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Installing and operating the PLCnext Engineer

Quick start guide
Quick start guide
Installing and operating the PLCnext Engineer software

UM QS EN PLCNEXT ENGINEER, Revision 01 2018-11-19

This user manual is valid for:

Designation Version Order No.

PLCnext Engineer 2019.0 LTS 1046008

PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG • Flachsmarktstraße 8 • 32825 Blomberg • Germany
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 General information ...................................................................................................................5
1.1 Marking of warning notes.......................................................................................5
1.2 Qualification of users .............................................................................................5
1.3 Field of application of the product ..........................................................................5
1.4 Information about this document............................................................................6
1.5 PLCnext Engineer licenses....................................................................................6

2 Installing and operating PLCnext Engineer ................................................................................7

2.1 Installing PLCnext Engineer...................................................................................7
2.2 Opening and saving an empty project template.....................................................7

3 The PLCnext Engineer user interface ........................................................................................9

4 Creating a project .....................................................................................................................13

4.1 Configuring the IP settings...................................................................................13
4.1.1 Setting the IP address range ................................................................13
4.1.2 Setting the IP address ..........................................................................14
4.2 Connecting to the controller.................................................................................16
4.3 Configuring Axioline F modules ...........................................................................19
4.4 Configuring PROFINET devices ..........................................................................21
4.4.1 Adding PROFINET devices ..................................................................21
4.4.2 Assigning online devices ......................................................................22
4.4.3 Adding I/O modules .............................................................................24
4.5 Programming according to IEC 61131-3..............................................................26
4.5.1 Opening and creating the POU, creating variables ..............................26
4.5.2 Creating the program ...........................................................................28
4.5.3 Creating functions and function blocks .................................................29
4.6 Instantiating a program ........................................................................................32
4.7 Assigning process data .......................................................................................34
4.7.1 For programs according to IEC 61131-3
without IN and OUT ports .....................................................................34
4.7.2 For programs according to IEC 61131-3
with IN and OUT ports ..........................................................................38
4.8 Transferring the project to the controller ..............................................................40

5 Creating a PLCnext Engineer HMI application .........................................................................41

5.1 General information .............................................................................................41
5.2 Assigning HMI tags..............................................................................................42
5.3 Adding a HMI page ..............................................................................................43

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5.4 User interface of the HMI page editor ..................................................................43

5.5 Designing HMI pages ..........................................................................................44
5.6 Transferring the project image to the controller....................................................45
5.7 Executing the PLCnext Engineer HMI application ...............................................46

A Appendixes...............................................................................................................................47
A1 List of figures .......................................................................................................47

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General information

1 General information
Read this user manual carefully and keep it for future reference.

1.1 Marking of warning notes

This symbol indicates hazards that could lead to personal injury.
There are three signal words indicating the severity of a potential injury.
Indicates a hazard with a high risk level. If this hazardous situation is not
avoided, it will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium risk level. If this hazardous situation is not
avoided, it could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low risk level. If this hazardous situation is not avoided,
it could result in minor or moderate injury.
This symbol together with the NOTE signal word warns the reader of actions
that might cause property damage or a malfunction.

Here you will find additional information or detailed sources of information.

1.2 Qualification of users

The use of products described in this user manual is oriented exclusively to qualified appli-
cation programmers and software engineers. The users must be familiar with the relevant
safety concepts of automation technology as well as applicable standards and other regu-

1.3 Field of application of the product

Configure, diagnose and visualize your entire automation solution with the PLCnext Engi-
neer software. Furthermore, you can use PLCnext Engineer to program and configure your
application according to IEC 61131-3.
In addition or as an alternative to the programming languages specified in IEC 61131-3, you
can also use the C++ or MATLAB® Simulink® programming languages. The individual pro-
grams or program parts can be programmed in any development environment (e.g.,
Eclipse, Microsoft® Visual Studio®, etc.). Then import the programs or program parts into
PLCnext Engineer as a library.

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PLCnext Engineer

1.4 Information about this document

This document provides you with a brief overview of how to install and operate the PLCnext
Engineer software. For additional information, refer to the online help for PLCnext Engineer.

