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One impact of increased automation on the demand for labour would be

increased unemployment. This is because the automation in long-run will

lead to less physical labour in china. This will result in less demand for
labour, and higher demand for technology and machinery used, to produce
products. Workers who can work with machines are more productive than
those without them. However, this reduces both the costs and prices of
goods and services, and makes consumers feel richer. As a result,
consumers spend more. As a result, consumers spend more, which leads to
the creation of new jobs. Another impact of increased automation in China is
the increasing demand for machinery, which leads to more rms investing
into new technology, however, the more rms decide to re physical labour,
the higher the prices for machines will be. In addition, as a rm, you will have
higher production rates and increased productivity, more e cient use of
materials, better product quality, improved safety, shorter work hours, and
reduced factory lead times.

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