Englishprofiencygroup 8

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Group 8

Name :
1. Dilla anglia 191224043
2. Aulia ade tiara 191224045
3. Sekar dewi andini 191224029
in Language profiency


1. How many types of questions in IELTS ?
2. Explain the following strategies for reading in IELTS;
 Scanning and Skimming
 Identifying main idea
 Understanding the opinion
3. What will you do to answer type of questions; multiple choice questions, and
completion task question?
Answer :
1. *Listening Module task types
-Notes/summary/flow chart/table completion=Sentence completion
-Multiple-choice question=Labelling a diagram
-Short-answer question=Classification
*Reading module task types
-Multiple-choice question=Short-answer question
-Sentence completion=Notes/summary/flow chart/table completion
-Labelling a diagram=Choosing heading for paragraphs/sections of a text
-Locating Information=Identification of information in the text
-Identification of writer's views/claims=Classification
-Matching lists/phrases=Multiple matching
*Writing Module task Types
-Academic writing=General training
-Task 1, you are given visual information (graph/table/chart/diagram)=in task 1, you must
write a letter requesting information or explaining situation.
- In Task 2, you are presented with a point of view, an argument or a problem=you are
presented with a point of view, argument or problem.
*Speaking Module task types
-Part 1 : Introduction and Interview
-Part 2 :Individual long turn
- Part 3 : Two-way discussion

2. 1. skimming and scanning

Skimming (reading for general ideas) while scanning (reading specific information). Both
skimming and scanning involve reading text quickly, so both are important skills to use in the
IELTS exam. Skimming and scan have different goals.
*Skimming should be used during the IELTS when you need to read quickly for just the main idea
of a text, without thinking about specic details. It involves selective reading of the most
important parts of the text to find out how the text is organised and get the general idea of what
the text is about.
*Scanning should be used when you need to read to find specific pieces of information such as
names, dates and facts.
2. identifying main ideas and details , Texts are divided into paragraphs to make them easier to
read. A text is usually organised in the following way:
introduction: theme, statement and objective
Paragraph 2: topic. supporting point or details
Paragraph 3: topic, supporting point or details
Conclusion: summary and restatement of main idea
In the introduction, the writer usually outlines what he or she is going to write about and the
main issues to be raised. Each paragraph usually deals with one key issue, which is stated in a
topic sentence and possibly summarised in the last sentence of the paragraph. Supporting details
are used in a paragraph to develop and explain its main idea.
3. understanding opinion
An epanion is e personal belief which may or may not be true. It is different from a fact which is a
statement known to be true or based on generally accepted evidence. In texts, opinions are
usually introduced by phrases such as these:
*Several experts claim that
*Many scientists suspect that...
Facts, on the other hand, might be introduced by phrases such as these:
*Scientists have discovered...
When answering questions related to the author's opinion, it must be in accordance with the
author's ideas, not his own opinion or ideas.
3. In the multiple-answer type, I choose more than one answer from a longer list of possible
options. In this case the answers do not have to be in alphabetical order. For example, D-A-C and
A-C-D are considered the same. Multiple-choice questions follow the order of information in the
reading, and they can include one part or the whole part. Choices, on the other hand, do not
necessarily follow the order of the information in the reading.
In Questions and choices are usually information paraphrased from the passage And in doing the
completion task question, what I do is to see key information in part or all of the part by
completing sentences or summaries by taking words directly from the text or by selecting from
the list options.

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