1.5 PLCnext Engineer licenses

The basic functions of PLCnext Engineer are available as a free of charge license. Once in-
stalled, these functions are available without limitation and free of charge. Further functions
can be added for a fee (even at a later stage). The licenses are bound to the hardware of a
PC or a USB dongle.
To order further licenses, proceed as follows:
• Log in with your access data at or register for the first time.
• Select the PLCNEXT ENGINEER product (Order No. 1046008).
• Select “Configure” on the PLCNEXT ENGINEER product page to configure your per-
sonal license.
Once you have sent your order, within 48 hours you will receive an email from Phoenix
Contact that contains a ticket ID. You need the ticket ID to activate the license.
The Phoenix Contact Activation Wizard is used for the activation process of licenses for
further functions. The Phoenix Contact Activation Wizard is a part of the PLCnext Engineer
installation package. In order to start the application you will find an .EXE-file under the
installation path (Default path: „C:\Program Files (x86)\PHOENIX CONTACT\Phoenix
Contact Activation Wizard\“).
The USB dongle ESL STICK USB A (Order No. 1080084) for saving licenses for various
software products is delivered without licenses. The Phoenix Contact Activation Wizard is
also used for the activation process of USB dongle licenses.
• To activate a license, follow the instructions in the Phoenix Contact Activation Wizard.

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Installing and operating PLCnext Engineer

2 Installing and operating PLCnext Engineer

2.1 Installing PLCnext Engineer

The software can be downloaded at
• Download the software onto your computer.
• Click on the *.exe file to start installation.
• Follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

2.2 Opening and saving an empty project template

• Open PLCnext Engineer.
• Open an empty project or click on a project template on the start page (in the example:
“Empty AXC F 2152 project”).

Figure 2-1 Start page, “Empty AXC F 2152 project” project template

The project template for an empty AXC F 2152 project opens.

• Open the “File, Save Project As” menu.
• Enter a unique and meaningful name for the project.
• Click “Save”.

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The PLCnext Engineer user interface

3 The PLCnext Engineer user interface



Figure 3-1 User interface

1. Menu bar
2. Tool bar
3. “PLANT” area
4. Editors Area
5. “COMPONENTS” area
6. Cross Function Area
7. Status Bar

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“PLANT” area You display all physical and logical components of your application in the form of a hierar-
chical tree structure in the “PLANT” area.

Figure 3-2 Example for the “PLANT” area

Editors Area If a node in the “PLANT” area or an element in the “COMPONENTS” area is double-clicked,
the associated editor group opens in the Editors Area. Editor groups are always displayed
in the center of the user interface. You can identify by the color of the editor group whether
it is an instance editor (green; opened from the “PLANT” area) or is a type editor (blue;
opened from the “COMPONENTS” area). Each editor group contains several editors which
can be opened and closed using buttons in the editor group.
In many editors, you can either display all information or filter out the relevant information.
When the “All” view is selected, all information will be displayed. Specific information is in-
dicated using the corresponding views below it (e.g., “Identity” in Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3 Example for the Editors Area

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The PLCnext Engineer user interface

“COMPONENTS” The “COMPONENTS” area contains all the components available for the project. The com-
area ponents can be divided into the following categories based on their function:
– Developing program code (“Data Types”, “Programs” and “Functions & Function
– Showing all devices available for the “PLANT” area and adding them via GSDML or FD-
CML (“Devices”)
– Editing HMI pages (“HMI”)
– Adding libraries such as firmware libraries, IEC user libraries or libraries provided by
Phoenix Contact (“References”)

Figure 3-4 Example for the “COMPONENTS” area

Cross Function Area The Cross Function Area includes functions that extend across the entire project.
Shows all errors, warnings and messages of the current project.
Finds and replaces strings in the project.
Displays all cross-references within the project, for example, the use and declaration of
all variable types or HMI tags.
Debug tool; shows the current values of the added variables in online mode.
Debug tool for setting and resetting break points when debugging within the applica-
Debug tool that shows the order for calling up when executing the code and contains
commands for debugging with breakpoints.
Records and visualizes variable values at runtime.
Shows all errors, warnings and messages. A distinction is made between “online” (mes-
sages from the runtime environment, as well as errors and warnings that concern online
communication) and “engineering” (messages on events concerning software, for ex-
ample, GSDML or FDCML files; not project-related).

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Elements that have been recently deleted from the “PLANT” or “COMPONENTS” areas
are moved to the recycle bin. When required, you can restore deleted elements.

