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Results and Discussions


In this chapter the researchers analyze, present, calculate, tabulate, and interpret the
collected data gathered by the researchers from the respondent.

Table of Perception using Socrative App

Table 1. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 students as classified according to profile

Strand Frequency Proportion Percentage

ABM 20 20:63 0.32 31.7%
HUMSS 33 33:63 o.52 52.4%
ICT 10 10:63 0.16 15.9%
Total 63 63:63 1 100%

Based on the table 1, the results of Frequency distribution of Grade 11 students as classified
according to profile that the most of the response of the student is coming from the strand of
HUMSS with the percentage of 52.4% and 15.9% of ICT students of Senior high school student
of Punta integrated school taking the subject General Mathematics participate to the conducted

According to Wissenschaft (2012), any involvement in a research study is entirely

voluntarily. You can choose not to take part for any reason. Additionally, you have the right to
refuse or you have the right to decline to answer the specific questions in the survey. You may
opt out even after you sign the permission form. Any decisions you made is not impacted if you
choose to decline to participate. If you are student, for instance, your teacher cannot use this
while establishing your grade. You can always refuse it if you don’t what to participate. It relates
to the study because other Grade 11 students also refuse to participate in this study.

Table 2.1. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-

16 by strand)

Imp_1 * STRAND Crosstabulation

0.32% of Total



Imp_1 Strongly Agree 7.9% 22.2% 11.1% 41.3%

Agree 12.7% 14.3% 3.2% 30.2%

Undecided 1.6% 3.2% 4.8%

Disagree 6.3% 9.5% 1.6% 17.5%

Strongly disagree 3.2% 3.2% 6.3%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Imp_1. Presents the summary distribution of the students perceptions in terms

percentages on the awareness to Socrative Application. For the verbal interpretation Strongly
Agree The highest percentage 22.2 % and Agree which is14.3% is coming from the strand of
HUMSS it means that this strand has the highest frequency of strongly agree that they are
familiar with socrative app. While the highest percentage for DisAgree is is 9.5% which has the
lowest awareness level, and it is coming also from the strand of HUMSS.

It implies that through Socrative application respondents are able to develop different
skill that are helpful for their learning, also they are aware about the socrative App and they can
understand it. This is found to be significat to the study of L.D Pratama and W. Setyaningrun
(2018) stating that that students who were exposed to the game-based learning within
problem-solving method, obtain positive effect on cognitive and affective aspects.

Table 2.3. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)

Imp_2 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_2 Strongly Agree 6.3% 19.0% 9.5% 34.9%

Agree 15.9% 25.4% 4.8% 46.0%

Disagree 7.9% 6.3% 1.6% 15.9%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6% 3.2%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 2, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
searched Socrative app from the Internet as another assessment tool option with the percentage
of 34.9% and 46%. (Strongly agree and agree), and the most proportion of the frequency are
coming from the strand of HUMSS, while The highest percentage that the respondent Dis Agree
is coming from the strand of ABM which has 7.9% . It implies that according to Reuben,1999
The use of games in the classroom promotes active learning, collaboration, and interactivity.
Table 2.3. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-
16 by strand)

Imp_3 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_3 Strongly Agree 7.9% 19.0% 7.9% 34.9%

Agree 15.9% 22.2% 4.8% 42.9%

Undecided 4.8% 9.5% 1.6% 15.9%

Disagree 3.2% 3.2%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6% 3.2%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 3, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that their attention and curiosity has been caught by Socrative app with the
highest percentage 19.0 % from the strand of HUMSS Strongly Agree while from the strand of
ICT 15.9% implies that games allow students to apply their knowledge in a different
context. Through mathematical games, students have the opportunity to discuss with their
peers freely and without fear the mathematics needed in the game.
Table 2.4. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)

Imp_4 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_4 Strongly Agree 7.9% 17.5% 6.3% 31.7%

Agree 17.5% 28.6% 6.3% 52.4%

Undecided 6.3% 4.8% 1.6% 12.7%

Disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 4, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that Socrative app Is a nice tool for the development of their spatial ability with
the percentage of 31.7% and the highest percentage for the verbal interpretation Strongly is
17.5% coming from the strand of HUMSS and 52.4%.highlight the strong point the indicator
"Socratic App is a nice tool for the development of the spatial ability" got the highest weighted
mean interpreted as agree,and the highest percentage for Agree is 17.5% coming from the
strand of ICT,it implies that through Socrative application respondents are able to develop
different skill that are helpful for their learning, also they are aware about the socratic app and
they can understand it. This is found to be significat to the study of L.D Pratama and W.
Setyaningrun (2018) stating that that students who were exposed to the game-based learning
within problem-solving method, obtain positive effect on cognitive and affective aspects.just
like the Socrative application as an assessment tool.
Table 2.5. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)

