free environment. With the flexible home loan schemes it makes the housing dreams a reality!
• Attractive Features
• Attractive and competitive interest rate
 Quick and transparent loan processing
 Simplified documentation
 Personal counseling throughout the process
 Loan processing from broad branch network
❖ Kumari Auto Loans
Owning a dream vehicle, whether new or pre-owned doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket. Whether it’s a car that you seek for family commutes or a commercial vehicle to enhance your
professional capacity, Kumari Auto Loans has it all covered. You don’t need to have a substantial amount of savings that you can pay for your carat once; you can borrow funds and choose affordable
and flexible payment options to make monthly payments on your vehicle
• .Attractive Features
• Attractive and competitive interest rate.
• Quick and transparent loan processing
• Simplified documentation
• counseling throughout the process
• Loan processing from broad branch network
• ❖ Personal Overdraft Loan
Kumari Bank Limited provides overdraft facility to finance the recurring working capital requirement of clients. It is a product that meets the immediate and contingent fund needs. Whether the clients
are salaried, self employed or a high net worth individual or professional, Kumari overdraft schemes is there in place to protect their clients from unexpected cash shortfalls with minimal processing
charges, expert counseling, competitive interest rates and a hassle free experience. For unexpected, short term cashflow needs, clients can count on Kumari’s convenient overdraft repayment plans.
Attractive Features
• Attractive and competitive interest rate
• Quick and transparent loan processing
• Simplified documentation
• Personal counseling throughout the process
• ❖ Loan Against Marketable Securities
kumari Bank provides short term financing by pledging the listed marketable securities (share certificates, government bonds. Etc) at pre-determined rate of
interest. The bank extends the credit facility after obtaining required documents with the reasonable valuation of the share/ s to be pledged. This facility will
be revolving in nature.
❖ Loan Against Fixed Deposits
Kumari Bank Limited also provides short term financing against FD receipt of the bank or other ‘A’ class financial institutions in the country.
❖ Earthquake Victim Loan
The devastating earthquake of 2014 has caused a severe damage in the livelihood of people. So, the bank has introduced the Earthquake victim loan in order
to help those peoples. The goal of the team working on the Earthquake Victim Loans at Kumari Bank was to support clients in their personal resiliency,
healing and helping them achieve a sense of normality. It helps to contribute in security, comfort of their clients by providing excellent system of customer
care and willingness to go beyond their prescribed roles to make their customers feel ease.
❖ Small and Medium Enterprise Loan
Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered the backbone of a country’s economy and the engine for its accelerated development. They are critical
for the economic and social development of emerging markets like Nepal. SME Loans basically refer to the funding of small and medium sized business
enterprises. The SME Loan provides a single line of credit for meeting the borrowing needs of SME. Such loans can be used as a working capital as well as
for long term requirements. It is approved after considering the nature of business, cyclical trends, cashflow projection, and peak time requirements. Kumari
Bank offers offer a diverse range of customized loan facilities like the working capital loan, term loan, letter of credit, import and export loan, Guarantees
and auto finance, to cater to our customer’s needs.Kumari Bank’s SME lending includes a diverse range of customers from farmers engaged in commercial
agriculture such as; livestock, animal farming, cold storage, etc to macro enterprises and individuals with little to no access to funds and engaged in cottage
industries, alternative energy, etc.
Attractive features
• Simple to process and easy to repay
• Competitive Interest Rates, fees and charges
• Ease of operations and collections via our extensive branch network
• Flexible Documentatio
❖ Corporate LoanKumari Bank also provides financing services to cater to the needs of large sized corporate houses to finance working capital or capital
expenditure requirements as well as non funded facilities such as letter of credit and guarantees. Loans with credit limit of NPR 50 million and above, entities
with annual sales turnover of NPR 100 million and above are categorized under corporate loans. Such loan facilities are generally disbursed to capital
intensive projects and activities of infrastructural development. It expends credit facility to a diverse range of projects ranging from agriculture, tourism,
service sector, health care and infrastructure.
Table 1.4.4: Loans and their interest rates
Lending %per annum on base rate
Floating Interest Rate on Loans
Overdraft Upto 6.50
Working Capital/Short Term Loan Upto 6.50
TR/Importers Loan Upto 6.50
Term Loan Upto 6.50
Export Credit Upto 6.50
Deprived Sector Upto 6.50
Home Loan Upto 6.50
Auto Loan(private) 2.00to 6.50
Hire Purchase (commercial) 2.00 to 6.50
Loan Against First Class Bank Guarantees Upto 3.00
Loan Against Marketable Securities 2.00 to 6.50
Other Loans 2.00 to 6.50
Professional Loan 2.00 to 6.50
FCY Denominated Loans Available on request
FCY TR Loan 5.00 and above
Digital products and Services
• Internet Banking
Kumari Bank Limited is the first bank to introduce internet banking in Nepal. Internet Banking basically is
an outgrowth of traditional PC Banking. It uses the internet as the delivery channel by which to conduct banking
activities such as fund transfers, utility bill payments, viewing current and saving account balances, payment of
mortgages, etc. An internet banking customer accesses his or her accounts from browser software that runs