Figure 3-5 Example for the Cross Function Area

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Creating a project

4 Creating a project

4.1 Configuring the IP settings

4.1.1 Setting the IP address range

• Double-click on the “Project (x)” node in the “PLANT” area.
The “Project” editor group opens.
• Select the “Settings” editor.
• Set the desired IP address range and the subnet mask for your project.

Figure 4-1 Setting the IP address range

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4.1.2 Setting the IP address

• Double-click on the controller node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the controller opens.
• Select the “Settings” editor.
• Select the “Ethernet” view.
The IP address of the controller can be automatically or manually set. The IP address is as-
signed to the controller when you have connected PLCnext Engineer to the controller (see
Section 4.2 “Connecting to the controller”).

Setting the IP address au- • Select “automatic” from the “IP address assignment mode” drop-down list.
PLCnext Engineer automatically assigns an IP address to the controller from the set IP ad-
dress range (see Section 4.1.1, “Setting the IP address range”) as soon as a connection to
the controller is established (see Section 4.2 “Connecting to the controller”).

Figure 4-2 Setting the IP address automatically

Setting the IP address • Select “manual” from the “IP address assignment mode” drop-down list.
manually • In the respective input fields, enter the IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
PLCnext Engineer automatically assigns an IP address to the controller from the set IP ad-
dress range (see Section 4.1.1, “Setting the IP address range”) as soon as a connection to
the controller is established (see Section 4.2 “Connecting to the controller”).

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Creating a project

Figure 4-3 Setting the IP address manually

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4.2 Connecting to the controller

To transfer a project to the controller, you must first connect PLCnext Engineer to the con-
troller. To do this, proceed as follows:
• Double-click on the controller node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the controller opens.
• Select the “Cockpit” editor.
• Select “TCP/IP” from the drop-down list.

Figure 4-4 Setting TCP/IP

• Double-click on the “Project (x)” node in the “PLANT” area.

The “Project” editor group opens.
• Select the “Online Devices” editor.
• Select the desired network card from the drop-down list.

Figure 4-5 Selecting the network card

• Click on the button (“Scan the network.”) to search the network for connected de-

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Creating a project

You can see the configured devices under “Name of station (Project)”.
You can see the devices that have been found online in the network (online devices) under
“Name of station (Online)”.

By clicking on the arrow next to “Name of station (Project)” and “Name of station (Online)”
(see Figure 4-5), you can show detailed information or hide the detailed information.

Figure 4-6 Assigning online devices

When you select the device (“Select online device here”) under “Name of station (Online)”,
the controller found in the network (the online device) receives the IP settings of the config-
ured controller.
When you select the device (“Select project device here”) under “Name of station (Project)”,
the configured controller receives the IP settings of the online device found in the network.
• Select the desired device.
The configured controller has now been assigned to an online device.

When the IP address of an online device found in the network already matches the IP ad-
dress of the configured controller, the online device is automatically assigned to the con-
figured controller. In this case, you do not need to select the desired device for the
Successful assignment is shown in the “Status” column by the icon.

Figure 4-7 Successful assignment of the configured controller to an online device

Once the configured controller has been assigned to an online device, you can connect
PLCnext Engineer to the controller:
• Double-click on the controller node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the controller opens.
• Select the “Cockpit” editor.

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• Click on the button to connect PLCnext Engineer to the controller.

• When user authentication is enabled, log in using your user name and password.
A successful connection is shown by the icon on the node of the controller in the
“PLANT” area.

Figure 4-8 Connection to the controller was established successfully

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Creating a project

4.3 Configuring Axioline F modules

You display all physical and logical components of your application in the form of a hierar-
chical tree structure in the “PLANT” area.

Role picker: adding Axio- Proceed as follows to add the modules:

line F modules • Double-click on the “Axioline F (x)” node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the “/ Axioline F” controller opens.

• Select the “Device List” editor.

• Select “Select type here” in the first row in the “Device List” editor.
The role picker opens. Only the elements from the “COMPONENTS” area that you can ac-
tually use are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-9 Role picker for selecting Axioline F modules

• Select the relevant Axioline F module in the role picker.

The Axioline F module is automatically added and shown under the “Axioline F (x)” node in
the “PLANT” area (see Figure 4-10).
• Proceed as described for other Axioline F modules.