Imp_5 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Strongly Agree 7.9% 15.9% 9.5% 33.3%

Agree 9.5% 15.9% 3.2% 28.6%

Undecided 6.3% 14.3% 1.6% 22.2%

Disagree 7.9% 3.2% 1.6% 12.7%

Strongly disagree 3.2% 3.2%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 5, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that the lessons In Socrative app Is more easy to understand than traditional
teaching with the percentage of 33.3% and the highest percentage for the verbal interpretation
Strongly Agree is 15.5 % and it is and 28.6% agree and the highest frequency for the verbal
interpretation agree is 15.9 and its coming from the strand of HUMSS. As a facilitator you can
Quickly assess student understanding with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions, then
adjust your teaching based on the results.

Table 2.6. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_6 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_6 Strongly Agree 6.3% 15.9% 7.9% 30.2%

Agree 17.5% 27.0% 6.3% 50.8%

Undecided 4.8% 6.3% 11.1%

Disagree 3.2% 1.6% 1.6% 6.3%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 6, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that they can solve mathematical equation using Socrative app with the
percentage of 30.2% and 50.8%. (Strongly agree and agree). For the highest percentage of
verbal interpretation Strongly Agree is coming from the strand of HUMSS that has 15.9%, and
for Agree it came from the strand of ABM It means that students find integration of Socratic
app as an assessment tool gives them a good experience by the enjoyment and benefits it bring
to the students. This finding agrees with Lynch (2020) stating that game-based learning
experience enables the students to engage with the class and the teacher – this is a much more
effective and enjoyable teaching method.

Table 2.7. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_7 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Strongly Agree 11.1% 27.0% 11.1% 49.2%

Agree 15.9% 17.5% 4.8% 38.1%

Undecided 3.2% 3.2% 6.3%

Disagree 1.6% 3.2% 4.8%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 7, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that using Socrative app Is a good learning system for everyone with the
percentage of 49.2% and 38.1%. (Strongly agree and agree). The use of games and innovative
pedagogical applications by teachers may be useful for improving students' attitudes toward
mathematics (Afari, Aldridge, Fraser, & Khine, 2013) And socrative app are easy to create and
download. Create your own and use them as many times as you need. Since they are graded
automatically in real time, you’ll spend less time grading assignments and more time catering to
the needs of your group.

Table 2.8. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_8 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



\ Strongly Agree 11.1% 25.4% 9.5% 46.0%

Imp_8 Agree 17.5% 19.0% 6.3% 42.9%

Disagree 3.2% 6.3% 9.5%

Strongly disagree 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 8, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that teachers was able to assess and make a follow on what I have learned
using Socrative app with the percentage of 46% and 42.9%. (strongly agree and agree). The
answers of each student Is accessible to teacher in order to asses their progress. Base on the
study by Kickmeier-Rust, Hillemann, and Albert (2014), to The application utilized gaming
principles, such as scorekeeping. Tasks As a teacher you can easily visualize student
understanding in the moment student results. Student instantly submit answers and feedback
directly to the instructor

Table 2.9. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_9 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_9 Strongly Agree 9.5% 22.2% 9.5% 41.3%

Agree 19.0% 20.6% 6.3% 46.0%

Undecided 3.2% 3.2%

Disagree 3.2% 4.8% 7.9%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 9, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and ICT
majority agreed that teachers can track and check their scores to assess their progress with the
percentage of 41.3% and 46%. (strongly agree and agree). The accessibility needed for an
assessment tool to see if there's an Improvement or none. According to Kickmeier-Rust,
Hillemann, and Albert (2014), to The application utilized gaming principles, such as
scorekeeping. Tasks As a teacher you can easily visualize student understanding in the moment
student results. Student instantly submit answers and feedback directly to the instructor
Table 2.10. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-
16 by strand)

Imp_10 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_10 Strongly Agree 9.5% 22.2% 9.5% 41.3%

Agree 19.0% 20.6% 6.3% 46.0%

Undecided 3.2% 3.2%

Disagree 3.2% 4.8% 7.9%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 10, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and
ICT majority agreed that Socrative app helps them to get the point with ease and understand
the topic of the discussion with the percentage of 41.3% and 46%. (Strongly agree and agree)
Learning the system Is the first step to be expertise on something. According to Taclay's study
recommendation to use of mathematical games into the presentation and discussion of
Geometry lessons so that students will be able to comprehend and internalize the
mathematical concepts, resulting in a higher grade.