internet banking programs resident on the bank’s World Wide Web server. It basically provides accounts
balances and some transactional capabilities to customers from across the globe via internet connection.
Basically, intra and inter- bank transactions, mobile top up facility and third party merchant bill payments. It
employs OTP secured or 2 factor verification via SMS/email to maintain the integrity of customer data as well as
safeguard privacy of such electronic transactions.
• Cards
Kumari Bank is one of the associate members of VISA Worldwide Inc. It offers a range of services in cards
which includes issuance of VISA Domestic Debit Cards and the VISA International Credit Card, whereas on the
acquiring end, it process all VISA and MasterCard’s it is the pioneers to introduce the concept of electronic
banking in Nepal. Kumari has employed ‘state-of-the-art’ technology to provide online banking services, mobile
banking services, credit, debit and prepaid cards under VISA brand to the account holders and non account
• Kumari Smart (Mobile Banking)
Kumari Smart is the latest mobile banking app of Kumari Bank Limited. It offers a plethora of digital
payment options along with a dashboard view of the customers’ bank account. With a secure and user friendly
interface, it provides a quick, secure and convenient fund transfer facility within and between different banks.
Likewise, it can be accessed anytime and anywhere within Nepal; however the mobile must have internet/data
connectivity. Its fast and real time transactions provide a hassle free banking facility. The various ranges of
payment services supported by Kumari Smart include utility bill payments: TV bill payment, all major internet
service providers’ bill payment, etc. via Kumari smart.
• Kumari Viber Banking
Viber is a free, internet based cross platform for instant messaging and voice over IP (VolIp) application that offers cheap
and efficient way to communicate for millions of users worldwide. Kumari Bank’s Viber Banking facility is available to all users
through Viber application which is available at Google Play Store and App Store. Multiple Banking functions are delivered through
the Bank’s Public Account. This enterprise service allows customers to interact with the bank via public chats in a direct,
personalized and spontaneous manner. Accountholders need to register their bank accounts through the registration menu in
order to access their account information.
• Kumari Missed Call Service
Kumari missed Call Banking is a free service from the bank wherein customers can get their account balance, mini
statement and more just by giving a Missed Call or sending an SMS with pre-defined mobile numbers from their registered
mobile number. With the objective to provide more tech- friendly services to its rural customer base, Kumari Bank started its
Missed Call Banking services. Customer’s banking details are only a missed call away from our banking support unit, which they
can easily available by giving a missed call to the Bank’s provided numbers.
• Kumari UNO Card
Kumari bank offers its clients with Kumari UNO card, which is a privilege card with multiple benefits. Kumari UNO card is an
exclusive customer benefit card offering unbeatable and exclusive discounts at most sought after shopping outlets, restaurants,
night clubs, health and beauty clubs, entertainment centre’s, etc. it is a unique offering for our prime client as part of Kumari
bank’s loyalty scheme.
• Kumari SMS Banking
Kumari bank is the first bank in the history of Nepal to start a mobile banking service. The Bank has facilitated this service to
customers with the sole objective of being an additional channel with a crucial role of responding to their inquiries and
transactional information via SMS messaging. Annual service charge for this is Rs 250 per account/mobile number.
The service will be renewed automatically every year.
❖ Balance Enquiry
❖ Transaction notification
❖ Foreign Exchange Rate Enquiry
❖ Account Statement Request
❖ Any Branch Banking Service(ABBS)
Kumari bank has Any Branch Banking Service to facilitate its customers to have easy transactions. As, KBL for the soluti ons of endless procedure, rush
hour traffic, long queues, risk of carrying huge sums of money to the bank, wanted to take out money from customers account but to make the service
more reliable bank introduced the convenient service. The customers can withdraw or deposit cash, receive information about the balance of their account
or obtain a statements of accounts is convenient from any branches. The network is online and one can have access to his/her account from any of the
branches of the bank.
❖ Foreign Currency Transaction
Kumari has been providing following Foreign Currency Transaction
• Foreign Currency Deposits
• Current
• Saving
• Fixed Deposit Accounts
• Cash sales/purchase
• SWIFT/Telegraphic Transfer
• Cross Currency Transaction
❖ Kumari Utility Payment
Customer can make a payment to Nepal Telecom for NTC post-paid payment and can make a payment by filing a deposit receipt form and deposit the
amount in any of the branch counters. The service is charged only with Rs.250per year.
• NTC post-paid payment
• NTC PSTN Payment
• ADSL Payment
1.5 Organizational Design and Structure
The kumari bank limited has its own structure. Branch Manager is the head of the organization. He supervises the employs and takes major decisions.
Credit head deals with the loans customers and do documentation. The ready file is signed by credit officer and branch manager and send to the head
office for the approval. Operation department includes CSD and teller department. CSD department deals with the customers’ platform task of cheques
clearing, remittance, and etc. Teller department helps customer to deposit and withdraw cash from bank. Operation head control and supervise CSD and
Teller staffs of the organization. Since it is branch office, all the staffs work with co-operation helping each other.
Branch Manager

