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1. The functions of managers and specific example of each function

ANSWER : the functions of managers :
 Planning: ways or methods to achieve GOALS
 Organizing :
+ Assigning tasks/jobs/duties.
+ Arranging priority.
+ Assembling resources
+ Allocating resources
 Leading
+ Motivation : initiate and maintain
 Controlling :
+ measuring the results
+ comparing the results to the goals established
+ take the corrective actions

2. The components of the individual performance (Talents, Motivation and

Opportunities) and specific example of each one.
Performance = Talents x Motivation x Opportunities
Talents (competence) demonstrates the right behaviors at the right time

3. Organization’s functions and specific activities under each function.

Answer : the functions of organization are
- HRM: take care of insides and outsides in organization.
- Marketing: take care of customers and non-customers
- Financing and Accounting: how to earn money and keep money going in and out
- Operation or Production: making products or services to customers.
- Innovation: researching and developing
- Management Information System

4. The content of Gungho clip.

5. The concept of personality and the role of personality in the model of behavior
Personality is the sum of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with
others, we also describe personality in terms of the measurable traits a person exhibits.
When someone frequently exhibits these characteristics and they are relatively enduring
over time and across situations, we call them personality traits

6. The brief description of each personality type in MBTI and Big 5 models.
DEFINITION : Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most widely used
personality assenssment instruments in the world. Each personality type includes :
- Extraverted versus Introverted
- Sensing versus Intuitive
- Thinking versus Feeling
- Judging versus Perceiving
BIG 5 MODELS are :
1. Conscientiousness : is a measure of personal consistency and reliability
2. Emotional stability : dimension taps a person’s ability to withstand stress.
3. Extraversion : captures our relational approach toward the social world
4. Openness to experience : addresses the range of interests and fascination with
5. Agreeableness : refers to an individual’s propensity to defer to others.
7. The examples of jobs that fit each personality type in MBTI and Big 5 models.

8. The concept of attitude and the components of attitude

The attitude are evaluative statements – either favorable or unfavorable – about
objects,people, events.
The concept of attitude have three components :
1. Cognitive component: a description of or belief in the way things are
2. Affective component: the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude
3. Behavioral component: describes an intention to behave a certain way toward
someone or something
9. The concept of job satisfaction and factors impacting job satisfaction
Job satisfaction means a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its
Factors causes job satisfaction :
1. Job conditions
2. Personality : people who have a positive core self-evaluation- who believe in their
inner worth and basic competence- are more satisfied with their jobs than people with
negative CSEs
3. Pay
4. Corporate social responsibility
CSR means that an organization’s self-regulated actions to benefit society or the
environment beyond what is required by law.

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