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6th grade Task 1.

Complete the sentences using should, shouldn’t and the verb in the list.

ask, call, do, drink, eat, give, lie, speak, take, watch, wear

EXAMPLE: You shouldn’t lie about what happened. It’s important to tell the truth.

1. I ____________________________ more vegetables, but I hate them.

2. You ____________________________ so many questions. You are going to get into trouble.
3. Parents ____________________________ medicine to their children without going to the doctor
4. I ____________________________ more exercise. I have gained some weight.
5. What kind of dress __________________ I _____________________ for tonight's ceremony?
6. You ______________________ John immediately. He needs to speak to you urgently.
7. Your children ____________________________ TV all day. Take them to the park sometimes.
8. It's raining. I think we _____________________________ a taxi.
9. You _____________________________ some water or you will dehydrate.
10. Children  ________________________ to strangers.
Task 2.
Complete the text with the words from the box using Past Simple.

ask, arrive, fly, go, pay, say, stop, take, tell, think, want

Two summers ago we 1. ____________________on a trip to New York. We 2. _____________________

from Manchester to John F. Kennedy International Airport. The journey was long but we were very
excited; we are from a little village and we really 3. _________________________ to visit a megacity like
New York. When we 4. ___________________________ at our destination, we 5.
________________________ a taxi to our hotel in Manhattan. The taxi driver was very nice and 6.
_________________________ us lots of things about New York and Manhattan.
"How much is it?" I asked the taxi driver when he 7. ______________________  his car in front of the
hotel. When he 8. ____________________  that it was 52 dollars, I 9. ___________________  that it
wasn't possible, but it was! For the first –and I hope the last– time in my life, I 10.
___________________________  52 dollars for a taxi. I guess that's one of the problems of big cities, they
are really expensive.
Task 3.
Complete the conversation using the words in brackets to make past simple tense.
1. Emma: Where ____________________________________ (you/travel) this summer?

2. Phil: We ____________________________________ (go) to Playa del Carmen, in Mexico.

3. Emma: Where ____________________________________ (you/stay)?

4. Phil: We _______________________________________ (stay) in a nice beach resort.

5. Emma: ___________________________________ (your children/like) it?

6. Phil: Of course! They ______________________________________ (spend) all week on the beach.

7. Emma: ___________________________________________ (be/you) there for one week?

8. Phil: Yes. We ________________________________________  (come) back last Sunday.

9. Emma: ____________________________________ (your wife/enjoy) the trip too?

10. Phil: Yes, she _________________ , although she _________________ (not like) the food too



Task 4.

Write the second (past simple) and third (past participle) form of these irregular verbs:

Example: be-was/were-been

1. TEACH- _____________-______________

2. BRING-______________-_____________

3. READ-_______________-______________

4. SPEAK-______________-______________

5. FORGIVE-____________-_______________


TOTAL ______/30

GRADE ______

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