Operation Department Customer service Cash Department/ Teller

Departments of Kumari Bank Limited
1. Customer service Department(CSD)
Customer service is the front desk of any organization. It provides all necessary information to the
customers. For any organization, it is the main and most important department which needs to deal with
customer more than any department in the bank. It is one of the busiest departments in the banks and it
is the very place which makes an early impression to the clients. The image and reputation of the bank
depends upon effective functioning of this department. It is the first place where the customers first get
the service. As different activities such as opening new accounts of customers, closing existing accounts,
issuing cheque books, balance inquiry, providing statements, issuing debit cards, etc are performed.
2. Cash Department
This department is related to cash, cheques and draft; mostly they are related with cash transaction.
The deposit and withdrawal of cash are done in this department. The all the cash related transaction are
done in this department.
3.Operational Department
An operations department ensures that the production process is completed from start to finish.
Managers assigned to the operations department provide constant oversight on the production process
to make their employees can systematically perform their tasks. It is back end team responsible for
executing and settling transactions initiated by the front end teams while ensuring to risk or regulatory
guidelines. The operation department can be best thought of as team which services other departments
as if they were their clients.
4. Credit Department
All types of credit/ loan facilities are provided in this department after examining the credit
proposal/inspection/analysis in long process. Mainly loans are long term loans, short term loan, overdraft
loan, vehicle loan, personal loan, auto loan, etc.
1.5Financial Structure
Financial structure refers to the way the firms assets are financed with. It refers
to the entire liabilities side of the balance sheet. So financial structure is the
amount of total current laibilities , longterm debt, preferred stock, and the
common equity used to finance a firm. Bank’s activities are KBL lighted in terms of
risk and return on capital needs to be justified in light of risk involve in is investing
and operating activities. In order to access the adequacy of capital, all major risks
like credit, liquidity, etc. are identified, measured and reported on periodic basis.
These are monitored by the bank’s board and senior management periodically in
addition to the monthly review of annual audit of the bank.
S.N. Particulars 2076/2077”000” 2077/2078 “000”

