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ON THE SIDEWALK BLEEDING by Evan Hunter Questions

1. During the story Andy faced himself with internal conflict with himself.
2. Well in gangs you will always have like rivals or enemies so clearly the Royals are not liked by
another group or gang and that’s what got him hurt. He was wearing a piece of uniform you
could say and just by what he was wearing that cost him his life.
3. When he was dying, there was conflict over whether he should keep his gang identity or
whether he should just be himself, just Andy “Now, in the alley, with the cold rain washing
his hot body, he wondered about the meaning. If he died, he was Andy. He was not a Royal.
He was simply Andy, and he was dead.” Pg5
4. Well, these gangs clearly are known throughout this neighbourhood because of when
Freddie came up to help Andy, he then saw his jacket, “’No. Wait a minute.’ He knelt down
beside Andy.” ‘He’s a Royal,’ Freddie said”,” ‘I don’t want to get mixed up in this, he’s a royal,
we help him, and the guardians’ll be down on our necks. I don’t want to get mixed up in
this.’“ Then just by what he is wearing he dies and no one helps him.
5. Well he was stabbed in an alley way, which is understandable for an alley way. Its common
knowledge to not go in an alleyway in a busy area then stuff like this happens. And its just
unlucky cause people fear this area then they don’t go in there and they don’t find Andy.
6. He resolves the internal conflict within himself, he doesn’t want this jacket to define him has
a person he doesn’t want a label, he wants to be known as Andy.
7. Well him having Angela gave him hope for someone to come looking for him, and when
someone did come to find him it was too late hence the sobbing from Angela when she
found him.
8. People can often judge each others identities based on what they wear. If Andy walked
around without that jacket, people would just see him as an everyday person walking along
the street. Instead, Andy is judged instantly because of his jacket. In the end, this gang or
jacket cost Andy his life.

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