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Interviewing skills

Instead of… Try this…

Being overly businesslike Be professional, friendly, warm
Listening silently Show you are listening ("I see,"
Compassion & empathy "Tell me more")
• Pleasant and welcoming attitude Wanting "just the facts" Seek out stories and
• Real interest in the customer's story emotions; try to understand how
• Patience the customer is feeling
• Curiosity
Worrying about timing Know the key questions in each
section in case you have run
short on time
Wanting to move past Listen to the customer, even if it
information you feel you already feels repetitive; let the customer
know, or that seems irrelevant speak

Assuming you know what to ask Take the time to write a clear
interview guide
• Knowing what you want to learn Planning to read from the Make it a more natural
• Acknowledging the beliefs and interview guide conversation by reviewing the
hypotheses you bring to the guide several times so that you
interview are very familiar with the topics
• Creating and internalizing a clear and sequencing
interview guide Assuming a customer's past Gather brief background details
• Familiarity with the customer's problems are not relevant on the customer so that you are
business and/or past product issues not surprised in the interview
• Letting the customer know what to

Allowing your mind to drift, Stay tuned in to what the

especially with a talkative customer is saying ("I see," "Tell
Focus respondent me more")
• Staying connected to the
conversation Taking detailed notes Take limited notes so that you
• Maintaining eye contact can maintain eye contact
• Listening closely and actively Simply moving from one question Probe for detail; link back to
• Probing for depth to the next earlier comments
• Following the customer's lead Feeling you need to ask every Stay within your timeframe; if
• Covering the most important question necessary ask only the key
questions you have questions in each section
Correcting a customer's Try to understand where the
misperception misperception comes from
Openness Explaining how your product can Only describe your product;
• Listen without interruption solve their problem don't sell it
• Acknowledge complaints and Promising to act on a complaint Listen to complaints (at the end
frustrations without correcting of the interview, you can
• Avoid selling acknowledge open issues and
promise follow-up)

© Vivian Harris & Todd Birzer

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