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F = m * g, where the mass of an object is greatly affected by acceleration and by gravity,

represents the force exerted on the mass of the object. where g actual is the actual
acceleration due to gravity at the location where the experiment is conducted and g
Anticipated is the Anticipated acceleration due to gravity in the F = m * g equation. If the actual
value of g has a relevant difference from the anticipated value, then that can only mean that
the estimated percentage error will be altered.

To calculate the error the formula that will be used:

Percentage Error = (|g Actual Value – g Anticipated value| / g Anticipated value) * 100%

Now in this example, If the anticipated value of g is 9.80 m/s2 and the actual value is 9.9 m/s2,
the error may be computed as follows:

Percentage Error = (|9.9 - 9.80| / 9.80) * 100% = 1.02%

If the actual value of g is 9.70 m/s2, then the relative error percentage would be:

Percentage Error = (|9.70 - 9.80| / 9.80) * 100% = 1.02%

For the conclusion of g the percentage error has no significant effect on the difference
between the actual and anticipated values of g. it is always proportional to the difference
between the actual and anticipated values of g.

4. In order to get the resulting force we need to divide the forces into their x and y components
and sum them to obtain the resulting force.
The angle between the 2 N force and the horizontal axis is 1, and the 3 N force's angle is 2.
Trigonometry can determine the x and y forces:
2 N force:
2 cos(1); 2 sin(1)
3 N force: x component: 3 cos(2)
3 sin(2)

The force is fond by adding the x and y components:

Rx = 2 cos(1+3).
Ry = 2 sin(1)+3 sin(2)
R=sqrt(Rx^2 + Ry^2).

to get angles 1 and 2 we need to get the total of angles around a point which is 360 degrees.
The only forces on the ring are the 2 N and 3 N forces, meaning that the angle and resulting
force will total up to 180 degrees.
θ1 + θ2 = 180 \s θ2 = 180 - θ1

This yields:
Rx = 2 cos(1)+3 cos(180 - 1)
Ry = 2 sin(1)+3 sin(180 - 1)
Simpler formulae yield:
Rx = 2 cos(1-3)
Ry = 2 sin(1)+3 sin(1).
Rx=-cos(1). 5 sin(1)
R = sqrt(Rx^2 + Ry^2) = sqrt(cos^2(1+25)).

The horizontal component of the resulting force is zero, thus we can use that to find.

Rx = -cos(1) = 90 degrees.

This yields:

R = sqrt(25) = 5 N.
The result of the force in this situation is 5 N, the same as the highest permissible force in Part
1. As the two forces have different angles, the resulting force has a distinct direction. Compared
to part 1 the two forces were at 150 degrees and 60 degrees to the horizontal axis. Now, they
are at 0 degrees and 270 degrees. Even if mass and size are equal, the displacement and
direction of the object will differ

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