1 Paid of capita 12520.04 13878.47

2 Reserve and surplus 124220.03 157177.86

3 Borrowing 115133.98 143772.00

4 Deposits 17660.63 23072.96

5 Total asstes 145971.94 189782.82

6 Net interest income 1158.50 1970.73

7 Operation profit before 2147.86 3481.07

8 Base rate 7.65% 9.85%
1.6: Organizational Performance
Kumari Bank is the fifteenth commercial bank of Nepal. The bank has total assets of NPR 105 Billion and share capital of NPR 9.55
Billion. It has paid up capital of NPR 2,699,166,532 of which 51% is contributed from promoters and remaining from public. Kumari
Bank Limited has received an award recognized by the grand jury of “the manthan Award South Asia 2011”(Digital inclusion for
Development). The award was won in the e-business and enterprise category for providing service called Kumari Mobile Cash which uses
mobile phones to provide access to financial services through mobile wallet concept which allows users to store cash balances in their
mobile phones.
KBL has been successful to capture major market and customer in its sTwentyth year of journey since its establishment. It is ‘A’ class bank
that has been recently upgraded. It is governed by the experienced bankers and professionals. Its main focus in providing customer
satisfaction by offering various products and servies including saving, fixed, call deposits, consumer and business loans, etc. KBL
comprises highly motivated staffs who are customer centered.
Corporate Social Responsibilities
1. Donation to covid-19:To support Provincial government in this pandemic period of covid-19, KBL donate RS 10, 00,000 to each
seven provincial head.
2. Donation to flood victim:In order to support the victims of natural calamities, KBL in cooperation with Kantipur Group has launched a
campaign to collect fund for the flood victim. Total Rs. 12679238.49 was collected in the campaign, which handed to Prime Minister
Fund. The staff of the bank also contributed Rs. 1, 00,000 in this fund
.3. Health Camp:Kumari Bank Limited organized a health camp at Sindhupalchowk, where a team of 15 doctors and 20 nursing staffs
provided medical assistance to 1,800 patients of them 1,200 were female.
4. Blood Donation:On the auspicious of 6th year of excellence in the banking, the bank has organized blood donation program on 3rd
April 2007 at the head office of the bank. The program was overwhelmingly responded with 63 staffs and other outsiders have
5. Money laundering Prevention:Extensive and constant effort to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing are important
contribution to society. The bank has been continuously shouldering this responsibility seriously. To know your customer policy and Anti-
Money laundering policy consistent with international standard are already devised by the bank, which are strictly followed
The Kumari Bank Limited (KBL), Dhangadhi branch was the branch where the internship has been
completed. KBL is “A” class commercial bank having a strong presence in the market and
providing an excellent banking service to the customers. Due to the good reputation of a bank in
a market, the bank was selected for the internship. Internship is a great opportunity to learn and
understand various activities conducted in the organization and to be broadening our thinking
capacity. During our internship we got opportunity to perform various activities of different
departments .Mainly we are placed at Customer Service Department (CSD) where we performed
different tasks.we are able to utilize our theoretical knowledge in the practical world.This chapter
mainly focus on the major activities of CSD where we perform banking activities. Based on that
experience, we could analyze the various function of this department.
2.1 Activities Performed in Customer Services Department
Customer Service is the front desk of any organization. It provides all necessary information to
the customers. For any organization, it is the main and most important department which needs
to deal with customer more than any department in bank. It is the one of the busiest
departments in the banks and it is the very place which makes an early impression to the clients.
The image and reputation of the bank depends upon effective functioning of this department. It
is the first place where the customers first get the service.
• As different activities such as opening new accounts of customers, closing existing account, issuing cheque books, balance
inquiry and providing statements, issuing debit card, etc are performed. Customer service is a very important aspect in a
business because it focuses more on ideas of customer feedback and outputs as they are exposed with our product or services
