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A-6001 5/1 1/2021-cCS_1

Government of lndia
Ministry of Electronics & lnformation Technology
General Coordination Section _l
A-Block, CGO Comptex, Lodhi Road, New Dethi-110 OO3

Dated the 3orh January 2023

Subject: Reimbursement of telephone/mobile/BB bills to lhe non-enti{ed officers of NIC
for the year 2023-2024-regarding.

I am directed to invite the applications in the prescribed proforma enclosed herewith for
consideration of cases for grant of Telephone/lvlobile/Broad Band bill reimbursement
in lerms of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi
Office Memorandum F. No. 24(3)tE.Cootdt21l' dated 26th March, 2018.
While recommending the cases of the non-entifled officials, Controlling
Officer/HoD/Hoc/Slo/Head Data Centre should ensure that the officials are actuallt
required for reimbursement of mobile/landline/ broadband phone for ofiicial purpos;
and.,full justification may also be mentioned. Further, an undertaking duly
certified by concerned Administration regarding not -faciliti
claiming such
from any other source is also to be furnished by the applicant.

2. The applicalions will be scrutinized by a duly constituted Committee who will review
and recommend the cases for the reimbursement of mobile /landline/ broadband phone
Purely on functional basis.

3. The requests should be forwarded by the concerned Controlling efficer/HoD/Hoc/

SIO/Head Data Centre by post to The Seclion Officer, General Co;rdination Section-l
(GCS-|),4th Floor, NIC Hqrs., New Delhi immediately but in any case on or before
10.02.2023. No request for reimbursement will be considered afl;r expiry of the due

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(BaIraj Singh)
Deputy Director

Copy tol

1. All Hocsi HoDs at NIC Hqrs., New Delhi. )

2. All SIO's at NIC State Centres. ) Through digital portal
3. All DDOS )
4. O/o DG, NlCJor kind information ptease. )
5. Office copy
Proforma for submit the request for telephone
Fomat to submit requests for telephone bllls relmbursemert under 26010
of Sanctloned strength of Group .A, Ofncer as per Minlstry of linance OM.
No.24(31/E,Coord/2OO8 dated 26.O3.2O18:-

S. No. Name, Employee Divislon Place of Justiflcation

Code & Dealgnation Name Postinq
The officer is required to work on
continuous basis from office and
2. home both and is required to
coordinate with other
officers/outsource manpower/state
3. coordinators with regard to project
activities. It is essential that telephone
connectivity should be provided to
4. them as they are not getting such
benefits from other sources.






Controlling Omcer HOD HOG

1: The officials proposed to be granted telephone facility ol this OM will

give an undertaking duly certified by the Admn. Section Concerned to
process telephone bills that this facility is not being availed from any
other source.
2. Undertakingenclosed.


The Section Officer (cCS D, NICHQ

t hereby
undertake that the telephone facility granted to me is not availed
from aly other source.




Emp. Code_



Aforesaid undertaking is to be certified by section concerned who

process the telephone bills.

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