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Figure 4-10 Added Axioline F modules in the “PLANT” area and in the device list

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Creating a project

4.4 Configuring PROFINET devices

4.4.1 Adding PROFINET devices

• Double-click on the “Profinet (x)” node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the “/ Profinet” controller opens.
• Select the “Device List” editor.
• Select “Select type here” in the first row in the “Device List” editor.
The role picker opens. Only the elements from the “COMPONENTS” area that you can ac-
tually use are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-11 Role picker for selecting PROFINET devices

• Select the relevant PROFINET device in the role picker.

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The PROFINET device is automatically added and shown under the “Profinet (x)” node in
the “PLANT” area.
• Proceed as described for other PROFINET devices.

Figure 4-12 PROFINET devices in the “PLANT” area and in the device list

4.4.2 Assigning online devices

After you have added the PROFINET devices to the project, you must assign each config-
ured PROFINET device to the corresponding PROFINET device of your actual bus struc-
ture (online device). You are giving the PROFINET devices their IP settings and their
PROFINET device names when making the assignment. To do this, proceed as follows:
• Double-click on the “Profinet (x)” node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the “/ Profinet” controller opens.
• Select the “Online Devices” editor.
• Select the desired network card from the drop-down list.

Figure 4-13 Selecting the network card

• Click on the button to search the network for connected PROFINET devices.

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Creating a project

You can see the configured PROFINET devices under “Name of station (Project)”.
You can see the PROFINET devices that have been found online in the network (online de-
vices) under “Name of station (Online)”.

Figure 4-14 Assigning online devices

When you select the PROFINET device (“Select online device here”) under “Name of sta-
tion (Online)”, the PROFINET device found in the network (the online device) receives the
IP settings of the configured PROFINET device.

Please note:
By default, the PROFINET device has no IP address.
• On initial start-up of the PROFINET device, choose the device under “Name of station
The PROFINET device receives the IP settings of the configured PROFINET device.

When you select the device (“Select project device here”) under “Name of station (Project)”,
the configured PROFINET device receives the IP settings of the online device found in the
• Select the desired device.
The configured PROFINET device has now been assigned to an online device. Successful
assignment is shown in the “Status” column by the icon.

Figure 4-15 Successful assignment of the configured PROFINET device to an online


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4.4.3 Adding I/O modules

After you have added all PROFINET devices of your bus structure to the project, you can
add the I/O modules connected to the PROFINET device. There are two options to add I/O
modules. You can add I/O modules manually or automatically.

Adding I/O modules manu- Proceed as follows to add I/O modules manually:
Double-click in the “PLANT” area on the PROFINET device of whose I/O modules you wish
to add.
The editor group of the selected PROFINET device opens (“axf-f-bk-pn-1”
in the example).
• Select the “Module List” editor.
• Select “Select type here” in the first row in the “Module List” editor.
The role picker opens. Only the elements from the “COMPONENTS” area that you can ac-
tually use are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-16 Role picker for selecting I/O modules

• Select the relevant I/O module in the role picker.

The I/O module is added and shown in the “PLANT” area under the “Profinet (x)” node for
the corresponding PROFINET device (see Figure 4-17).

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• Proceed as described for adding additional I/O modules.

Figure 4-17 I/O modules of a PROFINET device in the “PLANT” area and in the module

Reading I/O modules auto- In order to automatically read the I/O modules of a PROFINET device, the following require-
matically ments must be met:
– The controller has valid IP settings (see Section 4.1).
– The PROFINET device has valid IP settings and is connected with PLCnext Engineer
(see Section 4.4.2).
In order to automatically read the I/O modules of a PROFINET device, proceed as follows:
• Right-click in the “PLANT” area beneath the “Profinet” node on the PROFINET device
of whose I/O modules you wish to read.
• Then in the context menu, select the “Read Profinet modules” entry.

Figure 4-18 Reading I/O modules of a PROFINET device automatically

The I/O modules connected to the PROFINET device are now read automatically.

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4.5 Programming according to IEC 61131-3

Please note:
Programming with C++ or MATLAB® Simulink® is not described in this quick start guide.
Detailed information on programming with C++ or MATLAB® Simulink® can be found in
the PLCnext community at
You will find operating instructions, tutorials, FAQs, and software and firmware down-
loads in the PLCnext community.

4.5.1 Opening and creating the POU, creating variables

When you create a project, a Program Organization Unit (POU) with the name “Main” is cre-
ated in the “COMPONENTS” area under “Programs” automatically.