.Customers are the center of the business that is why one department should be established so to enable to hear their voice
and improve the quality of services and delivery of efficient customer services whether we are selling product or services.Here,
are the various functions performed during the internship period in the CSD.
1. Opening an Account
The most important function of the customer service department is opening a new account at a bank. While opening the
account we provide full information regarding the features of the various schemes and the requirements of filling the account.
Moreover we must assist and guide the customers to fill the account opening forms.
2.Closing Existing Account
According to the request and the interest of accountholder to the CSD staff, we provide the disclosing form to the account
holder and helped them to filled the disclosing form and mention the reason behind the closing the account with other
supportive documents.After fulfillment of form CSD staff take it and do further process for approval.
3.Making Cheque Books
Cheque books are issued to those customers who have opened new account and who has made a request for new Cheque
books in place of a old Cheque books. We make Cheque books for them and keep the records of the Cheque issued in the
register maintained for the purpose after getting signature from them.
4.Statement Printing
If customer wants to have a statement print, then we provide statement request form and submit it, and then verifies
account number, account name, account holders signature and then provides respective bank account statement print to
respective customer as per CSD staff.
5. Reactive Of Dormant Account
If the customers don’t make any transaction with in account within six month the account automatically becomes dorman t
and in this situation customer only deposit and cannot withdraw the amount. So as per customers request we provide them
reactive of dormant form and help them to fill up and check the document properly.
6.Scanning and Photocopy of Documents
As intern we do photocopy of various documents like photographs, citizenship, passports, driving
license etc. and also do scanning of various documents to make easy for customers.
7.Receiving the Telephone Calls
Since CSD is the reception office, there occur many inquiries through telephone as well therefore we
receive each telephone calls with full sincerely and attention. So they should not be made wait for long to
answered and also called customers to provide information’s about their accounts .
8. Handling Customer Queries
While dealing with customers first we need to listen to the customer patiently and understand their
queries or problems only after that we should provide the appropriate information or the solution as per
customers need in very polite manner. If we do not have the appropriate information about the
customers queries then we did ask to other staff and provide appropriate information to customers as
quickly as possible.
9. Filling and Documentation
Filling and documentation is one of the major activities to be performed by the CSD department
most handle work along with computer work.the documents are filed according to the nature of
similarity. At the end of the office days we were responsible to file the documents that have been
approved the whole day. Documents includes : account opening and closing form, dormant active form,
acknowledgements form, debit card form, sms banking form and others.
10.Balance Inquiry
Many customers visit bank for inquiry of the balance. So we only provide the information to those
customer who inquiry the balance of their on account.
The work that we were assigning in this department that of paying out the customers money that may be form local or
international and also to send the local remit from Dhangadhi to other places. There are many remits such as Himal, Prabhu,
Western, IME and many more but main remit used in Kumari remit for receiving and sending out the money.
12.Other Activities
Several other activities were performed during the period of internship. The activities performed in the CSD are listed as
❖ Providing customers with ATM cards, balance certificates, statements, cheque and advices as per instructor.
❖ Marketing and promoting the product of bank and convince the customers.
❖ Maintaining good relationship with customers and bank staffs.
❖ Writing the applications as instructed by the supervisor on behalf of customers.
❖ Helping the staffs from different departments.
❖ Filling the know your customer (KYC) form and risk rating form for customers.

