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Wood End Infant & Pre-School

Redbridge, Stantonbury,
Milton Keynes, MK14 6BB
01908 316424
Headteacher: Claire Wilson BA Hons NPQH

Tuesday 12th May

RE: School opening 1st June

Dear Parents,

I am writing regarding the Prime Ministers announcement on Sunday that schools may reopen on June
1st in a phased manner beginning with Foundation, Year 1 and Year 6.

We have now had further clarification from the Government and for infant schools the phasing is to
begin with Nursery aged pupils (aged 3 and 4) and Foundation with a view to bringing remaining year
groups in a month before the summer holidays.

If you have a child in Foundation or Nursery age a member of Wood End staff will contact you to
gauge your feelings on returning your child to school to aid us with our planning.

I am sure many of you will have concerns, worries and questions around returning your children to
school. School for now will not look the same as it did before we closed. We are expected to maintain
social distancing where possible and keep children in small groups with no mixing between groups,
this will affect how we deliver the curriculum for example we will not be able to teach phonics in the
way we usually do. Break times and lunchtimes will be staggered so children do not mix outside of
their small group. The likelihood is there will be staggered start and finish times to enable social
distancing at the beginning and end of the day. It is possible your child will be in small group with an
adult who is not their usual teacher. It is unlikely we will be able to offer Breakfast Club at this time.

Staff ratios will be a factor when looking at what hours and schooling we can offer. Health and Safety
of my staff and your children is my utmost priority. The Government have made it clear there will be
no penalty (financial or otherwise) for parents who choose to keep their children away from school
due to COVID-19.

At all times we will adhere to Government advice and this could change at any time.

When I have worked with my team to finalise arrangements I will be back in touch.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Wilson


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