Opening the POU To open a POU, proceed as follows:

• Click on “Programs” in the “COMPONENTS” area and then on “Local”.
• Double-click on the desired POU, for example “Moving_Light_Prog”.
The editor group of the selected POU opens. You are prompted to select the programming
language for the first worksheet of the POU.

Figure 4-19 Selecting the programming language for the first worksheet

• Click on the desired programming language.

– In the LD Code Worksheet, free-graphic programming is possible using function block
diagram and ladder diagram.
– In the NOLD Code Worksheet, network-oriented programming is possible using func-
tion block diagram and ladder diagram. The editor is used for the positioning of objects.

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Creating a project

Creating a new POU To create a new POU, proceed as follows:

• Right-click on “Programs” in the “COMPONENTS” area.
• Right-click on “Local”.
• In the context menu, select “Add Program”.

Figure 4-20 “Add Program” in the context menu

Creating variables Once you have created a POU and selected a programming language, the editor group of
the POU opens.
• Select the “Variables” editor.
• Create the variables that you need for the selected POU.

Figure 4-21 Creating variables for a POU (“Moving_Light_Prog” in the example

for the POU)

Once you have created all the necessary variables, create the program for the selected
POU (see Section 4.5.2).

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4.5.2 Creating the program

• Select the code editor.
By default, the code editor is labeled with “Code”. Optionally, you can change the designa-
tion of the code editor.
• Create the program.

Figure 4-22 Example program in FBD

Adding worksheets The code for a POU can consist of several worksheets and of different programming lan-
guages. For each required programming language, you add a corresponding worksheet
(code worksheet) to the POU. Each worksheet is inserted in the editor group of the POU as
another “Code” code editor.
Proceed as follows to add additional worksheets to a POU:
• Select a code editor (in Figure 4-23: “Code” editor).
• Click on the arrow on the right next to the designation of the code editor.
• From the opening drop-down list, select the desired code worksheet.

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Creating a project

Figure 4-23 Adding a code worksheet to a POU

4.5.3 Creating functions and function blocks

Creating a function or To create your own functions and function blocks, proceed as follows:
function block • Click on “Functions & Function Blocks” in the “COMPONENTS” area.
• Right-click on “Local”.
• In the context menu, select the suitable entry for the new function or function block to
be created.

Figure 4-24 Context menu for adding a function or a function block

The newly created function or function block is inserted below the “Local” entry in the “COM-
PONENTS” area.
• Right-click to open the context menu for the newly created function or function block.
• Select “Rename”.
• Enter a unique and meaningful name (“Moving_Light” in the example).
No spaces are allowed within a name.
• Press the “Enter” key to accept the entry.

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Figure 4-25 Newly created function block in the “COMPONENTS” area

After you have created a new function or function block, you must program the logic for the
function or the function block. To do this, initially select the programming language for the
first worksheet.

Selecting the program- • Double-click on the function or function block in the “COMPONENTS” area.
ming language for the first
The editor group of the function or function block opens. You are prompted to select the pro-
gramming language for the first worksheet of the function or function block.

Figure 4-26 Selecting the programming language for the first worksheet

• Click on the desired programming language.

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Creating a project

Creating variables Once you have chosen the programming language, create the required variables. To do
this, proceed as follows:
• Select the “Variables” editor.
• Create the variables that you need for programming the function or function block.

Figure 4-27 Creating variables for a function block (“Moving_Light” in the example for
the function block)

Once you have created all the required variables, program the logic for the function or func-
tion block.

Programming the logic • Select the “Code” editor.

• Create the program.

Figure 4-28 Example code for a function block

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Adding worksheets The program can consist of several worksheets and of different programming languages.
For each required programming language, you add a corresponding worksheet (code work-
sheet) to the function or the function block. Each worksheet is inserted in the editor group of
the function or function block as another “Code” editor.
Proceed as follows to add additional worksheets to a function or function block:
• Select the code editor of a worksheet.
• Click on the arrow on the right next to the designation of the code editor.
From the opening drop-down list, select the desired code worksheet.

4.6 Instantiating a program

Instantiate the program in the “Tasks and Events” editor. To instantiate a program, create
the required task and assign this to the desired program instance.
Individual tasks are coordinated and processed in the Execution & Synchronization Man-
ager (ESM). For example, the AXC F 2152 works with a dual core processor and has one
ESM (“ESM1” and “ESM2” in the “Tasks and Events” editor) per processor kernel.