2.2 Problem Identification

During our internship period we are placed at CSD, where we learn many things as well as we identify some of the problems
that exist in the bank which are as follows:
• Problem related to with ATM machine which has led to multiple ATM requirements.
• Sometimes problem arise due to misunderstanding of customers.
• Transfer of staff as well as manager which lies too much responsibilities and pressure in existing staff
• Poor filing system.
• Difficult to handling the high aggressive Customer.
• Work Overload in CSD Department.
2.3 Solutions to Problems
As intern we tried to solve the following basic problem of the customers as well as staffs in the bank.
• To solve the problem of ATM we went with customer to take their money and fulfill necessary requirement.
• Misunderstanding of customers solved by dealing with them and sometimes contacting with them through phone
• Handling the CSD when staff is absent.
• Managed the filing system properly.
• When there is overload in CSD department we do extra work even after bank is closed.
• Helping the customers to fill up their vouchers and other requirements.
2.4 Intern’s key observation
• Kumari Bank is operating in the society to make the people easily access to the banking world. At the period of
internship, we were able to learn many things with the help of observation and good environment which are as
• There is a skilled laborious and helpful cooperatives members.
• There is a homely environment and all staffs respect each other’s values.
• There is good communication between customers and staffs.
• There is facility of quick remittance from any remit.
• All the staffs of KBL are disciplined stay punctual and follow the rules and regulations of bank and work as a team.
• Time to time they do different types of program to fulfill the Corporate Social Responsibility.
• There is systematically a record of everything either small or big.
• They also arranged picnics, tour, travelling celebrations for good bonding among the staffs.
Know your customer –KYC enables banks to know/ understand their customers and their
financial dealing to be able to serve them better. In terms of the revised guidelines issued by the
NRB on February 27,2012.Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has advised banks to follow a ‘KYC
guidelines’, wherein certain personal information of the account opening prospect or the
customer is obtained.
The objective of obtaining KYC information is to enable the bank to have true identification of
customers. This is also interest of customers to safe guard their hand earned money. The
identification of a customer is a very critical process with a view to protect the customer
interests by preventing from fraudsters who may use the name, address and forge signatures to
undertake illegal business activities , encashment of stolen drafts, cheque, dividend, warrant etc.
This also helps to safeguards banks from being unsuspectingly used for the transfer of deposit of
funds derived from criminal activity or for financing terrorism.
The KYC guidelines of NRB mandate banks to collect from their customers.
• Photograph
• Proof of identity
• Proof of address
Accordingly, Kumari Bank Limited has framed its KYC procedure according to which, a photograph
and documentary proof of personal identification and address proof, so as to not cause
inconvenience to those tending to open bank accounts in our Bank. Our Customer Service Desk
officials will be able to provide guidance regarding the different types of documents acceptable for
opening any account. We request your kind co-operation in providing the required documents
• 2.6 Tools of Monetary Policy and its Impacts
The various methods of instruments of Monetary Policy used by central bank of Nepal can be broadly
classified into two categories;
A. Quantitative Methods
B. Qualitative Methods
A.Quantitative Methods
The Quantitative methods used by CBIL are mentioned in the following points.
❖Bank Rate
According to current Monetary Policy 2019/20 the Bank Rate was 6.5% but after COVID-19 the bank
rate decreases to 5% in 2020/21. Due to decrease in Bank Rate it is expansionary because the money
supply will be more and the general public will have more money in their hand.
❖Open Market Operation
The open market operation refers to the purchase or sale of short- and long-term market securities by
the central bank for controlling inflection & resolving the liquidity crises. Under inflationary situation the
central bank sells the securities. On the other hand, it buys securities to address deflationary
situation.After COVID-19 the government should buy the securities for the recovery.
❖Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
According to current Monetary Policy by NRB, 2019/20 the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) was 4% and SLR was
10% but after COVID-19 the CRR decreases to 3% in 2020/21. Due to decrease in CRR it is expansionary
because the money supply will be more and the general public will have more money in their hand.
B. Qualitative Method
The Qualitative Instruments are also known as the Selective Tools of monetary policy. These tools are not directed towards the
quality of credit or the use of the credit. They are used for discriminating between different uses of credit.
I. Consumer Credit Regulation
Under this method, consumer credit supply is regulated through hire-purchase and installment sale of consumer goods. Under
this method the down payment, installment amount, loan duration, etc. is fixed in advance.Here, the down payment should be
reduced in luxury goods and the investment amount should be invested in Credit Rationing.
Il. Fixing Marginal Requirement
The margin refers to the "proportion of the loan amount which is not financed by the bank" Or in other words, it is that part of a
loan which a borrower has to raise in order to get finance for his purpose.Due to the COVID-19 the government should decrease
