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Nowadays, “karaoke” becomes universal language with “Judo” and “Tsunami”.

In 1999, Time Magazine, an American magazine, chose ‘the top 20 most affective Asian to
the 20th century’. A Japanese called Daisuke Inoue was included in the list along with famous
people such as, Mao Tse-tung, Akira Kurosawa. Inoue is the person who invented karaoke.
Inoue has a job which is to play and match the singing of his customers in Kobe. One day,
one of the customers of the shop was saying that he wants to record the performance into a
tape because he was gong to have a business trip. That person was very happy after Inoue
helped him to record the pitch and speed of the sound that matches that person. With that
as a hint, Inoue made a machine, called 8 Juke, that includes only Inoue’s performance. In
1971, Inoue started a company that are lent to restaurants and cafes. This is the birth of
By the way, Inoue did not acquire the copyright in advance. Also, his company went
bankrupt because he lost in the technical competition with other companies. If he had got
the patent, he might have already become a monopoly.
There is no entertainment that is as enjoyable as karaoke regardless age, sex, geographical
location. From children to elderly, with families or friends. In the world, people, from
children to elderly, with friends or family, we group a group and look like becoming
enjoyable to sing. There are also people go to karaoke for diet. It is also being used to cure
heart disease in the US. Nowadays, karaoke is no longer only a machine but also the culture
that Japan boasts to the world.

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