Opening the “Tasks and To open the “Tasks and Events” editor, proceed as follows:
Events” editor • Double-click on the “PLCnext” node in the “PLANT” area.
The “PLCnext” editor group opens.
• Select the “Tasks and Events” editor.

Creating tasks To create a new task, proceed as follows:

• In the “Name” column, enter a name for the new task in the “Enter task name here” input
No spaces are allowed within a name.
• Click in the input field in the “Task Type” column.
• Select “Idle Task” or “Cyclic Task” as task type from the drop-down list.
• Make all the required settings for the task in the other columns.

Instantiating a program To instantiate a program, proceed as follows:

• In the “Name” column, enter a name for the program instance below a task in the “Enter
program instance name here” input field (“Program1_Moving_Light” in the example in
Figure 4-29).
No spaces are allowed within a name.
• Click on “Select program type here” in the “Program Type” column.
• Select the program to be instantiated from the drop-down list (“Moving_Light_Prog” in
the example in Figure 4-29).
The selected program is instantiated and assigned to a task.

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Creating a project

Figure 4-29 Tasks and program instances in the “Tasks and Events” editor

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4.7 Assigning process data

4.7.1 For programs according to IEC 61131-3

without IN and OUT ports
There are two options for assigning process data:
– You assign a process data item to a variable.
– You assign a variable to a process data item.
You assign the process data in the “Data List” editor.

Assigning a process data In order to assign a process data item to a variable, proceed as follows:
item to a variable • Double-click on the “PLC” node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the “/ PLC” controller opens.
• Select the “Data List” editor.
You can see an overview of all available variables in the “Data List” editor.

Figure 4-30 Example: overview of all available variables

You also get an overview of all available variables when you click on the node of the con-
troller in the “PLANT” area and also open the “Data List” editor there. You can also assign
the process data at this point.

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Creating a project

• In order to assign a process data item to a variable, click on “Select Process Datum
here” in the “Process Datum” column.
The role picker opens. Only the process data that you can actually assign to the respective
variable are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-31 Role picker for selecting process data

• Select the process data item in the role picker that you want to assign to the relevant
The process data item is assigned to the variable.
• Proceed as described for other variables.

Assigning a variable to a In order to assign a variable to a process data item, proceed as follows:
process data item • Double-click on the “Axioline F (x)” node in the “PLANT” area (for Axioline F modules)
• Double-click on the “Profinet (x)” node in the “PLANT” area (for PROFINET devices).
The editor group of the “/ Axioline F” controller (for PROFINET devices: “/ Profinet”) opens.
• Select the “Data List” editor.
You can see an overview of all available process data in the “Data List” editor.

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Figure 4-32 Example: overview of all available process data

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Creating a project

• In order to assign a variable to a process data item, click on “Select Variable (PLC)
here” in the “Variable (PLC)” column.
The role picker opens. Only the variable that you can actually assign to the respective pro-
cess data item are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-33 Role picker for selecting variables

• Select the variable in the role picker that you want to assign to the relevant process data
The variable is assigned to the process data item.
• Proceed as described for other process data.

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4.7.2 For programs according to IEC 61131-3

with IN and OUT ports
If you have created variables as IN and/or OUT ports in your program, the process data is
assigned in the “Data List” of the “PLCnext” node.
There are two options for assigning process data:
– You assign an IN port to an OUT port.
– You assign an OUT port to an IN port.

Opening the “Data List” • Double-click on the “PLCnext” node in the “PLANT” area.
The “PLCnext” editor group opens.
• Select the “Data List” editor.
You can see an overview of all available IN and OUT ports in the “Data List” editor.

IN and OUT ports are only shown the “Data List” editor of the “PLCnext” node.

Figure 4-34 Example: overview of all available IN and OUT ports

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Creating a project

Assigning an IN port to an • In order to assign an IN port to an OUT port, click on “Select IN Port here” in the “IN Port”
OUT port column.
The role picker opens. Only the IN ports that you can actually assign to the respective OUT
port are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-35 Role picker for selecting IN ports

• Select the IN port in the role picker that you want to assign to the relevant OUT port.
The IN port is assigned to the OUT port.
• Proceed as described for other IN ports.

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Assigning an OUT port to • In order to assign an OUT port to an IN port, click on “Select OUT Port here” in the “OUT
an IN port Port” column.
The role picker opens. Only the OUT ports that you can actually assign to the respective IN
port are shown to you in the role picker.