the loan amount in non-necessary sector like vehicle and should increase loan amount in needy sectors like agriculture.
Iii. Credit Rationing
Central Bank fixes credit amount to be granted. Credit is rationed by limiting the amount available for each commercial bank.
Here, Credit amount should be raised by government in different sectors.
IV. Publicity
Under this tool bank forms public opinion by making wide publicity on the need to control credit, and exerts psychological effect
on individuals and financial institutions.
V.Direct Control
Control is a qualitative tool under which the central bank provides direction to the banks not to extend loan for given purpose Or,
Under this method the central bank issue frequent directives to commercial banks. These directives guide commercial banks in
framing their lending policy. Through a directive the central bank can influence credit structures, supply of credit to certain limit
for a specific purpose.
Vi. Moral suasion
Under moral suasion central banks can issue directives, guidelines and suggestions for commercial banks regarding reducing
credit supply for speculative purposes.
Chapter 3
Lesson Learnt and Feedback
3.1 Key Skills and Attitude Learnt
Internship proved to be fruitful as we got the opportunity to analyze the real banking world and banking transaction. We got opportunity to analyze the
strength of the Kumari Bank and its competitive capability. We have obtained insights into career opportunities through interaction, observation and work
experience in the organization and also built another step towards success through interpersonal, managerial, communication and entrepreneurial skills
gained from this internship period. Being exposed to professional working environment, we have understood the corporate social responsibility, change the
attitude and behavior towards daily life spending. Kumari Bank is upgrading itself in terms of services offered and innovation to new technologies to
banking sector. The most important lesson that we learnt during the internship period is how to perform various tasks in an organization, to cope up with
the real working environment. It helped us to increase practical learning experience and provided a platform to show ability of performing the job, the
importance of the time management and the need of good communication skills. The various skills learnt during internship period are as follows:
• To know aboutBanking System.
• To deal with the customers.
• To learnt How to work in a team.
• To apply theoretical knowledge in practical field.
• Maintaining patience and calmness in handling customers as well as staffs.
• Better communication skills have been developed after interaction with staffs of the bank as well as with the customers.
• To understand the different types of stamps and their respective functions that was in use.
• To be in time and get permission before doing anything and providing any service to the customer.
• To make filling of different documents under different headings.
• To understand the banking procedure through the bank’s perspective.
• To be familiar with several types of product and services provided by the bank.
• Learn the process of account opening in the bank under different saving scheme.
• Found out the existing as well as the possible problems associated with customer service department.
• To solve customers’ queries by giving them good services.
• To maintain good relation with customers as well as staffs of the banks.
• Learned the workflow chain of command and hierarchy of the organization.
• To face and handle the problems effectively and efficiently.
3.2 Feedback to the Organization
It was an interesting experience to do internship in Kumari Bank Limited, Dhangadhi Branch. The staffs
were highly cooperative and due to their keen help learned big deal about activities in KBL. This type of
internship is good for the entire development of our personality. It would be a great help to us for
selection of job or future field of work. With reference to the findings and the conclusion drawn out
above following recommendations can be sorted out:
• it is observed that the employees were overburdened because of heavy workload so they have to stay
at office till late at night. Proper time management or hiring more employees can reduce their
• Bank has provided many facilities to the customers like free ATM cards, e-banking but only this is not
enough, the bank should ensure smooth flow of services without any complaints from the customers.
• A customer is the first priority so they should be given more attentions and complaints of the customer
should be promptly responded.
• Bank should focus on the retention of the old customer by providing the quality service and attract new
customers by the new schemes in order to be competitive in the market.
• Encourage the employee to become more customer oriented, thus, increasing their
attitudes, and behavior towards the customers.
• KBL should undertake time to time survey with their customers about their level of
satisfaction or dissatisfaction from the bank and its service; then after, the bank should
improve as per their needs and wants.
• Introducing new products and services in the market so they can compete with other
commercials banks.
• Training should be provided to the every employee so they can learn about modern
technology and it also uplifts their knowledge and skills.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique used to help person or organization
identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats related o business competition. It
involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.
A SWOT analysis can also address many other scenarios, such as new business initiatives,
marketing budgets or even advertising campaigns.
SWOT Analysis for Kumari Bank Limited is as follows:
Environment Analysis