Table 2.11. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_11 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_11 Strongly Agree 11.1% 17.5% 9.5% 38.1%

Agree 14.3% 22.2% 6.3% 42.9%

Undecided 3.2% 3.2% 6.3%

Disagree 3.2% 4.8% 7.9%

Strongly disagree 4.8% 4.8%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 11, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and
ICT majority agreed that they enjoy answering mathematical equation as well It helps them to
get better scores than traditional teaching with the percentage of 38.1% and 42.9%. (strongly
agree and agree) The boredom of students In traditional teaching fades because the
competitive presence of the app. According to these researchers during the process of learning
mathematics, children who play games acquire new ideas, reinforce them through practice,
hone their mathematical skills, and develop problem-solving techniques (Ernest, 1986). The use
of games and innovative pedagogical applications by teachers may be useful for improving
students' attitudes toward mathematics (Afari, Aldridge, Fraser, & Khine, 2013)

Table 2.12. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_12 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_12 Strongly Agree 11.1% 20.6% 11.1% 42.9%

Agree 14.3% 20.6% 4.8% 39.7%

Undecided 4.8% 7.9% 12.7%

Disagree 1.6% 1.6% 3.2%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

Base on lmp 12, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and
ICT majority agreed that they can use Socrative app Independently also It motivates them to do
the activities with the percentage of 42.9% and 39.7%.(strongly agree and agree). Seeing ones
progress incite their will to compete to others or to pass the task given by the Instructors. The
game plays a significant role in children's number-related thought and in initiating and
maintaining mathematical communication (TrawickSmith, Swaminathan, & Liu, 2016) In the
course of a game, the communication established by the children may heighten their
mathematical awareness.

Table 2.13. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)
Imp_13 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_13 Strongly Agree 12.7% 19.0% 11.1% 42.9%

Agree 15.9% 25.4% 4.8% 46.0%

Undecided 3.2% 3.2% 6.3%

Disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Strongly disagree 3.2% 3.2%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

In the table above, it presents the tabulation of data gathered from the respondents of the

study based on their thoughts about using the Socrative App in class that said to promotes

collaboration in every activities they have. As on the table, it proves that students under three

strands (ABM, HUMMS, and ICT) agreed that Socrative App really promotes collaboration with

the percentage of 42.9% and 49%.(strongly agree and agree). In connection with that, there’s a

qualitative study in United Kingdom proving how Socrative App helps to increase students

engagement and collaboration with the data that 53% of students were improved better in

managing their learning experience (Dakka, 2015). Moreover, based on the same study by Dakka

it came up to a conclusion that using the Socrative App in this time where technology are

dominating the world, it’s better that students were open to used the app in studying especially in

higher education because students learning must also coincide with the progress in science and

Table 2.14. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)

Imp_14 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_14 Strongly Agree 9.5% 22.2% 12.7% 44.4%

Agree 22.2% 22.2% 1.6% 46.0%

Undecided 4.8% 4.8%

Disagree 1.6% 1.6% 3.2%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

For the Imp 14, the respondents of the study give a rating of 44.4% and 45% with an
interpretations of Strongly Agree and Agree. With that rating the respondents or senior high
school students accept the idea that using Socrative App is efficient and effective in assessing
their performance in school. As a fact that Socrative App is system generated assessment tool
and can’t be easily tampered by anyone. Also, in other country like in Jamaica they are using
Socrative App or System as part of their teaching tools for their students especially at this
moment that were facing the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic in our educational system.
According to a study by Prof. Lennox Stanley Brian Francis from the University of the West
Indies at Mona (2021), the result of using Socrative App or system in his class revealed that
students become appreciative in using the app as it presented results of their performance
correctly and hows the app can be used in teaching that make an engaging way to assess students
fairly and secure.