Figure 4-36 Role picker for selecting OUT ports

• Select the OUT port in the role picker that you want to assign to the relevant IN port.
The OUT port is assigned to the IN port.
• Proceed as described for other OUT ports.

4.8 Transferring the project to the controller

To transfer the project to the controller, proceed as follows:
• Double-click on the controller node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the controller opens.
• Select the “Cockpit” editor.
• Click on the button (“Write project to Controller and start execution. (F5)”).
The project is compiled, transferred to the controller and executed.

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Creating a PLCnext Engineer HMI application

5 Creating a PLCnext Engineer HMI application

5.1 General information

In PLCnext Engineer, you can create a HMI application with which you can visualize, mon-
itor and control your application on your controller.
A PLCnext Engineer HMI application contains one or more HMI pages with standard HMI
objects or predefined HMI symbols that are assigned to HMI tags. The HMI tags are used
to exchange data between the PLCnext Engineer HMI application and the controller.
A HMI tag is comparable to a HMI-internal variable. Each HMI tag needs to be assigned to
a global variable created in the project. This assignment enables the PLCnext Engineer HMI
application to access the global variables.
The data of the HMI application are automatically saved as project data. The HMI applica-
tion is part of the project. If a project is transferred to the controller, the HMI application is
transferred simultaneously (see Section “Transferring the project to the controller” on
page 40). In addition to the application logic and configuration and parameterization data,
the project includes all relevant HMI data. When using the web server of your controller, the
HMI application can be executed via a standard browser, enabling processes running on
the controller to be monitored and controlled.

Requirement for a You need a finished project for a PLCnext Engineer HMI application. Observe the informa-
PLCnext Engineer HMI ap- tion in Section “Creating a project” on page 13 here.

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5.2 Assigning HMI tags

Each HMI tag must be assigned to a global variable. To do this, proceed as follows:
• Click on the “PLC” node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the “/ PLC” controller opens.
• Select the “Data List” editor.
In the “Data List” editor, you can see an overview of all variables available in the project.
• In the “HMI column”, right-click into the input field in the row of the variable to be visual-
• In the context menu, select “Add HMI Tag”.

Figure 5-1 Adding a HMI tag

The HMI tag is created automatically. The name of the HMI tag is derived from that of the
associated variable.
• Proceed as described for other variables.

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Creating a PLCnext Engineer HMI application

5.3 Adding a HMI page

Proceed as follows to add a HMI page:
• Right-click the “HMI Webserver” node in the “PLANT” area.
• In the context menu, select “Add HMI Page”.
A new HMI page is added below the “HMI Webserver” node.
• Proceed as described for all HMI pages required.

Each HMI page can be assigned its own name. To do so, select the corresponding HMI
page in the “PLANT” area, press “F2” and enter the desired name.

Setting a HMI page as start Proceed as follows to set a HMI page as start page:
page • In the “PLANT” area, right-click the HMI page you want to set as start page.
• In the context menu, select the “Set HMI Page as Startup” entry.

5.4 User interface of the HMI page editor

The user interface of a HMI page editor offers additional functions. A HMI page editor in-
cludes a subeditor with an additional editor group. The “Settings” and “Dynamics” subedi-
tors are shown in the example.

Figure 5-2 User interface of a HMI page interface

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5.5 Designing HMI pages

Once you have added a HMI page, you can design the HMI page according to your appli-
cation requirements by inserting objects. Proceed as follows to insert objects:
• Click on “HMI” in the “COMPONENT” area.
• Insert the desired object by drag and drop into the HMI page.
In the subeditor, you can configure the inserted object. Observe the information in the online
help for PLCnext Engineer.
In the “Dynamics” subeditor, dynamics can be added to the object, which means that you
can change the behavior of the object.

Process data assignment Once you have designed a HMI page, you need to assign process data to the inserted ele-
ments. To do this, proceed as follows:
• Select the corresponding element in the “Main” editor.
• Select the “Dynamics” subeditor (for objects) or “Parameters” subeditor (for symbols).

For objects:
• In the “Dynamics” subeditor, click into the input field next to “Variable”.
The role picker opens.
• Select the relevant process data item.

Figure 5-3 Role picker for selecting the process data item in the “Dynamics” subeditor

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Creating a PLCnext Engineer HMI application

For symbols:
• In the “Parameters” subeditor, click in the input field of the “Source Value” column.
The role picker opens.
• Select the relevant process data item.