Internal Analysis External Analysis

Strength Opportunities Threats

3.3 Feedback to the college
Internship period is such a productive period in our life. As it help to utilize, our theoretical
knowledge in the practical world in the form of internship in an organization. University has its
ultimate objective of educating students for professional pursuits in business, industry and
government for building up their carrier for the same. The program stimulates creative and
critical thinking and helps in developing interpersonal communication skills among the students
in terms of business and public administration. Here we would like to thank to the college as well
as university for summing this internship program in our syllabus and helping us to move a step
ahead and making us aware about the practical side of the organization. Here, following things
are suggested to the college faculty of management for the further smooth and successful
operation of internship process:
• Colleges should focus on the time management between regular class and internship period.
• internship supervisor supervise its students how they are doing internship in the work place,
this really being appreciable for students learning .
• We faced a problem of time management during our internship period when college
conducted the first terminal examination. Hence, college should manage the time for student
in examination period.
• College should support the students in finding out banks and financial institutions for
internship in time.
• Staff of the college should motivate and help the students in their internship.
Organization No.of Institution
1 Commercial Bank 27
2 Development Bank 20
3 Financial Companies 22
4 Micro Financial Institution 85
5 Insurance Company 40
6 Infrastructure Bank 1
7 Employees Prov. fund 1
8 Citizen Invest. Trust 1
List Of Commercial Bank In Nepal
SN Bank Name Headquarter

1. Nepal Bank Limited Dharmapath, Kathmandu

2. Agriculture Development Bank limited Ramshahpath, Kathmandu

3. Rastriya Banijya Bank Singhadurbarplaza, Kathmandu

4. Nepal Bank Ltd Beena Marg, Kathmandu

5. Nepal Investment Bank Ltd Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

6. Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd Nayabaneshwor, Kathmandu

7. Himalaya Bank Ltd Kamaladi, Kathmandu

8. Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. Kesharmahal, Kathmandu

9. Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd. Kamaladi, Kathmandu

10. Everest Bank Ltd. Lazimpat, Kathmandu

11. Kumari Bank Ltd Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

12. Laxmi Bank Ltd Hattisar, Kathmandu

13. Citizens Bank International Ltd. Narayanhitipath, Kathmandu

14. Prime Commercial Bank Ltd. Kamalpokahri , Kathmandu

15. Sunrise Bank Ltd. Gairidhara , Kathmandu

16. Century Commercial Bank Ltd Putalisadak, Kathmandu

17. Sanima Bank Ltd Nagpokhari, Kathmandu

18. Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd Lazimpat, Kathmandu

19. NIC Asia Bank Ltd Thapathali , Kathmandu

20. Global IME Bank Ltd (in merger process Panipokhari , Kathmandu with Janata Bank Nepal Ltd)

21. NMB Bank Ltd. Babarmahal, Kathmandu

22. Parbhu Bank Ltd Babarmahal, Kathmandu

23. Siddharth Bank Ltd Hattisar, Kathmandu

24. Bank of Kathmandu Ltd. Kamaladi, Kathmandu

25. Civil Bank Ltd. Kamaladi, Kathmandu

26. Nepal credit or customer Bank Ltd. Bag bazar, Kathmandu

Board Of Directors and Management Team
Board of Directors Designations

1. Mr. Amit Pratap J.B. Rana Chairman( Promoter Group)

2. Mr. Krishna parsad Gyawali Director (Promoter Group)

3. Mr. Mahesh parsad Pokharel Director(Public Group)

4. Mrs. Anuradha Chaudhary Director( public Group)

5. Prof. Dr. Ganesh parsad pathak Independent Director

Management Team

S.N. Name
1 Mr. Anuj Mani Timilsina Acting Chief Executive Officer
2 Mr. Chandra Khanal Chief Operating Officer
3 Mr. Ganesh Kumar Head-internal Audit
4 Mr. Manish Timilsina Deputy chief Executive Officer
5 Mr.Narayan Ghimire Chief- Information Technology
6 Mr. Rohit Singh Chief-Business Coordination
Adhakari,D.R. (2016 )Business Research Method.
Ashmita Books Publishers Pvt.Ltd
Bhandari, D.R. (2017). Business Environment in Nepal
Kathmandu:Ashmita Books Publishers Pvt.Ltd
Kumari Bank Limited.(2010/2011).Annual Report
Kumari Bank Limited. (2015/2016).Annual Report
Kumari Bank Limited.(2018/2019).Annual Report
Kumari Bank Limited.(2021/2022).Annual Report

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