Table 2.15. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)

Imp_15 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_15 Strongly Agree 6.3% 25.4% 11.1% 42.9%

Agree 15.9% 15.9% 4.8% 36.5%

Undecided 3.2% 6.3% 9.5%

Disagree 6.3% 3.2% 9.5%

Strongly disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

As presented in the table above, it illustrates that majority of the respondents of the study agreed
that Socrative app can present lessons without the Intervention of the teachers with the
percentage of 42.9% (Strongly Agree). However, students under the HUMMS strand got the
highest percentage of saying that they strongly agree to the Imp. 15 with 25.4%. The result
shows that they agreed that using Socrative App is more open and accessible in terms of viewing
lesson however, the students under HUMMS strand was bond as a whole to agree with statement
because they were close in using the App especially in their class that fundamentally concept or
subject matter based. Nevertheless, the used of the Socrative App were used by different
educators nowadays because it can be assessed for free or with premium account that open wide
opportunity for both teachers and students to assess and review lessons. As based on the review
page of Marianne Rogowski (2018), the advantage of using Socrative App was to assess the
performance of the students with their quizzes, test and exams. Moreover, according to her the
app create more doors for fast and reliable student response and reviewing of past lessons before
having an assessment.

Table 2.16. Frequency distribution of Grade 11 as classified according Imp (1-16 by strand)

Imp_16 * STRAND Crosstabulation

% of Total



Imp_16 Strongly Agree 7.9% 20.6% 12.7% 41.3%

Agree 19.0% 22.2% 1.6% 42.9%

Undecided 4.8% 6.3% 11.1%

Disagree 1.6% 1.6%

Strongly disagree 3.2% 3.2%

Total 31.7% 52.4% 15.9% 100.0%

From the table, it revealed that using Socrative App of students from different

strands of Senior high school it became user friendly because it easy for them to adapt

and cope with using the app with a given percentage of 42.9% for their agree response.

Then, only 3.2% said that the app is not that user friendly to them specifically to

HUMMS students. To relate that results, a study made by Alsuni and Latif from Faisal

University claimed that using the application of Socrative create a positive impact to

students performance because 87% of the students responded positively to used the app

as the activities created by it was fun, promote collaboration even online and make them

felt motivated with a ratings of 85%, 84%, and 71% positive responses respectively.

Furthermore, the app was said to as an easy-to-use tool to generate discussions and assess

the degree of understanding of their students and Socrative significantly enhanced exam

performance of students (Alsuni & Latif, 2020 ).

Based on lmp 16, statistically proven that the three strands such as ABM, HUMMS and

ICT majority agreed that Socrative app Is user friendly and to adapt and cope with, with the

percentage of 41.3% and 42.9%. (strongly agree and agree)

Table 3. The level of association between profile and perception

Table 4. Interview with teacher

Strongly Agre Disagree Strongly Weighted

Agree e (2) Disagre Mean
(4) (3) e
I improved my teaching 1 1 3.50 Strongly
performance with online Agree
assessment learning
I used Socrative applications 2 4 Strongly
to assess the performance Agree
of my students.
I encouraged my students in 2 4 Agree
the Socrative applications.
I was inspired to use the 1 1 2.50 Agree
Socrative applications.
I was satisfied with the use of 2 3 Agree
Socrative application in my
online teaching.
I used Socrative applications 1 1 2.50 Strongly
to make teaching easier. Agree
It was difficult to use 2 4 Agree
Socrative applications with
an unstable network
Mean 3.36 Agree

Table 4 illustrates the perception of the teacher in using the Socrative application in terms of

assessing the performance of the students. In all, three indicators obtained a weighted mean of 4,

which is regarded as strongly agree, and the lowest weighted mean is received by the fourth and sixth

indicators, but it is still deemed a good answer since it has a mean of 2.50, which is verbally translated

as agree. It garnered a grand mean of 3.36, which was regarded as "agree." The results show that the

two teachers in Punta Integrated School are satisfied with the use of Socrative Application as an

assessment learning tool.

As based on the review page of Marianne Rogowski (2018), the advantage of using

Socrative App was to assess the performance of the students with their quizzes, test and

exams. Moreover, according to her the app create more doors for fast and reliable student

response and reviewing of past lessons before having an assessment. In line with Zhang

(2020) Due to poor online teaching infrastructure, instructor inexperience, the knowledge gap (i.e.,

limited information and resources for all students), and the complicated home context, employing

online learning apps might provide obstacles. This agrees with the study of Kulal and Nayak (2020)

stating that aside from lack of proper training, technical issues and glitches are the factors affecting

teachers’ performance in class.

It is also found that because of technical issues, teachers fail to deliver lessons properly.

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