Figure 5-4 Role picker for selecting the process data item in the “Parameters” subedi-

• Proceed as described for all inserted elements.

5.6 Transferring the project image to the controller

To transfer the project to the controller, proceed as follows:
• Click on the controller node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the controller opens.
• Select the “Cockpit” editor.
• Click on the button (“Write project to Controller and start execution. (F5)”).
The project is compiled, transferred to the controller and executed.

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5.7 Executing the PLCnext Engineer HMI application

To execute the PLCnext Engineer HMI application, proceed as follows:
• Click on the controller node in the “PLANT” area.
The editor group of the controller opens.
• Select the “Cockpit” editor.
• Click on the button (“Launches default browser to display your HMI pages.”).
The start page of the PLCnext Engineer HMI application opens in your default browser.

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A Appendixes

A1 List of figures

Section 1

Section 2
Figure 2-1: Start page, “Empty AXC F 2152 project” project template .....................7

Section 3
Figure 3-1: User interface .......................................................................................9
Figure 3-2: Example for the “PLANT” area ............................................................10
Figure 3-3: Example for the Editors Area ..............................................................10
Figure 3-4: Example for the “COMPONENTS” area ..............................................11
Figure 3-5: Example for the Cross Function Area ..................................................12

Section 4
Figure 4-1: Setting the IP address range ...............................................................13
Figure 4-2: Setting the IP address automatically ...................................................14
Figure 4-3: Setting the IP address manually ..........................................................15
Figure 4-4: Setting TCP/IP ....................................................................................16
Figure 4-5: Selecting the network card ..................................................................16
Figure 4-6: Assigning online devices .....................................................................17
Figure 4-7: Successful assignment of the configured controller to an online device .
Figure 4-8: Connection to the controller was established successfully .................18
Figure 4-9: Role picker for selecting Axioline F modules .......................................19
Figure 4-10: Added Axioline F modules in the “PLANT” area and in the device list 20
Figure 4-11: Role picker for selecting PROFINET devices ......................................21
Figure 4-12: PROFINET devices in the “PLANT” area and in the device list ...........22
Figure 4-13: Selecting the network card ..................................................................22
Figure 4-14: Assigning online devices .....................................................................23
Figure 4-15: Successful assignment of the configured PROFINET device to an online
device .................................................................................................23
Figure 4-16: Role picker for selecting I/O modules ..................................................24
Figure 4-17: I/O modules of a PROFINET device in the “PLANT” area and in the

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module list ...........................................................................................25

Figure 4-18: Reading I/O modules of a PROFINET device automatically ................25
Figure 4-19: Selecting the programming language for the first worksheet ...............26
Figure 4-20: “Add Program” in the context menu ....................................................27
Figure 4-21: Creating variables for a POU (“Moving_Light_Prog” in the example
for the POU) ........................................................................................27
Figure 4-22: Example program in FBD ....................................................................28
Figure 4-23: Adding a code worksheet to a POU ....................................................29
Figure 4-24: Context menu for adding a function or a function block .......................29
Figure 4-25: Newly created function block in the “COMPONENTS” area ................30
Figure 4-26: Selecting the programming language for the first worksheet ...............30
Figure 4-27: Creating variables for a function block (“Moving_Light” in the example for
the function block) ...............................................................................31
Figure 4-28: Example code for a function block ......................................................31
Figure 4-29: Tasks and program instances in the “Tasks and Events” editor ..........33
Figure 4-30: Example: overview of all available variables .......................................34
Figure 4-31: Role picker for selecting process data ................................................35
Figure 4-32: Example: overview of all available process data .................................36
Figure 4-33: Role picker for selecting variables ......................................................37
Figure 4-34: Example: overview of all available IN and OUT ports ..........................38
Figure 4-35: Role picker for selecting IN ports ........................................................39
Figure 4-36: Role picker for selecting OUT ports ....................................................40

Section 5
Figure 5-1: Adding a HMI tag ................................................................................42
Figure 5-2: User interface of a HMI page interface ................................................43
Figure 5-3: Role picker for selecting the process data item in the “Dynamics”
subeditor .............................................................................................44
Figure 5-4: Role picker for selecting the process data item in the “Parameters”
subeditor .............................................................................................45

Appendix A

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