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Education Sustainable Development in Malaysia

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an important aspect of Malaysia's

educational system. Malaysia recognizes the importance of sustainable development
and has integrated it into its education policies and practices.

The Malaysian government's commitment to ESD is reflected in the Malaysia

Education Blueprint 2013-2025. This blueprint aims to promote sustainable
development through education by providing students with the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes necessary to become environmentally responsible citizens. It also aims
to integrate sustainability into the curriculum and pedagogy, and to create a
sustainable learning environment in schools.

One of the key initiatives in promoting ESD in Malaysia is the implementation of the
Sustainable Schools Program. This program encourages schools to adopt sustainable
practices in their daily operations and to incorporate sustainability into their teaching
and learning activities. The program also provides training and resources for teachers
to integrate ESD into their teaching practices.

Another initiative is the Eco-Schools program, which is a global initiative that aims to
promote sustainable practices in schools. In Malaysia, this program is implemented
by the Malaysian Nature Society and has been adopted by over 500 schools in the

In addition, Malaysia has also established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Unit under the Ministry of Education to oversee the implementation of the SDGs in
the education sector. The SDG Unit works to ensure that the education system is
aligned with the SDGs and to promote ESD through various initiatives and programs.

Overall, Malaysia is committed to promoting ESD in its educational system and has
taken concrete steps to integrate sustainability into its policies and practices.
Through these initiatives, Malaysia hopes to create a generation of environmentally
responsible citizens who are equipped to address the challenges of sustainable

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